[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Struggling with leveling this. You removed or hid previous information that would have been beneficial for leveling, things like interim gearing/skill options and gem setup.
"As soon as you find a decent 1H Axe/Mace Weapon"
why you change it from 2h weapon? 1H is better?
Hey mate! im playing your build, leveling with Sunder currently. What gems should aim aim for and when to equip BF? Thanks :)
Does not having insta leech anymore hurt the build at all?
GornoDD เขียน:


- double heralds are running?
- have a 4L?
- got decent 2H weapong with elemental dmg?
- have resolute technique skilled?

you can always swap to blade flurry with swords/claws if you find a good weapon
however blade flurry needs increased aoe gem to feel good

do we need resolute technique skilled ? its appear that in ur skill tree its unallocated

My current setup. Getting stunned a lot. Struggling hard atm. The build feel like aids in T1 maps. I have no rng this league to upgrade defenses. Im sure it'll get better tho. Lycosidae shield price doubled on day 2 fml. Imo people should lvl another way and respec later for this build.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Ranchhods#3001 เมื่อ 9 ธ.ค. 2017 23:02:57
Hey, first of all thanks a lot for the guide! Got two questions for you:

How to you handle stun? I noticed before i got brine king pantheon that i had a lot of trouble just getting stunlocked. You wrote that you take lunaris instead (and i can definitely see why, stat-wise).

What do you think about queen of the forest as a chest? It's very similar to Kintsugi/Lightning Coil (life, resist, evasion) imho.

Unfortunately this forum doesn't allow searches by thread, you probably answered these already at one point in time.
Id like to play a version of this this league can anyone post the new tree since instant leech is dead now. ?
hi there,

I am starting this build because someone said to me this was a great leaguestarter guild, now i am at level 35 in daresso dream, i am playing with 1h axe with sunder, as the guide descripted but at the the moment i feel alittele bit disapointet. i have huge mana probleme (68 mana, at 19 manacost fo sunder, so i can use sunde onle 3 times), dealing no efficent damage and have only 1k life, so there a "little" progress and survivability problems.

I tried to use firestorm and decoy totem but even this helped alot.

I don't know if I will continue this "great" leaguestarter, because for me its more like a sunder leaguestarter than a BV build.


I dont have any problem leveling, not done yet but im at 60 now, i picked up bf at act3 then went with and got no probs, okay mana is quite lame until we get claw leech but its ok, i went with bf, FA,add light, and inc aoe/conc until i got a 5 link, works quite nice, for me it feels like the speed from FA is more imporant than inc cold dmg since Attack speed is quite slow atm.

Rock on :)



