[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Levelling up your character will get you a larger life pool, and transitioning from a tabula to a 5L belly of the beast would help a lot as well (gives you armour and evasion, as well as the life bonus). Looking at your rare gear, your rings and amulet could give you a lot more life - if you're finding the build a bit of a glass cannon, rebalance your gear away from the DPS mods you're running currently towards more life, armour and evasion. I would also highly recommend a staunching flask.

Playstyle-wise, the build can seem like a bit of a glass cannon if you're not attacking things - the life gain on hit gives us almost all of our sustain. Try to shield charge in as fast as you can to proc fortify, and throw your balls at them like your life depends on it! :D

Best of luck

Changed my claw to one with life on hit instead of life leech and got a 5link belly. Made a world of difference. I think mainly the life on hit implicit. Thanks for the advice.
Can I use elder amulet with "gain of physical damage as extra fire damage" and adds physical damage?
НAZE เขียน:
Can I use elder amulet with "gain of physical damage as extra fire damage" and adds physical damage?

You can use whatever you want to but ask yourself how much physical damage you deal and then think how much will you benefit from such mod.
Changet my gear... How about now is it better? PS: 0 currency more for now :D
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Pompeoo#7468 เมื่อ 14 เม.ย. 2018 19:29:04
to all those, "can you check my build" people:

its so an awesome an easy build to clear everything on a farely low budget.

But even I get the feeling (and i did not create this build so i can't imagine how OP must feel) that nobody even reads ANYTHING thats explained in the first post.

It is so ridiculously easy to check whats wrong with items / skills / links usw if you just read the first post. Really EVERYTHING you need to know is explained. And those "can you check my gear i dont know whats wrong" where most of the time its so clearly what is wrong and u just have to check the specific section in the very first post... i dont get it.

Have people stopped thinking for themselves? I mean when people asked why the damage is low and complain about not being able to run t10+ maps. And the claw has like 1,8 aps, below 7% crit and all together 120 dps or smth. Why are you wondering??? Even stat priority is explained. It is even explained why it is explained in this order... Can't people just read the section?

Sorry for the little rant ^^
Thx again for this great, perfectly explained build!
Uber elder on first try with 2 death only.
So next league I'll try the MS UNDENIABLE-JUGG version ;)

Yeah...so I just want to say thank you for the awesome build, front page info, and helpful posts in this thread. I just finished act 10 Kitava and 1st map and have to say..I blew thru every level and every bit of content from level 1 to 68..w/o any lull or slow down anywhere. And char is stronger now and than anytime while leveling. Not a single thing the entire time posed a problem ( well maybe innocence but he is bitch and doesn't let you attack face to face LOL . What a fun build and can't wait to get to mapping. Again..thank you.
Thanks for the great build and

Im using this 304eledps claw. I was thinking, should i get 200-250 ele dps claw and get T1 attackspeed and T1-T2 critical chance? Is that better or should i use my claw ?

appreciated !
try uber elder, rip 2 sets, nice build
brabi81 เขียน:
Thx again for this great, perfectly explained build!
Uber elder on first try with 2 death only.
So next league I'll try the MS UNDENIABLE-JUGG version ;)





