This build i so fk usless. I have full build and when i go to minotaur i die from one hit from boss. I dont wanna tell when i com in to map i have problems with normal mobs i spend a lot ex and even cant kill minotaur..
You are with a tabula rasa, not a single correct ring, wrong flasks, no remove shock, no enchants, not to mention the upgrades you can add. What do you expect?
So i've recently started to use new aura set up which i believe is top dps set up or atleast close to it :) It's not cheap but wanted to share it ;)
So here it's
This set up reserves 94% of mana so in my case i have 40 unreserved mana and MS costs 31. But it's not a problem with a gemini claw :)
Great. I have also tried curse on hit and empowered wrath. It is nice, very strong in terms of dps. The only downside is the curse on hit/enfeeble, sometimes enfeeble is needed for the long distance monsters that fire to you.
Hello fellow ele claw PoE players. Today I managed to kill Uber Elder using this build! This is my short story if you're interested:
I only recently started playing in the middle of the beastiary league. I tried some totem (ancestral warchief) and the enki arc witch, but nothing who could manage to clear an uber elder. So my league goal was to kill uber elder in incursion and everyone recommends RF to kill him. So that was my plan: play this molten strike build until I managed to get enough currency to completely swap over from inquisitor to the LL RF build I'd scouted before the league.
Anyways I fell in love with the specc and it just become stronger with every item. Once I thought I was done gearing him I found more and more weakspots on items, which I replaced, and before I even realized it I was sitting on a char that could EASY kill red elders and shapers. Popping all flasks in last phase of red elder and he's done in 2seconds. I realized I had managed to scale some decent damage with my items. I cleared t16s with ease, and I managed to pick up all necessary memory fragments after killing the red elder a couple of times. Thought to myself I might as well try uber elder if I spawned him.
My first set I went in with face first and just went ham. Quickly I realized I was doing good damage on them, not as slow as other builds I've seen. Though the fight was a clusterfuck of shit flying everywhere I ended up taking some balls to the face and died too many times and used all my portals. Think I got them both to 25% or something, hard to judge. I said to myself, I was close, I can do it next time.
Second set I went in face first again and went ham. I must've had too much confidence that I could do it or just some bad luck, but my second try was actually worse. My friend who had some previous knowledge about the build and generally know a ton of tips and tricks (big thanks to him!) told me to try Kaoms Roots and purity of ice. I knew this before going in first two sets, but didn't think much of it, I had too much confidence in the build.
But then before third set I figured then I had to fix somethings. The balls where really the only problem and if you're slowed, you have a rough time dodging them. So ok, kaoms it was. There's a lot of cold damage, allright, purity of ice it was. After having a minor panic attack about losing 4 sockets, I said byebye to HoL/HoI/Onslaught/Golem/Culling(Had it with orb of storms). Much easier but I had some less damage which I previously thought was very important since you could just kill red elder with tons of damage basically. Uber elder felt more of a control fight but with a little dps requirement (so you don't get overrun by mobs). I ended up downing him with 2 portals left, and I could've easily done it with only 1 death which I don't even know what I died off, the second two was my own mistakes.
This is my items and gems I ended up using:
Life Flask/Random flask that removed freeze/Dying Sun/Antishock/Vessel
Reason for antifreeze is unknown. Not sure if it's needed, but I think it helped? It felt good to click all my flasks when I paniced at least.
6,6k hp. The really weak Item I think is my neck, but I needed the int since this build is a little int starved.
Some abyssal gems are not exactly t1 materials and not exalt slam worthy, but they served their purpose with 2 dmg+flat life. Blind and life reg when moving is two really good QoL items. Life reg when moving and you can charge in to pack with 90% hp instead of 60% from the blood rage dot, makes it just a little bit safer.
I ran these boots and belt before swapping in kaoms (and had to fix my res, I solved it with belt):
9.5/10 build.
Really the only thing missing from build is a section on how to kill uber elder! Thanks for the journey GornoDD.
Thanks for the read. I have now started leveling an inquisitor.
I have come from the Jugg MS Build but find that way too expensive to try and make decent.
Hello! I am in need of advice on how I should progress my character. I currently feel "squishy," and I tend to die a lot especially from ranged mobs when I cannot get to them quick enough to utilize life steal. I would appreciate feedback/advice/ideas on where to take the build in terms of gear and etc. All the best
Are there any glove enchants that are clearly the best for this build? I'm trying to decide if I want to spend extra for some corrupted 2-jewel Tombfists with an attack speed implicit, or if some non-corrupted ones with a certain enchant will be similar in DPS.