[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Thank you for the suggestion.

I think the problem with Lycosidae is most people in new league can use it to rush to the endgame thanks to its properties, that is why the price is very high on the beginning of the league.
Venevi - Ranger - Standard
Meniet - Witch - Standard
Hey, nice guide! Tho the leveling felt kinda bad with this build. PoB and the guide here on the website are kinda different, PoB show wrath as only aura and no vaal pact while on the website you go with 2 heralds and vaal pact. Just wondering which one to go after?
I'm in A8 and enjoying the build thus far. When do you suggest switching off Resolute Tech and going crit? I don't really understand it from the leveling guide.
nobai เขียน:
Hey, nice guide! Tho the leveling felt kinda bad with this build. PoB and the guide here on the website are kinda different, PoB show wrath as only aura and no vaal pact while on the website you go with 2 heralds and vaal pact. Just wondering which one to go after?

I updated the PoB Build yesterday, so make sure to grab the latest one.

iN5T เขียน:
I'm in A8 and enjoying the build thus far. When do you suggest switching off Resolute Tech and going crit? I don't really understand it from the leveling guide.

as soon as you have some accuracy or lycosidae in your arsenal
Hi, level 50, right now on A6. Sunder didnt really do that much damage like you said so I switched to BV and right now I cannot kill literally anything. Blue mobs take so much hits they kill me faster than I kill them, I dont know If I am doing something wrong. Got a 4L only.

How do you keep the BV up? I reach 11 but the blades fall much faster than I though.

Oh I bought blade vortex, wtf am I stupid or something lmao.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Korrikalari#1014 เมื่อ 10 ธ.ค. 2017 08:10:41
wlfbck เขียน:
Hey, first of all thanks a lot for the guide! Got two questions for you:

How to you handle stun? I noticed before i got brine king pantheon that i had a lot of trouble just getting stunlocked. You wrote that you take lunaris instead (and i can definitely see why, stat-wise).

What do you think about queen of the forest as a chest? It's very similar to Kintsugi/Lightning Coil (life, resist, evasion) imho.

Unfortunately this forum doesn't allow searches by thread, you probably answered these already at one point in time.

I think you overlooked my post :)
Hello and thx for your guide,
i'm very interested in this build and i have a poor question for a noob ^^'
Can we dual wielding ? or it's only one hand and one shield ? :)

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย bish1k#3459 เมื่อ 10 ธ.ค. 2017 10:00:58
Lejyoner เขียน:
I can't deal any dmg at all. I don't have good gear sure but i mean i can't even kill a rare mob in tier 1 map fast enough . Can you look up my char and tell me what i did so wrong ? : . I have 1500 tooltip dps with both heralds on.

There are several problems with your build. I'm sure that all of these could have been avoided if you had read the guide properly, so I'd suggest you go and do that now.

Regarding your progression:
- Spec into resolute technique until you got an item with "hits can't be evaded"
- Use a claw with attack speed
- Repalce "critical damage support" with something else until you finally spec out of resolute technique

Your overall gear is extremely bad. You should upgrade it while paying special attention to
- life
- res
- attack speed
- +% ele damage with attacks

Hope that helps.
Thanks for answer catilaxun ^^. I did read the guide couple of times.My gear is crap but i dont see how it's gonna improve my problem the dps ofcourse attack speed and stuff will help but speaking in term of budget friendly the most of stuffi will get will have ress and health maybe a little attack speed.And i have %17 chance to miss even if i get the shield and couple of attack speed i dont see how that improves my dps output that drasticly. Im missing something but dunno what :D



