[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

MrBarracuda เขียน:
Hi, should Innervate gem be with a haral of thunder or only with HoI?
These my current gear can someone help me with right gems? I know that my boots, rings, the belt n the amulte sucks gonna raplace em as fast as I can.

craft attack speed on gloves.
get an enchanted starkonja.

that is what i would do.
and get a claw with 7+ crit
do we need a watchers eye if we use ele claws ?
madspaz เขียน:
do we need a watchers eye if we use ele claws ?

Nope - yet you can get a 90% + to crit while using wrath one for cheap!
is this build SSF friendly or not?
The guide and the build are amazing, thanks for it.
I'm enjoying it a lot, except for one thing I'm not sure why is happening and would like to also ask you guys who play this build: my PoE keeps crashing a lot when I'm at maps and Incursion temples. Is it happening to any of you guys too? I suspect it's because the attack speed is too high, since I wasn't getting any crashes before improving the amount of attacks per second.
no, I am not crushing and my speed is +98% (0.14 seconds per attack) .. what is your?

any tips on where to go from here ?
dont know if OP is answering this post anymore! Wish they would cause i would like to know if this is SSF doable or not!



