[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Just want to say I love this build. Would Shroud of the Lightless be a viable replacement of Belly of the Beast? Then do 5 link Molten Strike -> Added lightning damage -> Multistrike -> Ancestral Call -> Concentrated Effect. Switch out Ancestral for Ele damage w/ attack and Concentrated effect for Elemental Focus for boss fights. Or something along those lines.
AcidSkull เขียน:
Just want to say I love this build. Would Shroud of the Lightless be a viable replacement of Belly of the Beast? Then do 5 link Molten Strike -> Added lightning damage -> Multistrike -> Ancestral Call -> Concentrated Effect. Switch out Ancestral for Ele damage w/ attack and Concentrated effect for Elemental Focus for boss fights. Or something along those lines.

Naw, ele pen isn't that useful because of the ascendancy. Plus you lost a crap ton of life, something this builds actually needs (and can't really get from the tree without offsetting the trade-off).
Deliver pain exquisite
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Moethelion#5998 เมื่อ 28 มี.ค. 2018 20:16:28
Added lightning Damage vs Elemental focus: when should we use one over the other ?
FlamingShawnzie เขียน:
WetLock เขียน:
Hey guys..

Loving this build, but seem to strugle abit with surviability.
Anyone that have a look at my build to see if they can see what iam doing wrong, or what items that should be the next to upgrade?
Got quite a amount of currency to upgrade gear from.

Thanks alot! :)

A big thing that'll help is that your claw should be one with a Life Gained on Hit implicit, not one with physical leech.

Thanks alot for the response!
That totally helped me out!! :D
ingame name - WetLock
So, I've been trying to kill shaper and uber atziri, but I'm dying a lot.
Can anyone take a look at my gear and help me find what to improve?
Have read the forum this morning and a lot of people are criticising my double taming rings. I am new to this game, however to me it seems that they are really solid rings for ele damage plus provide 30% all resist each. I have checked the "How to gear your character" guide and I agree that probs they don't suit the build as they don't have very important thing called "life". However why are they bad in terms of damage? Those rings each add +30% ele damage and +30% ele dmg with attack skills. Two rings add like 120% ele dmg. Yes because of the concentrated effect something gem I can't cause elemental ailments which means that those ignite/shock and other stuff which adds another 20% dmg boost each won't proc, but still in total both rings add like +120% overall dmg. This is insane boost! I looked through all possible rings that exist in this game and did not find anything even close to this. How is that not better than authors rings in terms of dmg? Really confused here.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย omega7457#2200 เมื่อ 29 มี.ค. 2018 03:13:00
omega7457 เขียน:
However why are they bad in terms of damage?

They aren't. But look at what you're getting:

A T4 ele dmg roll. Opals can double that with a prefix alone. Not to mention the 25% implicit from the base. An Opal can bring more than double the raw ele damage. That's two rolls. It can also hold flat ele damage or crit chance. Then on top, have a boatload of life.

This build has plenty of damage from the tree. In fact, there is more left on the table even if you leveled to 100. There's absolutely no shortage of it from the tree. But life, now that's another matter. The only available life nodes on top of the basic clusters are around Constitution and then Hired Killer. A 5% life node gives about 100 HP. That's actually not a lot given that most damage clusters costing 3-5 can give from 8% to 13% MORE damage.

If you want to run a 5k life build go ahead. But there is a point where surviability trumps damage. In end game battles, you'll get one shot unless RNG is in your favor and you have perfect game play. Not everything is about tanking a Shaper beam. There are so many variables that having 7k life and some layered defenses is worth far more than even another 20% damage.

It just comes down to building smart and using the available pool of slots on your gear to compliment the build's tree. The Taming are solid rings, but are nothing to a godly rolled Opal or Diamond Ring (though I feel Opals edge them out).
Deliver pain exquisite
I see. Thanks. Looks like I will have to sell tamings and rebuild my gear again. This is going to be 4th time of me remaking it. If I add up everything that I got in my stash plus proceeds from tamings I will have around 5.5exa. Now I suppose I can keep belly, helm, lycosidae, abyss socket belt, and I like my shoes as well. Now I am wondering am I gonna be able to regear the rest for 5.5 exa. If you could please glance at my gear and advice me what to change first to be able to stick within my budget I would really apreciate it.
I cannot for the life of me figure out how I'm doing such a small amount of damage in comparison to you. Looking at the PoB numvers I have about a tenth of your dps at level 89. Even at full build and with a watcher's eye and a phys claw I still don't even come close. Can you please look at it? I've spent like 2 hours straight in PoB trying to figure it out.



