[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

I'm looking at the videos and I don't understand how molten strike doesn't cost any mana. Can someone explain this to my simple brain?
Zombie_Chewbacca เขียน:
When you ppl start reading guide you will figure what you're lacking. Your gear is far away from OP's. Ammy is so so..everything else is mediocre at best :)

Real eye opening there bud. I did read the guide. Multiple times. Instead of being snide why not just point out the issue. Like holy shit.

sorry, but either you haven't read the guide or u are just not following it. Either way... if you really read it, you can figure out in like 10 seconds on EVERY piece of gear what is lacking...
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย smon2k#6792 เมื่อ 18 เม.ย. 2018 12:34:45
I just wanted to post to say that this build is amazingly fun so far, at level 46. I've leveled a few alts in the past couple of weeks with the standard suite of leveling uniques, but this guy is on an entirely different level. I'm dual wielding brightbeaks as a shield is pretty unnecessary so far along with a thief's torment, and melting bosses in 3-4 seconds despite being two levels below the monster level. Throw in the silly attack speed making leapslam a ton of fun and it's ridiculously fast compared to anything else I've done.
Hey. Would like to get some critique/pointers on my current gear. Im scaling it as phys, hopefully im doing it right. Hard to tell from PoB, but is a flat ele dmg amulet better than my current? If scaling as physical, can i just swap out AC and put in melee phys support for single target?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Essem#3340 เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2018 17:21:24
I'm curious, where did you guys put your elder's orb?
hi friends, i am kinda new in this game, what does [20/0] gem and [1/0] gem means?
galgox1 เขียน:
hi friends, i am kinda new in this game, what does [20/0] gem and [1/0] gem means?

It is the quality of the gem I guess. Adding quality to a gem gives you an additional bonus(It is important when you start to look at each bonus for every gem)
Dexteriss เขียน:

It is the quality of the gem I guess. Adding quality to a gem gives you an additional bonus(It is important when you start to look at each bonus for every gem)

More specifically, The two numbers are the level and the quality respectively. So a [20/0] gem means a gem at level 20 with 0% quality. A [1/0] gem would be at level 1 with 0% quality.
thanks! but why is he using a [1/0] Orb of Storms? a gem lvl 1 with 0% quality?
galgox1 เขียน:
thanks! but why is he using a [1/0] Orb of Storms? a gem lvl 1 with 0% quality?

Because you are using orb of storms only to get power charges, so you don't care about that stats that are given by the level and/or quality.



