[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Hey everyone, I'm still leveling this MS build and I don't really understand why my onslaught and innervate don't seem to proc. I've connected herald of ice>innervate>onslaught>blood rage in my helmet, activated the herald of ice and when I'm killing stuff with MS there are no buffs on the top-left side of the screen, except for herald of ice icon. What am I doing wrong?
Am I missing something? Where do you get the endurance charges from for IC?
I have a weird problem.
Doing low tier Maps with blade flurry works like a charm. I got BF in a 5L Setup and breeze through the maps, bosses take like 10 - 30 seconds.

With molten strike in the recommended 6L setup i cant kill anything. Even yellow mobs take 1 minute and more and because im doing so little damage i cant heal up. I used 1 Wild Fire Jewel for this and passive point in point blank.

I guess there is some weird unwanted synergy between MS and something in my gear.

I would love some input on this - cause i just spent 30 C on a corrupted chest i cant use for BF
ChristoperWalken เขียน:
Should the CWDT - IC - LG gems be 20/20 or was this a typo? I'm relatively a new player and I've always seen that you want a CWDT setup with CWDT at lvl 10 max?

Do whatever level you want, lower level just means it takes less damage taken to proc it. But if you get to 5000+ life a level 20 CWDT is very ok imho.

xxxfatal1tyxxx เขียน:
Hey everyone, I'm still leveling this MS build and I don't really understand why my onslaught and innervate don't seem to proc. I've connected herald of ice>innervate>onslaught>blood rage in my helmet, activated the herald of ice and when I'm killing stuff with MS there are no buffs on the top-left side of the screen, except for herald of ice icon. What am I doing wrong?

Are you using Ele. Focus in your clear setup? Because there is a reason it is only used in single target. With Ele. Focus you can't freeze or shock, that in turn prevents your HoI from proccing Onslaught or Innervate.

seishirosakura เขียน:
Am I missing something? Where do you get the endurance charges from for IC?

You don't need ENdurance Charges for IC... They just increase duration. Without Inc. Duration support and Endurance Charges it will still safe your ass from getting killed by burst damage.

@GornoDD: Might want to change the re-added budget section. Why use the bad old jewels if you can get insane damage boosts from cheap 1-2c Abyss jewels. I am talking 20% more damage with one jewel you can get for a handful of chaos. Something like 80 flat ele damage from one jewel is not that hard.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mecielle#3021 เมื่อ 13 ธ.ค. 2017 18:35:10
Which is better for claw, flat or % leech?
i so fuckng triggered right now, wtf is better, budget or "how to gear" session??????
because "my gear" now its the same as "budget 3.1"
Hey guys, for those of you struggling with leveling through the acts: Dual wield if you haven't already done so.

The guide may want to emphasize it in the leveling section, but yeah there's no point in using a shield while leveling. Like, go buy a second 1h weapon from any vendor and just slam it with an alch if you have to. It's a significant damage boost, and that's what you want to prioritize when leveling.

You should never have to spend too much time on poe trade just to make it through the acts with a well curved build, which this build is, it's just not super clear that dual wielding is what some folks were missing.

I have exactly same problem. From what I have gathered I seems that when I land hit on creature the lava projectiles do absolutly no damage and I don't have smalles clue why. I was testing it even with bare Molten strike. It is visible in situation when you have MS+AC support, you can see enemies bathing in lava and their health bars don't even pop up.
FuinhaRastejante เขียน:
i so fuckng triggered right now, wtf is better, budget or "how to gear" session??????
because "my gear" now its the same as "budget 3.1"

Think for your fuckin self for a second? What do you think is better?
@GornoDD: Probably you misunderstood most of the players as of the price discussion on items: It seems you play in standard mode ... most of us play abyss Season, so we don't have currency left from the last season ;)


Anyway: Can someone still gimme a hint, what is important on claws beneath attack speed and crit ... is it more important to have high physical damage or is it more important to have higher add xy to xy fire/cold/lightning damage (and which one is more important for that build)? Or is all of that not really important?

Sry, never ever played with claws ... so i have absolutely no clue as the "damage" seems pretty low on claws.

While i'm leveling, just found some claws, but if i equip em, my other one hand weapons do way more damage (at least the number it says under offence ... sure the one hand sword if found is kinda good for my lvl 25 ...



