[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!
Oborawatbinost เขียน:
Thanks so much for this build! Had tons so fun playing this build and just got to mapping with it today. At this point it really feels like everything is coming together and the clearspeed is pretty nuts!
I do have a couple of questions though.
1) How big is the difference in single target damage when using Herald of Ice and Herald of Thunder compared to Wrath? I'm currently using the 2 heralds since it makes the clearspeed SO much faster, but the single target seems somewhat lacking sometimes.
What I'll obviously do first is buying a Jeweller's Touch so I can 5-link that belly. After that I'll probably have a couple more skill points for Jewels so I'll be looking to buy some decent Jewels. When that's done I'm not sure what's next though. What pieces of gear would you say are lackluster right now and need an upgrade?
Thanks again for this build!
If you just started mapping, then you are at fairly low risk of death, so you don't really need a belly now. Your dps will be significantly better with a 6L, so buy a cheap evasion based rare or even a tabula.
I think you can craft critical strikes chance on your claw.
Would this be a decent build to try for the upcoming Events in Softcore?
For events I would rather go for a spellcaster build since youre just dependant on mostly just leveling your gems and character. I would recommend my new MAGMAFROST INQUISITOR Build guide I just released with races in mind.
However blade flurry is quite solid if your not the spellcaster type of guy.
Won't Tempest Bindings be impossible to get in the Turmoil/Mayhem events though?
Thats a valid point. However the runs very well on Magma Orb alone
This build is so underrated :( The defensive powers and offensive powers it has are just amazing. Feels so good to charge into packs without worrying about getting instagibbed and just smashing them.Thanks for the awesome build.
On a side note thou i have been considering whether i should respec the 4 nodes from Claws of Magpie to Claws of pride. Would that be a good idea? 25% chance to steal charges seems a bit unreliable to me..
This build is so underrated :( The defensive powers and offensive powers it has are just amazing. Feels so good to charge into packs without worrying about getting instagibbed and just smashing them.Thanks for the awesome build.
On a side note thou i have been considering whether i should respec the 4 nodes from Claws of Magpie to Claws of pride. Would that be a good idea? 25% chance to steal charges seems a bit unreliable to me..
Im happy you enjoy the build. Claws of Magpie isnt really for the charges but for the Attack Speed alone. This build is like a vampire lusting for blood when it comes to increase your attack rate. The attack speed on these nodes alone makes the superior to any other node in reasonable range to get.
My Inquisitor only has about 5.1k life at level 90. I can't afford a 6L belly and using a 6L carcass I already had. My rings and amulet could use better life but everything else should be mostly OK. I think all but one of my jewels has life on it, but mostly 5%. I have 4 nodes from the scion life wheel, so I guess I can get more as I get more levels. I really have no idea how I can get to 6k life without a belly. Should I just buy the belly? I was saving up for better rings which are crazy expensive on standard. Guess I'll need to buy some better jewels with 7% life but those are expensive too.
I have a master plan for you. :)
You have a 6L Carcass Jack. Just sell this and buy a 6L Belly for that money. Then, you dont have to use your savings. ;)
@ GornoDD
What do you think about nerfs for 3.1
I fear, if they nerf vaal pact. That can hurt very much. But imo the instant leech is important due to some game mechanics. I dont think they nerf vaal pact. If they nerf vaal pact, they have to change a few mechanics too.
My Inquisitor only has about 5.1k life at level 90. I can't afford a 6L belly and using a 6L carcass I already had. My rings and amulet could use better life but everything else should be mostly OK. I think all but one of my jewels has life on it, but mostly 5%. I have 4 nodes from the scion life wheel, so I guess I can get more as I get more levels. I really have no idea how I can get to 6k life without a belly. Should I just buy the belly? I was saving up for better rings which are crazy expensive on standard. Guess I'll need to buy some better jewels with 7% life but those are expensive too.
I have a master plan for you. :)
You have a 6L Carcass Jack. Just sell this and buy a 6L Belly for that money. Then, you dont have to use your savings. ;)
@ GornoDD
What do you think about nerfs for 3.1
I fear, if they nerf vaal pact. That can hurt very much. But imo the instant leech is important due to some game mechanics. I dont think they nerf vaal pact. If they nerf vaal pact, they have to change a few mechanics too.
Its actually not that bad even without VP. You can just spec out of it to see the diffrence. The leech is still quite fast, given the high amount of damage. You wont be able to stand in shaper beam but thats not the biggest issue in the world. I would actually be quite happy if they remove it once and for all.
I expect nerfs to BladeFlurry and "Added Gems" wich will hurt the damage. But even with 50% less damage in total the build would still be all-content viable.
Also I expect nerfs to claws. Claws right now do everything better than any other weapon exept maybe swords.
Im only afraid we get the MONSTER NERF BAT! With nerfs to Inquis, Claws, AddedGems, EleDmg, Critchance, VaalPact, Multi and Enfeeble
Hi to all, guys. Thank a lot for the build it's amazing. I wanted to ask What item give me moore damage claw 300+ ele dps or helmet with enc 40% blade flurry? Thank you in advance.