[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Currently i'm lvl 85, with 6.1K life and 550K DPS against shaper/guardians i still can't kill Minotaur, usually one shot (with hits not the burrow attack), other guardians hits hard too. What's wrong with my gears? Is my evasion rating low (4.5K) or its my life?
I have posted a few time, trying this build on SSF.
The equip has improved, still a long way to go:

I got the shield now by finding a "big" shield and throwing a few ancients on it - next season this way won't be open anymore.

For the claw I alched a few 100 white claws - with this one I had to Nullify 1 stat to get the crit chance on it(got lucky), then slammed it. 5 usable stats, 2 very high.

I'm doing the molten strike variant of the build, so I have 100% conversion of the physical damage of this claw - so the high physical damage is not without use.

Next project is to at least 5-link this new found goodie:

I first planned to use an evasion chest, but can't colour it with my few chromes - thats the reason behind the current gem selection, too. It was better before crafting this claw.

Got lucky with this, too:
, but recolouring to use this isn't that easy.

I'm not using a belly because I don't have one ;).
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Llyrain#5646 เมื่อ 6 พ.ย. 2017 10:48:12
Well for now i change my chest to Perfect form:


Also some little changes to tree. With this chest i have same resist (have to rearrange for cold resist) and same life (still 6K) but i have more Evasion and free Arctic armour as well. It feels much better in boss fight, now i can face tank Minotaur :)

BTW is there a better solution so i can still use Belly?
Hi guys! Playing and enjoying this build a lot. Was just wondering if we could up the dps wearing an archon kite shield for the big dmg modifier while channeling (+gives more life and ele res). That would require us to drop some skill points for accuracy. Claw of the pride or studious combattant look good since they also provide attack speed and crit chance/multiplier.
What do you think of that change?
I post an update of my SSF project playing this build.

Got very lucky, finding a new claw, switching back to blade flurry and 6-linking with very few fuses:

The claw had 1 useless stat instead of speed, making it unusable. A lucky nulment orb let me craft attack speed on it - 6 useful stats on a weapon is not that common. I couldn't buy a better one on harbinger at the moment.

I'm low on chromes at the moment - so molten strike had to go because I didn't manage to get the colors. Picking up every 3-color item atm to stock up.

Now it comes to the next round: crafting good jewels (my char is Patroclos on the account, should be visible), and crafting better rings. An amulet I don't craft, I think I could only improve it with a very lucky find.

I don't go for a head enchant at the moment - the chances are much too low.
Hi hi I plan to use this build purely to farm Uber lab. Wanna be able to do it fast and with my eyes closed lol which means I need to be able to stand in traps and face tank izaro in his buffed form.
Is that possible with this build? What changes would I need to make to achieve that?
bankai1009 เขียน:
Is that possible with this build? What changes would I need to make to achieve that?

Pick another build. ;) I love this one (definitely had the most fun with it this league) but I don't think it's a good build for a pure lab farmer. Izaro should be no problem, but traps can be super annoying with Vaal Pact. You most certainly can't stand in them, you don't have any mechanics that help dealing with them (such as high regeneration or movement speed) and you need either Ryslatha or the Desecrate + Devouring Totem combo to heal up.
obliviousBC เขียน:
bankai1009 เขียน:
Is that possible with this build? What changes would I need to make to achieve that?

Pick another build. ;)

What inq build do you recommend for uberlab runs?
obliviousBC เขียน:
bankai1009 เขียน:
Is that possible with this build? What changes would I need to make to achieve that?

Pick another build. ;) I love this one (definitely had the most fun with it this league) but I don't think it's a good build for a pure lab farmer. Izaro should be no problem, but traps can be super annoying with Vaal Pact. You most certainly can't stand in them, you don't have any mechanics that help dealing with them (such as high regeneration or movement speed) and you need either Ryslatha or the Desecrate + Devouring Totem combo to heal up.

Done a few lab runs with this build. It's possible but a pain in ......
Izaru jhimself is a joke, power up everything when he arrives and he's done in 1-2 seconds. But traps - take the "refill potions" Pantheon power and double health potion to not get stuck in longer trap gauntlets - and drink much and early. And be prepared to have a trap death every now and then when not totally awaken - you are not an armored fortress that takes only half trap damage compared to this build.

Oozeling เขียน:

What inq build do you recommend for uberlab runs?

I haven't built a pure lab farmer so far, so I can't really give a personal recommendation, but the safest Inquisitor build is probably some RF+SR variant. Turn off RF when you're not fighting Izaro and you'll have 10-15% life regeneration per second, making traps a lot less threatening. It's not particularly fast, but also not super slow (as long as you don't compare it with speedrunning builds for lab).



