[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

TY a lot guys for answers, gonna try this one than! <3
(Still playing Blade Flurry) I am wondering if I should go Herald of Thunder + Herald of Ice or Wrath + Enfeeble + Blasphemy?
I'm not sure if I got it right.

I want to use Molten strike + Elemental Damage with Attacks + Added Lightning Damage + Multistrike + Elemental Focus + Concentrated Effect for single target


Molten strike + Ancestral Call + Added Lightning Damage + Multistrike + Increased Area of Effect + Concentrated Effect for everything else?
can someone give me the past bin he had when the build was for blade flurry , molten strike is annoying i want blade flurry version and he hasn't even left a pastebin for it ... , on YT this build is blade flurry, he should have made a new post... is pretty dumb , someone has pastbin for blade flurry?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย WodooGuy#3797 เมื่อ 11 ธ.ค. 2017 16:55:41
dacoshild เขียน:
I'm not sure if I got it right.

I want to use Molten strike + Elemental Damage with Attacks + Added Lightning Damage + Multistrike + Elemental Focus + Concentrated Effect for single target


Molten strike + Ancestral Call + Added Lightning Damage + Multistrike + Increased Area of Effect + Concentrated Effect for everything else?

Correct. I know its a bit complicated, but for getting the absolute most insane single target we need 3red and 3blue sockets. We also wanna beneftig of Herald Effects so we cant use Ele Focus for Mapping. The only possible solution for this problem is the above combination.

The results can be seen in my latest videos.
Ulkio เขียน:
Hey, are the levelling uniques still usable with molten strike ? or other uniques would be better ?

When I was playing in harbinger, people would not level up immortal call. Has the gem been changed so that you put it lvl max ?

Thanks !

It doesnt make a huge different....lower lvl progs a little more often. But then you have to selfcast your golem and that is annoying as fuck believe me :).
GornoDD เขียน:
dacoshild เขียน:
I'm not sure if I got it right.

I want to use Molten strike + Elemental Damage with Attacks + Added Lightning Damage + Multistrike + Elemental Focus + Concentrated Effect for single target


Molten strike + Ancestral Call + Added Lightning Damage + Multistrike + Increased Area of Effect + Concentrated Effect for everything else?

Correct. I know its a bit complicated, but for getting the absolute most insane single target we need 3red and 3blue sockets. We also wanna beneftig of Herald Effects so we cant use Ele Focus for Mapping. The only possible solution for this problem is the above combination.

The results can be seen in my latest videos.

wouldn't incresed critical strikes sup be better for the everything else part? instead of conc effect?
Hi all,
I'm playing with the Blade Flurry gem, but i have a question, i can't gain power changer when i'm using orb of storms. What could be wrong in my setup ?

thanks for help
Wow you really just changed the build to Molten Strike a few days after league start? Some people are following the build because they wanted to play your blade flurry build. At least make a new thread if you want to make a molten strike build. Pretty fucking stupid way to go about things. Fuck.



