[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

DjPapaz เขียน:

A bit off topic but -> if you plan to ever use VINKTAR's -> ALWAYS use another flask with REMOVE SHOCK suffix <-

If you don't -> you hurt yourself more than you hurt mobs.

Thanks a lot to remind me. I just fixed that.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย lucasrizzini#2179 เมื่อ 20 มิ.ย. 2018 17:17:17
How important is the +3 molten strike projectile enchant? It's very expensive. How much of a hit will you take if you only get +2?
Goodnametaken เขียน:
How important is the +3 molten strike projectile enchant? It's very expensive. How much of a hit will you take if you only get +2?

I just got my +3 finally. I used the 40% inc molten strike damage first. I was tempted to buy a +2 yet decided to just grind for fusings to sell until I had close to 5ex. The +2 can still be expensive on a Starjonks, don't use another helm unless it is a well rolled rare cause u will miss the life. I am glad I saved up and got the +3.

So i've upgraded my claw as well as added a new jewel to my build and managed to kill phoenix with only 1 death. I then tried to do minotaur and got 1 shot over and over again and realised i needed a full gear revamp.

I need some advice on

1. Which gem should I remove if I wanted to upgrade my tombfist to 2 sockets
2. Are my rings and amulet bad? I feel like this is a weak spot of my build and want to replace them.
3. If I do replace my rings, where should I put my blood rage?
4. Which stats should i be prioritising on my rings? Currently I am looking for health + resists + intelligence. I need the intelligence in order to use my lvl 20 blue gems.
5. I plan on getting a dying sun flask. Which flask should I replace?

Thanks for your help guys... Really appreciate it.
Hey guys, currently lvling (60ish), I started to use double herald with blasphemy + enfeeble but I have barely enough mana to spam MS with the mana leech so my CWDT golem will never proc ( don't have the socket for Immortal call yet ). I just added CWDT so maybe the gem's too low?

Haven't seen people with + mana on gear so I guess I'm missing something, how much mana do you have after the reservation? ( new to the game sry ;) )
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Jonhbonzo#5354 เมื่อ 21 มิ.ย. 2018 06:15:13
Jonhbonzo เขียน:
Hey guys, currently lvling (60ish), I started to use double herald with blasphemy + enfeeble but I have barely enough mana to spam MS with the mana leech so my CWDT golem will never proc ( don't have the socket for Immortal call yet ). I just added CWDT so maybe the gem's too low?

Haven't seen people with + mana on gear so I guess I'm missing something, how much mana do you have after the reservation? ( new to the game sry ;) )

Can't see your character, but try to link Blasphemy+Enfeeble+1 Herald with an Enlighten gem. Enlighten (level 2, 3 or 4) reduces the mana reservation. Like the gems on this helmet:

Also, try to find a claw that has two implicits: one that gives +life on hit, and another that gives +mana on hit.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Goofio#1380 เมื่อ 21 มิ.ย. 2018 06:59:19
Goofio เขียน:

Can't see your character, but try to link Blasphemy+Enfeeble+1 Herald with an Enlighten gem. Enlighten (level 2, 3 or 4) reduces the mana reservation. Like the gems on this helmet:

Also, try to find a claw that has two implicits: one that gives +life on hit, and another that gives +mana on hit.

Allright didn't get the enlighten effect correctly thanks a alot!
TheDirtyAsian เขียน:
So i've upgraded my claw as well as added a new jewel to my build and managed to kill phoenix with only 1 death. I then tried to do minotaur and got 1 shot over and over again and realised i needed a full gear revamp.

You do not need a gear revamp, your gear is totally fine and not the reason why you are getting destroyed by the guardians. Unless your maps are not rolled with some heavy damage mods, i am pretty sure that minotaur is not able to one shot you except with his burrow. Do you even try to dodge some of his attacks?
This build i so fk usless. I have full build and when i go to minotaur i die from one hit from boss. I dont wanna tell when i com in to map i have problems with normal mobs i spend a lot ex and even cant kill minotaur..
Deminii เขียน:
This build i so fk usless. I have full build and when i go to minotaur i die from one hit from boss. I dont wanna tell when i com in to map i have problems with normal mobs i spend a lot ex and even cant kill minotaur..

From your message i can honestly say i'm happy that you're failing.



