[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Tri/Quad Frostbolt Totems Hierophant - Strong League Starter!
Hey LNB, I just started playing POE less than two months ago and I have already watched most of your videos! Thanks for all the good info!@
I have been leveling up this build and it's going well. there was a choke point at cruel lab where I needed the extra totems to do enough damage but couldn't beat Izzy in the third stage. **EDIT** I am finding that most of my chars get to about 80 and in tier 4 maps and get kinda stuck. I dont get enough currency from them to upgrade into the really good gear needed to progress. Is this a common issue? do Indeed to just grind it out? I am hopping this build will get me over the hump :) Thanks again for your contributions to this community :) Edit: Removed this cause I realized that you mentioned it in the video! "I am thinking of dropping clarity and instead using a https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Clear_Mind not sure if it will work as you have mentioned that mana can be an issue later on. We'll see." แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย wowisdown#2067 เมื่อ 14 พ.ย. 2017 00:05:40
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Just here to say that Uber Lab was a piece of cake at level 90 with level 20 gems and an averagely rolled 5led Taryn's. That's all. Unless you have TRULY garbage gear, then yeah, it's gonna be hard, but that goes for most builds.
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guys sorry for the noob question but why does my frostbolt ball shooted by the totems are just blue and not black as in the video and guide
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lvl 71. just killed kitava and did my first t1 map. bought the staff second day in the league for 10 chaos.
for ascendancy skills i think it's better to go for 4 totems right away then take the power charge/endurance charge generator and lastly the extra 10% mom effect. it's not needed until red maps or later so it makes good sense to take it after eternal lab. i had no mana issues with 4 totems after cruel lab. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kompaniet#2874 เมื่อ 16 พ.ย. 2017 12:41:53
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" Because Lifting purchased the MTX mod to make them that way. you can buy it yourself if you like... I actually find the lighting from the paid version is annoying to my eyes... all preference though :) |
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Lvl 86 in turmoil. Was about to do eternal lab and go for lvl 90 but i'm just dying all the time trying to get some exp for lvl 87 in t11-12 maps so i give up now.
The problem is random one shots and no sustain/recovery. Expecially things that take some time like breachlords. It took all 6 portals to kill lvl 70 tul. The weakness of totems in general becomes glaringly obvious. Worked so so in yellow maps. Tul breaches are usually an instant death though. Have not survived many. Totems get chilled/frozen and then it's all over. I have a feeling breaches in general are responsible for 75% of all deaths. It was alright for what it could do. Reaching yellow maps and farm some currency in white maps. But i wanted to push for lvl 90 and that was my mistake. Lifting was correct. Single target damage is very lackluster. It's a pain to unlock maps on the atlas. But i'm done now. See you all in mayhem. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kompaniet#2874 เมื่อ 19 พ.ย. 2017 14:57:23
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Reached lvl 90 and t12 maps during turmoil with almost no effort and investment.
Spent 10 chaos for unique gloves Winds of Change but found out I didn't like the reduced movement speed. Next time I'll use the unique amulet Karui Charge instead. Also spent 20 chaos for the rest of the gear : 6L 100% incr crit staff / all res capped / shitty life on gear (but enough to get to 4.7k and 480 ES at lvl 90) and enough dex to lvl up projectile weakness to 18. Was playing SC so I chose to take the ascendancy offensive nodes (4 totems and charges) and that was the right thing to do. Didn't even bother to do eternal lab. Leveling was so easy, no issues at all with gear or socket colors. Every gems used are blue and red and you get plenty of intel and strength in skill tree. Mapping in general was really easy, fast and safe. 5L staff can handle all maps until t10 with ease. Map bosses range from really easy to somewhat annoying. The easiest ones get perma frozen by your totems and with the most annoying ones you'll have to dodge attacks and run in circles while dropping totems and curse. Most of the time you stand on one side of the arena and drop your totems on the other side and recast them when they die. Overall, bosses encounters are pretty easy but they don't die fast, it's stated clearly in the guide. It's not that long though, they die in less than 1 min usually. Survivability is OK but you should not go mapping without 1 instant life and 1 instant mana flask. Requires a lot of dodging if you run into packs without having your totems ready but when you get used to it you will drop your totems before you can see the packs and mobs will be dead when you get to them. Nice build, great (and honest) guide, had fun with it, will probably do it again as a league starter in 3.1 (but let's see the full patch notes first). แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย iktose#1771 เมื่อ 21 พ.ย. 2017 12:40:51
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Dude, you can't be serious... You are complaining about dying in T11/12 maps, but running all offensive flasks (no Basalt or Rumi's, no seething life/mana flask) and skipping the defensive ascendency. What did u expect to happen? Yes this build works great on budget gear, but you cant blast into T10+ on it. It's ok to get "divine guidence" only in cruel lab, if you play SC, but "convivtion of power" should be last. I did uber lab at lvl 80, which was fine... just get someone to kill Izaro for you. After this mapping gets really smooth. Include "enfeeble" in your CWDT setup if u do not got a pandemonious. This helps surviving unexpected mops immensly. After u got a pandemonious (yes they are expensive, but you can just buy a Halcyon and a blessing of tul, which saves about 40c) things get really save, since everything is frozen and blinded. If you then use 2 vaal haste, mapping even gets rather fast. Also, you have to play it as a totem build (surprise), so no solo running ahead, but placing totems where u wanna go next. |
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" Meh i don't think getting 10% increased mom effect is suddenly gonna make tul breaches manageable. The plan was to get cloak of defiance first to test if there was a big difference but i never did that. A build that has to depend on flasks is not a good build to begin with. Didn't need a mana flask. I have auto mana refill via my helmet and that worked well. The charachter is in standard now. Can test some stuff you suggest. I agree completely with one thing you say: this build works great on budget gear, but you cant blast into T10+ on it. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kompaniet#2874 เมื่อ 24 พ.ย. 2017 03:44:43
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Can we farm vault with the boss with this gear ?
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