[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Hey guys,

I managed to get lucky with annulment orbs and ended up with this. I've never been a high end item crafter so I was hoping for advice on what to do with this. If I lack the currency is this actually worth anything to sell? Would love to get lucky enough to craft attack speed and other elemental damage on this for my Templar. Thanks!
general2906 เขียน:
I spent almost 90 exalts gearing my templar and following this build. However, survivability is severely lacking even on T12-T13 maps and is nowhere as "advertised". Molten Strike covers most of the screen and ruins FPS (and my PC is high-end, running PoE at 144fps constantly. In Breaches, with spamming Molten Strike it goes down to 15-20 FPS, which of course is not the fault of this build, but if you wanna try it, have this in mind).
The guide itself is pretty bad and confusing at points (at one point, you have to respec full tree because nods are connected in such way that you have no other option!).
This build is RIP for me and I just stripped this char of gear and put it on trade. Good luck all!

LoL. You just kidding. I spent around 4+4+2+2+1 ex for this build and I NEVER die before uber elder. On them you need to perfect know all mechanics. On my 3 try I die only once and it was my fault.

The one of the best build. T16 maps just trash with 8 mods. Never die on any guardian.
first time in my PoE life i killed the shaper lvl 88 6.3k life
and got

died 4 times becouse i didnt know the mechanics fully
I noticed that the pastebin for POB goes for Claw of the pride instead of Primeval force, the one under ''leveling your character'' lvl 116 three.

I wonder which one is the best? With my gear, Primeval force seems to give me more damage for molten strike. Is it the same for you guys too?
could you take a moment to take a look at my build and let me know why my damage sucks?
Marvin "Big Peepee" Hernandez
elite12 เขียน:
could you take a moment to take a look at my build and let me know why my damage sucks?

your jewels add damage to "Dagger" but you are using "claws" ^^

your rings should either be giving crit chance or ele dmg or both + life + resis

you should get a lycosidae and a ele claw with atleast 1.85 atk speed and 7.8 crit chance,
better would be 2 atk speed and 8% crit chance + ele dmg

you havent skilled many jewel slots in your tree and as far as i can see your just using one Molten strike jewel instead of two.
feelthepain เขียน:
Any tips for Uber Elder fight? I simply cant survive the fight. I tried going in with purity of ice instead enfeeble(not sure that was a good idea but enfeeble didnt seem important against spells and i could tank melee attacks) + cold resist flask + kaoms root but still couldnt survive. I'm very happy with this build, I'm pretty new to the game and this is the first season I'm seriously enjoying the game and managed to hit to end game. Clear speed, boss damage etc. everything is fine but I cant survive spells. My profile is public if you want to import to PoB. Any tip is appreciated.

Look on my gear. I taking that as additional gear on Uber Elder:

I killed the last one with only one relog. The main idea: always be aware of balls, kill portals and octopuses. Make priority on movement and avoiding projectiles rather making PDS. Control black holes. It is really hard for mealy build but practice makes it real.
_Tiem เขียน:
Moemed เขียน:
I didn't see it anywhere in the guide but are there any other skills we can use instead of MS? I'd love to use wildstrike but I'm not sure what the ideal links would be or if it's even viable. I've taken down red elder rather easily with this so far, just wanted to mix it up.

Wild Strike, Reave and Frost Blades are pretty much a straight swap.

And where do we put those, they are different color than MS, so just gem swap is not possible, do you just wear another pair of boots or drop some gems and do it on 4 link?
how at you have received the attacks in a second 8,77? look please at my profile. what can you advise that?
how viable is this still? want to respec my inquisitor if its still face tank shaper?



