[3.9] Windz's Generic Miner Sabo (Arc/Pyroclast focused)

danielixos เขียน:
Hey, got a question, what's better arc/pyroclast combo or maybe arc + kaom's heart for more life? Thanks and have a nice day.

I have the same question because I saw people running only arc and also only pyroclast. It's "annoying" using two type of mines at the same time, would be nice to just use one.

heyhomes69 เขียน:

This leads on to next question about detonation sequence, is spamming D like a headless chicken at bosses the wrong way to go about miner right now? Should I be casting 23 mines first and pressing DDDD over and over for max dps? Or do I just press mines + D, mines + D, mines + D spam over and over on boss? Or do I lay out 23 mines wait for skitterbot to detonate the first mine, then just keep adding mines without pressing D?

Hopefully someone can help me understand some of this, struggling to get my head around it for my league starter

Personally I spam mines + D while mapping with Arc and when its a boss (and metamorph bosses) I try to cast all mines possible first and then burst the damage and they melt quick.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย MiguelFg#3451 เมื่อ 16 ธ.ค. 2019 00:31:50
Baddsoul เขียน:
Anyone have any thoughts on using Phase Acro over Wicked Ward?

I was thinking the same thing. I'll probably try it later this afternoon.

I'll report back when I get a feel for it.
Any ideas on how to build a LL variant of this? Obviously presence + shavs but what about auras, etc?
I'm thinking about dropping arc setup and wearing Kaom's Heart for extra fire and life and just going YOLO Pyroclast...
MiguelFg เขียน:
I'm thinking about dropping arc setup and wearing Kaom's Heart for extra fire and life and just going YOLO Pyroclast...

You should still weapon swap for arc in my opinion. You are obliterating your clearspeed if you do that.

I weapon swap to stat sticks right now to buff Pyro, but the ideal scenario would be to have a 2nd multimod staff for Pyro and run Kaoms.
~ twitch.tv/animeprincess ~ everything was beautiful and nothing hurt ~
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย xsnowingx#1952 เมื่อ 17 ธ.ค. 2019 11:40:27
What are the priority gear upgrades / where is the best investment in currency see?
xsnowingx เขียน:
MiguelFg เขียน:
I'm thinking about dropping arc setup and wearing Kaom's Heart for extra fire and life and just going YOLO Pyroclast...

You should still weapon swap for arc in my opinion. You are obliterating your clearspeed if you do that.

I weapon swap to stat sticks right now to buff Pyro, but the ideal scenario would be to have a 2nd multimod staff for Pyro and run Kaoms.

Yeah, maybe something like that, one staff for clearing and a swap for pyroclast and just wear kaom's to benefit life and fire damage for single target...

Or maybe just drop Kaom's and go for Carcass Jack/Loreweave/Cloack of Defiance
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย MiguelFg#3451 เมื่อ 17 ธ.ค. 2019 13:02:21
seems to work well but u must change tree a little bit and go for life nodes
Is gc still viable choice if we go ll route?
I am working toward my endgame weapon and belt atm, was wonder which type of damage should i scale, Fire or lightning?

I have -9 to Fire resist and pyro enchant for my helmet, and I currently doing t11-12 map, and 5 link arc for tremor rod is doing ok, not sure should I focus all damage in the pyro though



