[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

MrBarracuda เขียน:
Wermine เขียน:
cheep355 เขียน:
Couldn't reach any beyond 15k+ dps with these at level 73, I cannot even do t4 maps with rare mods. Anyway, I quit the game because I've spent all my money on this. You can see that I was not able to get the right colours for Belly. Not getting enough dps thing happened three times in a row, I'm bored. Take care, keep sane.

Eh, you still have Resolute Technique, thus you can't deal critical strikes. I guess your damage would skyrocket if you were to spec out of it.

It takes 160 chromes on average to get Belly into 4R2B setup (extremely probable at about 320 chromes). How many times did you try?

I spent like 700-1200 to get 4R2B. Good luck with that !!
BTW build is Amazzing!! got 9-10milion dps vs Shaper in PoB (with 12 proj + melee hit)

Use https://siveran.github.io/calc.html (vorici chrome calc).

I 3B3R 2 bellies in under 400 chromes each. Just using 2B recipe. If yuo have patience you can use the 1B one.
cheep355 เขียน:
Couldn't reach any beyond 15k+ dps with these at level 73, I cannot even do t4 maps with rare mods. Anyway, I quit the game because I've spent all my money on this. You can see that I was not able to get the right colors for Belly. Not getting enough DPS thing happened three times in a row, I'm bored. Take care, keep sane.

I will keep this post here because I want people to see how stupid a human being can be. DELETE RESOLUTE TECHNIQUE. PROBLEM SOLVED, KEEP GOING.

Atziri is deleted with no death.

quick update

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย cheep355#0096 เมื่อ 27 ก.ค. 2018 14:58:45
Can anyone do me a huge favor and look at my character carneconchile_ to see what I can improve. Currently trying to find a decent shaper ring to pair with a mark of the elder.

My dps just seems to be so low and I don't see what else I can improve for that drastic of a change.

And I have already dropped resolute technique :(
blackout_ เขียน:
Can anyone do me a huge favor and look at my character carneconchile_ to see what I can improve. Currently trying to find a decent shaper ring to pair with a mark of the elder.

My dps just seems to be so low and I don't see what else I can improve for that drastic of a change.

And I have already dropped resolute technique :(

You're jewelry is pretty bad. No crit chance or Elemental damage with attacks on them. Tomb fist gloves are best in slot even with only 1 abyss socket but 2 sockets is definitely worth it. I'd get a stygian vise belt so you can have another abysal jewel. Abysall jewels in my opinion are key to this build. My profile is open and I'd suggest use mine for reference. I was able to do everything deathless with ease including Uber elder. Good luck
blackout_ เขียน:
Can anyone do me a huge favor and look at my character carneconchile_ to see what I can improve. Currently trying to find a decent shaper ring to pair with a mark of the elder.

My dps just seems to be so low and I don't see what else I can improve for that drastic of a change.

And I have already dropped resolute technique :(

Gems - you don't have quality on them. Buy cheap ones, like ones with 10-18% quality and some exp and level them up in your swap set. Check Path of Building, which gems are the most critical for this
Claw - it's ok, but not great. APS and crit is good but try to find one with more damage.
Starkonja's - Get one with 40% inc Molten Strike Damage. After you get currency, upgrade with +3 MS projectiles
Belt - Get Stygian Vise belt. Preferrably one with flat life, resists and elemental damage
Gloves - One socketed Tombfists are very cheap. After you get currency, get two socketed and be sure to socket Murderous and Searchien Eye jewels for max profit.
Rings - you're already upgrading to better ones. Check PoB if _any_ shaper ring is an improvement. I think it is with Elder ring.
Amulet - just get better one. You need to search with all damage mods, which are relevant: flat ele dam, crit chace, crit multi, percentual ele damage, elder/shaper affixes, elemantal damage with attack skills. Put those in weighed sum category. You need to painstakingly check which stats give dps and how much (with PoB) so you can put correct weight to all affixes.
Flasks - Increase quality to 20% for more duration. Get life flask which removes bleed. When you get currecy, get Dying Sun.
Jewels - Get abyss jewels with flat life and ele dam (six affixes: fire/cold/light flat ele dam to attacks and same to "claw attacks")
Boots - Two socket Bubonic Trail, but I think this is the last upgrade needed. Although 1-120 lightning dam if you haven't killed recently is very important lab enchant on boots. Boosts nicely boss damage.

I'm not so sure about Arrow Dancing. After all, MS is a melee skill and you need to be close.

What should I do to improve more? :)

1-> Fix passive tree, its a little bit off.
2-> Fix int issue, use low-level blue gems.
3-> Buy a new mark of the elder steel ring(or another rare item) with Grants Level # Wrath Skill corruption.
4-> Use orb of the storm with power charge on hit.
5-> Change some of the jewels with max life ones.
6-> Loreware
7-> Buy two socket Tombfirst.
8-> Find +3 molten strike ench helmet.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย cheep355#0096 เมื่อ 31 ก.ค. 2018 02:33:29
I've killed Kitava like in 13 hours. If there is someone to use this build for flashback event. This can give you an idea.

Killed Uber Elder. First time ever trying that fight because I had a break (skipped Harbinger, Abyss and Bestiary). It took three sets, died once during the last set. I had wrong pantheon power (Lunaris instead of Solaris, too lazy to swap at that time) and wrong gems (was in mapping mode, halving my boss dps) during the first set.

The fight itself is easy if you know what to expect and you know how to dodge things. It takes mere seconds to damage 25% of Elder/Shaper. Usually I just dodged until I got the chance to attack and then attacked until that 25% was gone. Plenty of time to do that during Shaper's beam for example.

I used Kaom's Roots and swapped Enfeeble to Herald of Ice since Shaper and Uber Elder has "80% Less Curse Effectiveness". (I used Wrath in this fight and I use it normally too.)

All in all 10/10 build, fast mapping, fast boss killing, cheap core build, possibility to tweak to the max if you have currency. Recommended.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Wermine#1485 เมื่อ 31 ก.ค. 2018 01:35:35

Any suggestion on upgrades other then gems/quality?

Everythings been pretty smooth so far. Not really needing any upgrades, but open to some help/criticism!
Wearscapeirl เขียน:
Any suggestion on upgrades other then gems/quality?

Everythings been pretty smooth so far. Not really needing any upgrades, but open to some help/criticism!

I suggest Loreweave with 80% resist max, good rolls on life, crit and elemental damage. Get life on jewels. Get Starkonja's with 40% inc Molten Strike damage (upgrade to +3 proj when you get currency). Get two socketed Tombfists. Perhaps get Stygian Vise belt. Ditch Heralds and use Wrath accompanied with Watcher's Eye with "#% increased Critical Strike Chance while affected by Wrath".
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Wermine#1485 เมื่อ 1 ส.ค. 2018 01:51:09



