[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Hermus9 เขียน:
Hi, I have problem with survivability, dying on guardians pretty much, what is wrong in my gear, ty for reply, 6300 hp

I think ur claw is low DPS, Quicksilver flask is useless , gloves (tombist) and belt with abyss slot are better...

who are using this trick to attack in place??

To maximize your Lightning Strike Experience you have to do this little trick, wich allows you to always attack in place:
Go to your Input Settings and search for "Attack in Place". Now take one of your numpad numbers for it. After that you need every time you log in on your char this:
hold down your number number you choosed and deactivate the numpad. Now you have always "Attack in Place" Enabled. ;)

I spent almost 90 exalts gearing my templar and following this build. However, survivability is severely lacking even on T12-T13 maps and is nowhere as "advertised". Molten Strike covers most of the screen and ruins FPS (and my PC is high-end, running PoE at 144fps constantly. In Breaches, with spamming Molten Strike it goes down to 15-20 FPS, which of course is not the fault of this build, but if you wanna try it, have this in mind).
The guide itself is pretty bad and confusing at points (at one point, you have to respec full tree because nods are connected in such way that you have no other option!).
This build is RIP for me and I just stripped this char of gear and put it on trade. Good luck all!
general2906 เขียน:
I spent almost 90 exalts gearing my templar and following this build. However, survivability is severely lacking even on T12-T13 maps and is nowhere as "advertised". Molten Strike covers most of the screen and ruins FPS (and my PC is high-end, running PoE at 144fps constantly. In Breaches, with spamming Molten Strike it goes down to 15-20 FPS, which of course is not the fault of this build, but if you wanna try it, have this in mind).
The guide itself is pretty bad and confusing at points (at one point, you have to respec full tree because nods are connected in such way that you have no other option!).
This build is RIP for me and I just stripped this char of gear and put it on trade. Good luck all!

It saddens me that your not having a good time. But I never advertised anything, cause im not selling a product. THis guide is not making me money in any form. I share my personal build here with all of YOU.

I cant really tell what went wrong, cause I cant even see your gear. If you die all the time I assume you did what most people did, they ignored my advice to stack as much life as humanly possible on EVERY SINGLE PIECE. Your damage will never be too low, even if dont have any dps stats on your entire gear.

I cant really help you with the fps issues. My computer is extermly old, almost 8 years. Got GTX 660 and a i7 2600k and 8gigs of ram. Running the game on an first geneartion samsung SSD. I have no frame drops of any kind on a 120fps monitor at 1080p at almost maxed settings, even in an Breach on Alluring Abyss.
sirdec เขียน:
who are using this trick to attack in place??

To maximize your Lightning Strike Experience you have to do this little trick, wich allows you to always attack in place:
Go to your Input Settings and search for "Attack in Place". Now take one of your numpad numbers for it. After that you need every time you log in on your char this:
hold down your number number you choosed and deactivate the numpad. Now you have always "Attack in Place" Enabled. ;)


Yep tried it and it works fine thanks ;)
I spent something around 15 ex top in this build. Most expensive part here is Farrul's Fur (8 ex) and Lycosidae (3 ex, bought it before price drop). I know that Belly will give more HP, but I'm lazy to sustain power charges through Orb of Storms. Everything else was bought for relatively small price: Tombfist and Bubonic Trail were bought for 1.5 ex both. Everything else, including claw, costed me 2.5 ex at most. I have 5.2k life and I don't have any real problems with survivability on red tier maps. BTW, my claw have only 150 eDPS and its more than enough for most content. At least, I can do red elder in 4-man party. Solo he just melts. Still haven't tried guardians and Shaper, but I doubt there will be any problems.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย NetBurst#5936 เมื่อ 29 มี.ค. 2018 16:47:46
what kind of jewells should i buy ?
general2906 เขียน:
I spent almost 90 exalts gearing my templar and following this build. However, survivability is severely lacking even on T12-T13 maps and is nowhere as "advertised". Molten Strike covers most of the screen and ruins FPS (and my PC is high-end, running PoE at 144fps constantly. In Breaches, with spamming Molten Strike it goes down to 15-20 FPS, which of course is not the fault of this build, but if you wanna try it, have this in mind).
The guide itself is pretty bad and confusing at points (at one point, you have to respec full tree because nods are connected in such way that you have no other option!).
This build is RIP for me and I just stripped this char of gear and put it on trade. Good luck all!

I played this build last league with quite low currency investment (except for 6L Belly <3ex and I didn't have such a good time. But I was still able to do T15 maps with ease and guardian maps with not as much problems.)

But I really got to defend OP here.

He clearly states under Cons (which you should ALWAYS check first before considering a build) that you have to read the guide to know what you are doing.

Your FPS issue is most likely due to you not having multithreading activated.

The guide is REALLY EASY to understand. If you really have to respec a lot on the tree - except for the Point blank nodes, which he states in the guide - you have done something really really wrong.

And: if you manage to die a lot with 90ex investment (which I do not believe): you are either really incompetent or.. no, that's the only option.
=> I am currently Lvl 72 and can do T15 maps. And I spent less than 25ex on the build. Just as a little comparison.
I didn't see it anywhere in the guide but are there any other skills we can use instead of MS? I'd love to use wildstrike but I'm not sure what the ideal links would be or if it's even viable. I've taken down red elder rather easily with this so far, just wanted to mix it up.
Moemed เขียน:
I didn't see it anywhere in the guide but are there any other skills we can use instead of MS? I'd love to use wildstrike but I'm not sure what the ideal links would be or if it's even viable. I've taken down red elder rather easily with this so far, just wanted to mix it up.

Wild Strike, Reave and Frost Blades are pretty much a straight swap.
Deliver pain exquisite



