[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Fitchner เขียน:

- You should not use increased AoE support gem in your Molten strike setup
- none of your gems has 20% quality, use the vendor recipe and level them again
- you only have a lvl 14 herald of thunder with no quality as a damage source as I see, and you use haste which is crap
- your boots could use a better enchant
- your jewels are neither bad nor good. Wildfires could be rolled higher and mostly, abyss jewels outperform traditional jewels for this build.
- I suggest you use Enfeeble in a Cwdt setup und not linked to blasphemy to free mana.

Thank you. Will try that too.
IT doesnt matter what kinda of Elemental damage? it all scales for us?
So i want to know if u prefer running HoI+innervate and HoT, with an ele claw. Or wrath with the watcher's eye jewel and a phys claw. I know for bossing it should better but still i want the clearspeed to be pretty good so i need an opinion =P
Juicebxxx เขียน:
IT doesnt matter what kinda of Elemental damage? it all scales for us?

Doesn't matter. But since lightning has the best averages, it tends to gravitate towards that. For example Elreon's master craft:

- Fire 13-26 (19,5 avg)
- Cold 12-22 (17 avg)
- Lightning 4-39 (21,5 avg)

AkaKripter เขียน:
So i want to know if u prefer running HoI+innervate and HoT, with an ele claw. Or wrath with the watcher's eye jewel and a phys claw. I know for bossing it should better but still i want the clearspeed to be pretty good so i need an opinion =P

I used to run HoI + Innervate and HoT. Then I ran out of sockets and I ditched Innervate. Then I ran out of sockets again and started to run Wrath. I get more dps with ele claw and Wrath than the other setup. But I do know I lose clear speed because of Herald's mechanics. But that doesn't matter since I have enough dps now to clear trash at T16. If I pop flasks, also rares and magic mobs explode about immediately.

So I guess you could run Heralds + Innervate until it doesn't matter anymore and after that get Wrath to deal more damage to bosses and to save sockets.
Would a 6l inpulsa be ok for this build or is it a no no I have a belly not fully linked but a inpulsa that is. Thanks for the thoughts. Also would linking fire support gem on molten strike to convert the last 40% of physical damage conversion be viable¿?
One more thought, what about keeping HOI AND HOT, but also using wrath in an essence worm ?
Juicebxxx เขียน:
One more thought, what about keeping HOI AND HOT, but also using wrath in an essence worm ?

Essence Worm says "40% increased Mana Reserved", so you wouldn't have enough mana. Idea of the ring is that if the aura reserves 50% mana, you save 10% reserved.
So the ring increases the amount HOT AND HOI reserve, you are prolly right most likely be too much, I use it on an sec build is why I asked. Thanks for the quick answers brother
Wrath reserves no mana while in an essence ring. The other stuff you are using that does reserves 40% more mana I tested it out.. didnt work early lila maybe later on
Hi, first time with this build- so far having fun! I'd like a little advice though, what can I improve? I'm lvl77 and able to do tier 10 and 11 maps but not always deathless. Seems like sometimes molten strike gets 'stuck' and then I die. I thought I might be running out of mana so stopped running HoT, but it still happens. I also went for the crit nodes earlier, so maybe that's messing me up.


And tree:

What should I work towards next? I'm pretty poor unfortunately.



