[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

saxisa เขียน:
Hi, first time with this build- so far having fun! I'd like a little advice though, what can I improve? I'm lvl77 and able to do tier 10 and 11 maps but not always deathless. Seems like sometimes molten strike gets 'stuck' and then I die. I thought I might be running out of mana so stopped running HoT, but it still happens. I also went for the crit nodes earlier, so maybe that's messing me up.

What should I work towards next? I'm pretty poor unfortunately.

If you're trying to level up and dying to bosses, feel free to skip those. Especially if you die to certain bosses. I too sometimes run out of mana. So you need to manage your mana by not attacking "air". If your Molten Strike always hits something, you will leech enough mana back. I have 106 mana atm and I don't run to this problem anymore if I keep an eye of my targets.

Try to run uberlab asap. Check poelab.com for an easy day or get a carry. Those two last points are very meaningful. Or try to gear up a little and try it then. One try costs Offering to the Goddess, so only 4c. And you should have couple of those from trials anyway.

You took nodes in a bit peculiar order. I would've taken Point Blank a lot earlier. 50% more damage is immense and usually you're right next to mobs. Also if you feel like dying, Phase Acrobatics and three nodes before that are quite good. If I were you, I'd respec (with free points) some general damage nodes and get PB and PA.

Your claw has awesome APS and decent crit, but damage is lacking. Chaos damage doesn't scale at all, so ignore that stat completely while selecting a claw. You might want Gemini Claw for "mana per hit" implicit so you can run "can't leech mana" maps. By quickly searching, I found rare claw with dps of 308, edps of 210, crit of 7,3 and aps of 1,83 for 7c. That might be better than your current one (also has mana per hit). You really need Path of Building (PoB) and check whether new claw would be better than your old one. Importing character takes 6 clicks and checking a weapon out takes like 5.

Your links are a bit odd. I didn't even think about Whirling Blades. How are those working compared to Shield Charge? Your Lightning Golem isn't linked on CWDT. Are you casting it manually or is this a temporary solution?

Your potions are very lacking. Try to get one health potion (with bleed prevention), Vessel of Vinktar, Diamond Flask (with shock removal) and Atziri's Promise. Fifth flask could be Jade Flask until you can afford Dying Sun. When you run in a pack, just pop all flasks except life one and melt them away. If you're not moving/killig fast enough, save potions for rare and magic packs. And of course for bosses.

Jewels are bit weird. Try abyss jewels with flat life and flat ele damage "to attacks" and "to claw attacks". Check from PoB that you get more life and damage than from your old jewels. Important: Get one jewel with "chance to blind on hit". You hit so many times per second that targets are almost immediately blinded, adding a bit for your survivability for very little invest.

I'd ditch Rat's Nest and get Starkonja's Head. First you could buy regular one for 1c with ~97 life. Then upgrade it with 40% inc MS damage for 40-50c. Then upgrade it with MS projs for 6-8 ex.

6-link Belly unfortunately costs ~5 ex, so I guess that's out of your budget.

Rings and ammy: You could test all the damage mods (crit chance, crit multi, flat ele dam, percentual ele dam, etc..) and see via PoB how much dps one point of each gives you. Then make megasearch with weighed sum (pathofexile.com/trade) and see which cheap ring/amu gives you best bang for your buck. Of course try to get flat life and resists there too.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Wermine#1485 เมื่อ 21 ก.ค. 2018 02:47:02
Wermine เขียน:

I used to run HoI + Innervate and HoT. Then I ran out of sockets and I ditched Innervate. Then I ran out of sockets again and started to run Wrath. I get more dps with ele claw and Wrath than the other setup. But I do know I lose clear speed because of Herald's mechanics. But that doesn't matter since I have enough dps now to clear trash at T16. If I pop flasks, also rares and magic mobs explode about immediately.

So I guess you could run Heralds + Innervate until it doesn't matter anymore and after that get Wrath to deal more damage to bosses and to save sockets.

My gear lvl 96:

well i've done all content of the game including uber elder, shaper and uber atziri with the heralds but i'm always looking for boosts in damage. the reason i posted this question was because i don't know if i'm going to like a phys claw with watcher's eye rather than ele claw with heralds.

Phys claw i currently own but not equipped
Hey buddy

Want to try your build out.
But could you tell me what items and weps you did use with lvling this woud help alt! Im kinda New

Thanks man hope you response
I check the pastebin link provided by poster, dps shown 47.4 average dps (max. 273k), is this value correct? how much dps we can get in this build?
kiooholland เขียน:
Hey buddy

Want to try your build out.
But could you tell me what items and weps you did use with lvling this woud help alt! Im kinda New

Thanks man hope you response

Dualwield The Screaming Eagles. You can wield those from level 6 and costs like 1 alch a pop. At level 46 you can wield Ornament of the East. In between you can just search any weapon with high dps and low price. I suggest official trade site.

Other equipment is the usual suspects: Goldrim, Tabula Rasa, Elreon rings, String of Servitude with all res, Wanderlust, Sacrificial Heart.
What is the movement gem for this build especially to jump over high/lower ground?
SoFastx เขียน:
What is the movement gem for this build especially to jump over high/lower ground?

We use Shield Charge to move around. No skill for jumping over ledge. But I guess you could use any applicable skill if you have a spare gem slot for it and use it only for ledges.
AkaKripter เขียน:
Wermine เขียน:

I used to run HoI + Innervate and HoT. Then I ran out of sockets and I ditched Innervate. Then I ran out of sockets again and started to run Wrath. I get more dps with ele claw and Wrath than the other setup. But I do know I lose clear speed because of Herald's mechanics. But that doesn't matter since I have enough dps now to clear trash at T16. If I pop flasks, also rares and magic mobs explode about immediately.

So I guess you could run Heralds + Innervate until it doesn't matter anymore and after that get Wrath to deal more damage to bosses and to save sockets.

My gear lvl 96:

well i've done all content of the game including uber elder, shaper and uber atziri with the heralds but i'm always looking for boosts in damage. the reason i posted this question was because i don't know if i'm going to like a phys claw with watcher's eye rather than ele claw with heralds.

Phys claw i currently own but not equipped

If you wanna push Damage(if you have enough budget for that),you have a lot to improve.
Check my character if u want(HairOftheDog_ inquisitor on standart),im played this build a lot in Abyss league,did 40/40 with it,im almost min/maxed everything for top damage. except mirrored claw during league.
Quick overview:
1.Not saw Atziri/Dying sun flasks on your character,but i guess you just removed them recently.
2.All jewels are 3 mod,try to get all 4 mod with proper mods(expensive).
3.Hybryd claw phys mods are pretty low,no multi mod on claw.
4.Amethyst ring is pretty bad - no flat ele dmg. mods,no crit. mod.
5.Good roled loreweave are bis over Belly,since almost all enggame bosses are ele.dmg based,also its boosts dmg. a lot.
6.1 to 160 light. dmg on boots, are best enchant for Bosses,since you don't really need that AS% on mapping that much.
7.Depend on what ele dmg. everyone stacks(Light. primarily on Claws/rings/amulet/jewels at least i was stack it like that in 3.1) Wrath watcher's eye will boost you dmg. a lot.
You will lose some clear speed on maps without HoI(But i don't remember mb even its possible to use HoI(25%)// Wrath(50%) + Blash+Enfeeble(35%) with lvl 4 enlighthen).
Mods that you should look on Watcher eye are:
1.Increased critical strike chance by 95-100% while affecting by Wrath
2.Increased lightning damage by 55-60% while affecting by wrath.
Since you using hybrid convert Claw you also search for phys damage conversion for lightning/extralight damage while affecting by wrath.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย FreshMeat93#0508 เมื่อ 22 ก.ค. 2018 17:02:27
Is there a way I can change this build to optimise for Uber lab farming in league starts?
So that involve maximising life, physical reduction or life Regen for traps etc?
I love the idea that this build can do all content. But one thing I do at league start is farm Uber lab for currency first so wondering how I could make this build work for that. Usually with molten strike builds, there is plenty of damage for izaro already so can afford to sacrifice damage for more tankiness.

Sorry for the ramble, basically I’m asking what are the best efficient ways to increase tankiness of this build even at the cost of damage?

Thanks so much!
whats yalls thought on using a Scepter with Conversions in your offhand instead of a Shield?



