[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

L1L_I3E4R_NoScope เขียน:
digitalspenz เขียน:
Guys does enchant on glove increases mana consumption of molten strike? I never went out of mana until I enchanted on hit on glove.

No, it shouldn't. Glove enchants proc on a condition and don't use mana. Did anything else change around the same time?

yeah i was wrong. i went back inside map and found out there is no mana/life regen mod embedded. But i never noticed this before because i can still leech from enemies really really well. this is the first time i ran out of mana, the only thing that changed from my gear was the glove with enchant on hit thing. but then again, there's always the first time i guess.
guys how do we transition into Physical claw plus watcher eye combo? do we also change all our gears into physical damage that includes rings, amulet, and jewels. Do we use steel rings from that point instead of opal rings for example?
Kohoutekkk เขียน:
_Tiem เขียน:
Moemed เขียน:
I didn't see it anywhere in the guide but are there any other skills we can use instead of MS? I'd love to use wildstrike but I'm not sure what the ideal links would be or if it's even viable. I've taken down red elder rather easily with this so far, just wanted to mix it up.

Wild Strike, Reave and Frost Blades are pretty much a straight swap.

And where do we put those, they are different color than MS, so just gem swap is not possib

le, do you just wear another pair of boots or drop some gems and do it on 4 link?

Just use a 4L on boots. Wildstrike-wed-ancestral call-multistrike. If you dont have enough damage (abyss jewels give us most of our damage), replace enfeeble with wrath and use the watchers eye that gives 100% crit chance while affected by wrath. You can then use 3r3b molten strike on chest and dont have to worry about ancestral call positioning on bosses.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย skoupidi#7737 เมื่อ 1 เม.ย. 2018 08:38:04
TheAnderson เขียน:
feelthepain เขียน:
Any tips for Uber Elder fight? I simply cant survive the fight. I tried going in with purity of ice instead enfeeble(not sure that was a good idea but enfeeble didnt seem important against spells and i could tank melee attacks) + cold resist flask + kaoms root but still couldnt survive. I'm very happy with this build, I'm pretty new to the game and this is the first season I'm seriously enjoying the game and managed to hit to end game. Clear speed, boss damage etc. everything is fine but I cant survive spells. My profile is public if you want to import to PoB. Any tip is appreciated.

Look on my gear. I taking that as additional gear on Uber Elder:

I killed the last one with only one relog. The main idea: always be aware of balls, kill portals and octopuses. Make priority on movement and avoiding projectiles rather making PDS. Control black holes. It is really hard for mealy build but practice makes it real.

I killed it at second fragment sets last portal today and it was REALLY hard to stay alive. Elder is fine, its like any red elder fight, its the shaper that is killing me. Orbs literally one shot my char.(only single orb is enough to one shot 6.8k hp) I used Purity of Ice instead Enfeeble+Blasphemy, Wrath without Watcher'Eye(I dont have one and didnt seem too important to me since damage wasnt the problem) frost resist flask, charge bot, and Kaom's Root.

If you can manage to stay alive, everything melts including shaper/elder and portals/adds. I have bit of a currency I can spare, I wanted to create a RF build just to kill uber elder but since I can do that on this char. I want to upgrade my gear. What should I upgrade especially for Uber Elder?

My PoB link : https://pastebin.com/sRCH7hkT
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย feelthepain#2215 เมื่อ 1 เม.ย. 2018 11:38:51
Awesome build really helping me through the league.

Just got dropped my first exalt, what item would you recommend I get for this build (if any)!

Thanks in advance!
Do people still play the Legacy BF version?

Having a hard time deciding if I wannu play BF or MS :/.

Any Pros and Cons between the two?
need advice for upgrade.
my PoB
what should i upgrade next? budget 8ex
can craft aspect of spider on ring, but wrath do more dps.
ledji เขียน:
need advice for upgrade.
my PoB
what should i upgrade next? budget 8ex
can craft aspect of spider on ring, but wrath do more dps.

Since Kaom's Roots is a must on Uber Elder, get more res on the rest of ur gear so u can fit em in.

Also, better claw.
Hey :-)

have one question

i have now Lycosidae

so i can quit resolute technique or ?


Hey :-)

have one question

i have now Lycosidae

so i can quit resolute technique or ?

Yes you can mate



