[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Has anyone looked at running a similar build stacking armor instead of eva/dodge? I've been wanting to try out Loreweave or Craiceann's Carapace, and neither of those really synergizes with Acro.

I realize it would require a pretty drastic re-structuring of the passive tree to make it work. I'm just wondering if anyone has done that comparison already to see whether it's viable so I don't have to slog through it on PoB myself. :D
Xenithos เขียน:
Its worth watcher's eye that increased 40% lightning damage if my claw does elemental damage specially? Or abyss eye jewel better?

No. An abyssal eye jewel would be better than that. Watcher's eyes in this build only have two useful buffs WHEN running WRATH. Critical strike chance, or physical damage conversion. Because you're using an elemental claw, conversion stops mattering, the best option is critical strike chance if you have the budget and don't feel like you crit reliably enough yet. http://poe.trade/search/etekikatamoihu

swllyra เขียน:
Hi everyone!

This build is going good so far and I'm able to do T10 maps with no trouble. For gloves, I have a 2 socket tombfist waiting for to be used once I get the jewels. Can you please check my gear and make suggestions regarding endgame items, especially in jewellery part? Maybe also any gem suggestions.. Any advice will be highly appreciated!

(Bestiary) Jewels:http://poe.trade/search/etutokomisiasi (Feel free to tweak numbers, the moment you start hitting around ~380-420% critical strike multiplier, then elemental damage with attacks will almost always be an increase in damage much higher than crit multiplier. Crit multiplier is cheaper though than well rolled ele damage jewels with life.

I would REALLY focus on getting good rings with 50-60+ minimum life, or use a level 6 Elreon's to craft life onto 90+% resistance rings that have an open prefix. You're lacking life on a lot of your gear, and if you have a tombfist, you might as well be using it over the gloves you're using. (They have no life, and really aren't that great). Equip as many abyss jewels as you can with ele damage.

ALSO, your claw! I really, ABSOLUTELY recommend buying a 220-250+edps claw off poe.trade with an attack speed of 1.8 or higher, and a crit chance of 7.8 or higher. You can find those here: http://poe.trade/search/sanosasanohuse

Furthermore, your flask choices slightly confuse me, but to clarify something the original poster of this guide did: He gets a shock removal diamond flask because he also uses a vessel of vinktar (which shocks you, making you take a considerable portion of extra damage - his shock removal stops vessel of vinktar's bad effects!). Because you don't yet have a vessel of vinktar,the shock roll isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing. And your poison roll on the onslaught flask is absolutely unnecessary. Warding (curse removal) or attaching the bleed or freeze removal to that flask and dropping the extra hp pot for either a vessel of vinktar or a defensive jade flask or a quicksilver makes more sense to me. Just one bubbling or seething life flask for emergencies with bleed or freeze removal is needed.

Thank you for your comments and links that you dropped! For the flasks, I'm planning to buy a vinktar when I have the currency. I just checked that budget gear section and saw the silver flask with poison immune, that's why I went for it. For the claw, I should just drop watcher's eye jewel and go for an elemental claw. My amulet and and gloves lack of life and also resistences. I think my rings have life but they lack resistences. I'll try to focus the points you made. Huh, much to work on with :) Thanks again!
Xenithos เขียน:
Its worth watcher's eye that increased 40% lightning damage if my claw does elemental damage specially? Or abyss eye jewel better?

No. An abyssal eye jewel would be better than that. Watcher's eyes in this build only have two useful buffs WHEN running WRATH. Critical strike chance, or physical damage conversion. Because you're using an elemental claw, conversion stops mattering, the best option is critical strike chance if you have the budget and don't feel like you crit reliably enough yet. http://poe.trade/search/etekikatamoihu

Thanks for your input.
Is this a good option too for the watcher's eye ?

"Damage penetrate (10 - 15%) lightning resistance while affected by wrath"

Our critical strikes ignore resistance, but the non-crit ones penetrate 10 % due to inevitable judgement. Getting another 15 % is useful or not ?
Pacificator77 เขียน:
Xenithos เขียน:
Its worth watcher's eye that increased 40% lightning damage if my claw does elemental damage specially? Or abyss eye jewel better?

No. An abyssal eye jewel would be better than that. Watcher's eyes in this build only have two useful buffs WHEN running WRATH. Critical strike chance, or physical damage conversion. Because you're using an elemental claw, conversion stops mattering, the best option is critical strike chance if you have the budget and don't feel like you crit reliably enough yet. http://poe.trade/search/etekikatamoihu

Thanks for your input.
Is this a good option too for the watcher's eye ?

"Damage penetrate (10 - 15%) lightning resistance while affected by wrath"

Our critical strikes ignore resistance, but the non-crit ones penetrate 10 % due to inevitable judgement. Getting another 15 % is useful or not ?

I bought two watcher's eye. 40% increased lightning damage while using wrath , and 80% increased critical strike chance while using wrath.

And pob tell that i have more dps with increased lightning damage.

So either one of them does more damage than an abyss eye in my char.
I still need to try the one that penetrates elemental resistance.

Sorry for my poor english
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย IIIBORTXIII#2027 เมื่อ 23 เม.ย. 2018 20:36:10
Though that would technically improve the non-crit damage, I personally wouldn't bother and I'd go for crit chance or not at all. (get that crit from ~60% to 70%!) (I personally just use two heralds rather than Wrath and just stack a ton of ele damage jewels.) However, something to consider is that the lightning penetration you commented on (IF I'm right) shouldn't just penetrate resistances of the offhand hits, but it will also add more lightning damage to the critical striking ones too for bosses and mobs etc. (Basically, you pierce all enemy resistances, so you're doing 100% damage, piercing an additional 15% means you're doing 115.)

I could be wrong though, the build melts everything without watcher's eyes which is why I usually don't bother.
procproc เขียน:
Has anyone looked at running a similar build stacking armor instead of eva/dodge? I've been wanting to try out Loreweave or Craiceann's Carapace, and neither of those really synergizes with Acro.

I realize it would require a pretty drastic re-structuring of the passive tree to make it work. I'm just wondering if anyone has done that comparison already to see whether it's viable so I don't have to slog through it on PoB myself. :D

I've looked at it, never actually done it as it seems sub par. It's still viable simply because of how insane you can get things, however you're going to be looking at using elemental swords and sticking more to the left side of the tree and getting the sword multi portions as well as true strike still.
Good luck if you choose to go for that... You'll also want to build around using all charges at once (as in add in endurance if you can)

Here's a sample tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.2.2/AAAABAUBAADuApYEswYgBqILYQxSD6sUdRUgFr8X3Bm0Gjgj9iSLJP0mlScvKk0s6S2DMHwxsDWSN0c31DrYPC0_J0VHR35KfUrITZJRR1FMVUtVqVb6V-Jbr1-wYENh4mVNZlRnoGhYaPJqAWqTa6xuPW6qb55wUnKpdKB3B3fXd-V7w31bfyuCm4MJg1-DzITFhXuGs4cTh3aJ04nYiq-MNo19jbmQEZBVkm6XtJu1nHucpKIApMKouaxHr2yxfLXytz68Vr02voC-p8BmwzrD5sT2xq7KSsv10nzUUteW2L3cvd0N4XPjn-cP51TsOO0g7T_tYfAf-d39bv4K_94=

If you are using Brass Dome or prefer not to get indomitable, Grab Faith and Steel, Endurance charge, Combat Stamina, and or the evasion jewel slot at bottom. Enjoy. OR Grab Overcharged for party play. :)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Xenithos#3163 เมื่อ 24 เม.ย. 2018 01:37:04
This might be interesting for those who were wondering how/if bestiary league's items work with this build

My current gear:

Jewels from gear:

Jewels from tree:


- Soul of Lunaris
- Soul of Gruthkul / Soul of Yugul / Soul of Ryslatha (depends on map)

My stats are:
- HP: 5.4k
- Tooltip DPS in HO:
a) 310k (all frenzy/power charges, flasks, ancestral protector, blood rage, ice golem, the aspect of the cat(cat's stealth bonus))
b) 260k (all frenzy/power charges, flasks, ancestral protector, blood rage, ice golem, the aspect of the cat(cat's agility bonus))

Note that it is without Vaal Haste activated (which gives me the onslaught buff due to watcher's eye), intimidating cry buff and bonus damage on blinded enemies (from the helmet)

I was able to complete almost all the content deathless:
- all maps (157/157) (re-roll element reflect only)
- atziri (haven't tried uber atziri yet)
- all unique maps (including Hall of Grandmasters, vaal temple)
- all elders (except Uber Elder - still trying to get last Shaper's Orb)
- all guards
- Shaper
- all bestiary bosses
- breachlords (Tul, Xoph, Ash; working on Uul-Netol and Chayula)
- lich (abyss)

Though, I'm not sure that I will be able to kill Uber Elder without death. We shall see :)

I got pretty good single target boost once I replaced heralds with wrath+watcher's eye + Belly of the beast(4r2b) by Farrul's Fur(3r3b)

1) Enchants (get +3 projectiles on the helmet, lightning damage on boots and maybe something on gloves)
2) Jewels (get better rolls on murderous eye jewels)
3) Claw (current claw has 230ele dps, 1.85aps, 7.81crit; would be nice to get one with 300+eledps, higher crit chance and multiplayer)

Other than that everything looks good (at least for me) even though I have pretty low hp.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย gAmmi#4284 เมื่อ 24 เม.ย. 2018 14:54:51
Xenithos เขียน:
Badtwo เขียน:
Level 78 and doing T8-9 maps easily. My question has to do with Tombfist gauntlets..I want to add then as they are bis, however when I put them in P.o.B. my Maligaro's are still doin better dps than them..thinking perhaps it is because P.o.B. is not calculating the 2 gem slots ? Or maybe they become better and surpass Maligaros at a higher level?

You're close to the level that those should start being equipped (you should have all critical strike multiplier on the tree and critical strike chance already), and the moment you've reached ~400% critical strike MULTIPLIER then those gloves are far better. See those gloves with two sockets should be calculated by POB, maybe you haven't equipped anything in the abyssal sockets (they're located above the usual open jewel slots in the items section, near the belt itself actually) but each of those abyssal sockets can add attack speed, ele damage with attacks, or of course, more critical strike multiplier and crit chance. It could just be that your overall crit chance isn't high enough that PoB sees a net improvement because POB Averages EVERYTHING. :)

Crit multi is at 310%...crit multi for ailments is 150% , do you just calculate the first one or do you add the ailments multi also?

Thank you for the input! I really appreciate it!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Badtwo#2297 เมื่อ 24 เม.ย. 2018 22:40:13
I have to compliment this build . Killing bosses is an absolute breeze.
My gear
As you can see not ideal gear but im surprised how good it plays.
I would like to ask a question.
What if I spend ascendancy point on Sanctify and Pious Path instead. Is it going to be better?
Note that I already spend point on Righteous Providence and Inevitable Judgement.



