[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

having so much fun with this build atm, thanks a lot, I have a question tho, after the crit transition I don't understand where should I put the second wildfire jewel since we lose the last strength node we need for it when we get rid of resolute technique, if someone could help me with this thanks

EDIT : my bad, devotion have +20 strength...
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย MadTemplar#0489 เมื่อ 13 ธ.ค. 2017 20:15:05
Mecielle เขียน:

xxxfatal1tyxxx เขียน:
Hey everyone, I'm still leveling this MS build and I don't really understand why my onslaught and innervate don't seem to proc. I've connected herald of ice>innervate>onslaught>blood rage in my helmet, activated the herald of ice and when I'm killing stuff with MS there are no buffs on the top-left side of the screen, except for herald of ice icon. What am I doing wrong?

Are you using Ele. Focus in your clear setup? Because there is a reason it is only used in single target. With Ele. Focus you can't freeze or shock, that in turn prevents your HoI from proccing Onslaught or Innervate.

I don't use ele focus, if you have time you could probably go through my itemization and skills, but I haven't found anything that blocks herald from proccing
I am having the same issue as fatal1ty, and I do not have Ele Focus equipped.
Maybe you skilled Resolute Technique?
Whats your critchance?
When you are leveling you will probably have not that much crit and therefore you wont have a constant uptime.
As soon as you reach ~30%+ you wont have problems with onslaught uptime.
blade furry lvl 21/20% rip
np moltem strike so op
Anyone can help me?I token the old leveling skills guid and now i have to respec a lot of points and i don't know for where i have to restart the skills.Specially the respec close the devotion
Maybe you skilled Resolute Technique?
Whats your critchance?
When you are leveling you will probably have not that much crit and therefore you wont have a constant uptime.
As soon as you reach ~30%+ you wont have problems with onslaught uptime.

Ya I did get Resolute technique because it's on the builds skill tree. I was just following it. Should I not get it? Was that there for the blade flurry and not changed for molten strike?
Nevermind I just didn't read further on where the skill tree changes. My bad. So ya I will get rid of Resolute Technique pretty soon. Thanks.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย drummer88#7888 เมื่อ 13 ธ.ค. 2017 21:50:09
sry misread his last answer ;)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mydgard6#5964 เมื่อ 13 ธ.ค. 2017 22:22:59
xxxfatal1tyxxx เขียน:

I don't use ele focus, if you have time you could probably go through my itemization and skills, but I haven't found anything that blocks herald from proccing

Tell us, how should we do that as you have blocked to take a look at your chars ;)



