[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

@kekemousse orb of storms must be linked to power charge on crit strike gem to generate power orbs

@all: Question: Even as i play since essence league, i never used claws ... and i think i don't understand these weapons ;)

Even the most expensive ones has only small amount of damage ... so is the noted damage absolutely unimportant or what? :) I know, the guide "How to Gear your character:" told me attack speed/crit speed ... but what is with weapon damage?
Is there a way for us to see the old not reworked bf build ,cuz i picked it because i wanted a bf build and now i am left hanging
Please give us old version of guide back. I really wanted to play the old version. :(
Is the blade flurry build no longer viable? It is featured in videos and "guides to guides". I really liked BF as a skill and would much rather play that than use the MS + AC exploit. If you would be so kind to link the old guide somewhere or say if it's not viable anymore I'd be extremely grateful.
The BF version is still good. I'd advise switching to molten strike version as I have. It just feels a lot better for mapping also right now. Dominates the bosses as well.
Molten Strike blows and I don't find it enjoyable. If I can play BF I'd much rather do that. If I can't well I'll have to swap to a different character that doesn't kill my enjoyment of the game. Was really hoping for BF though as it is advertised to be a good lab farmer.
Is this Claw a nice find? Going to grind that Elreon 8 and add %Ele Damage to Global Critical Strike Chance

They are linked together, that's what i don't understand.
You guys...I understand that you still want the Blade Flurry. But you guys also should know how this budget build get rekt by the market. I think Gorno wants to keep this build Budget Friendly rather than Blade flurry. I respect his choice.

Nevertheless, it's better to kept the pastebin for BF, as some people wants to try it.
Venevi - Ranger - Standard
Meniet - Witch - Standard
What do u thnk...will the Molten Strike version be nerfed during the league?....Looks way to OP. :)

And one more question....whats the 4 & 5 link setup?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย CroDanZ#1818 เมื่อ 11 ธ.ค. 2017 19:09:36



