[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Tri/Quad Frostbolt Totems Hierophant - Strong League Starter!

can this be done in SSF standard league?
My only concern for this build is how well is it gonna do in 3.1.0 War for the Atlas. I would love to see the update to this build for 3.1.0. If it isn't gonna be that great due to the nerf to MoM then I will go looking for another build or just make one of my own.
This build can defininetly be run in SSF.
Up till T10 maps u can pretty much run it with random rares. Make sure to farm floras gift div cards for 5 link staff and for later, farm the 6 link div cards.

The MoM nerf doesn't hurt too much I guess, since it only affects the mana pool, but not MoM ratio itself. You still get a hughe amount of flat mana from ascendency (150 if I'm not mistaken) and you can stack it on gear too, which might be a good strat now, as well as mana regen. Instead of a pandemonious u can easely run a mana regen amulet wit 100+ % regen.
Will this build be good still after 3.1? I'm looking for a fast map clear build and liked this one.
I want to try this build, but maybe add something for singkr target? Blade vortex maybe if I drop a totem.
alexviz เขียน:
I want to try this build, but maybe add something for singkr target? Blade vortex maybe if I drop a totem.

Since this is a totem build without using leech mechanics this would be a pretty bad idea, especcialy because BV requires u to stand directly next to the target. The only way to get this 3 totem strat to work would be by loosing a 4-link utility setup and getting your hands on a elder/shaper item and using a ranged skill. Just selfcasting FB would be less efficiant than a 4th totem.

A possible option I see, would be to switch to glacial cascade with 2 of the new threshold jewels. This would drastically reduce clear speed though, so you should only concider it for endgame bosses with good gear.
DoomCarpace เขียน:
My only concern for this build is how well is it gonna do in 3.1.0 War for the Atlas. I would love to see the update to this build for 3.1.0. If it isn't gonna be that great due to the nerf to MoM then I will go looking for another build or just make one of my own.

It's not a huge nerf.
One thing I'm thinking about for similar MoM builds is if cloak of defiance actually becomes more useful, as the nodes behind MoM aren't as strong you could skip the whole cluster. Eventually you would probably want to take them, but as a real late game option.
But could go full 50/50 MoM, maybe use a healthy mind jewel for a better health/mana split.Use mindspiral maybe (Capping res gets trickier though)
Hey guys!

From the OP:

"What's new in 3.1?

The build is viable without any major changes for 3.1 War for the Atlas.
The only "real" difference we will notice is having slightly less mana due to the nerfs to the nodes behind the Mind Over Matter keystone.

This build is still a strong choice to start out in the Abyss league."

Best of luck in Abyss bruhs!
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What if i use the third Frozen Trial Jew ? Is it worth ?
Like everyone else im looking for a leauge starter...

Are the unique juwels kind of needed to make this work hard / expensive to get in a new league?



