[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

I had a question, on the old league I had a Scion with Totems build and two rings Kikazaru for not having the curses. So I would like to know something in your build you play with curses?

Thanking you :)
magicrectangle เขียน:
PoB has been updated. Did some quick calcs using my gear from abyss league (vs shaper):

Basic inquisitor: 392k dps x 3 totems = 1.18M dps

Heirophant without any other changes: 178k dps x 5 totems = 890k dps

Changing my shaper items from lighting to cold, and changing faster casting for cold penetration in links, heirophant gives: 217k dps x 5 totems = 1.08M dps.

Replacing my granite flask with a wise oak: 244k x 5 totems = 1.22M dps

What about replacing your Granite in the Basic Inquisitor Calculations?

It sounds a fairer comparison in terms of DPS if you replace Granite Flask in both builds.

HC SSF Harbinguer : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 94 (RIP).
STANDARD : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 97 (ALL CONTENT DONE)
lourun_coria เขียน:
magicrectangle เขียน:
PoB has been updated. Did some quick calcs using my gear from abyss league (vs shaper):

Basic inquisitor: 392k dps x 3 totems = 1.18M dps

Heirophant without any other changes: 178k dps x 5 totems = 890k dps

Changing my shaper items from lighting to cold, and changing faster casting for cold penetration in links, heirophant gives: 217k dps x 5 totems = 1.08M dps.

Replacing my granite flask with a wise oak: 244k x 5 totems = 1.22M dps

What about replacing your Granite in the Basic Inquisitor Calculations?

It sounds a fairer comparison in terms of DPS if you replace Granite Flask in both builds.


That wouldn't do anything. Wise oak gives ele penetration, ele penetration is useless for inquisitor. I guess taste of hate is an option, but not a very compelling one.

In any case I was just doing a quick calculation to see if they were in the same ballpark. To properly gear a hierophant you want more ele penetration on weapon slots and such. Comparing with the same gear straight across is only good for getting a rough idea that yes, hierophant can be competitive on bosses.

None the less, putting taste of hate into the inquisitor setup takes it to 1.29M dps.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย magicrectangle#3352 เมื่อ 1 มี.ค. 2018 10:59:40
Okei, ty mate.

It looks like that the new change to Hierophant brings equal in power both of the Specializations, which is a good decision to enable more build diversity.
HC SSF Harbinguer : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 94 (RIP).
STANDARD : Templar Inquisitor, LVL 97 (ALL CONTENT DONE)
What would you do differently if you didn't go soul mantle? I'm very interested in gc totems, but I can't stand that chest piece.
lourun_coria เขียน:
Okei, ty mate.

It looks like that the new change to Hierophant brings equal in power both of the Specializations, which is a good decision to enable more build diversity.

Those numbers are for shaper/guardians (40% ele resist). For mapping hierophant should be easily superior, with its 90% increased placement speed, 5 totems, and stronger MoM.

kayklown เขียน:
What would you do differently if you didn't go soul mantle? I'm very interested in gc totems, but I can't stand that chest piece.

It annoys me too, which is why I do the kikazaru variant. Then it doesn't matter. Soul mantle is too much damage not to run. Free 7th link, free extra totem. The extra totme life is also quite nice.

The build technically can work without it, but it is far and away the best chest option.

Cloak of Defiance is probably the next best option, but you have to understand that it is a massive damage loss. For hierophant the damage loss is slightly less extreme, but you're still talking about 56% more damage with soul mantle (using my gear from last league as a baseline). 80% more damage with soul mantle as inquisitor.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย magicrectangle#3352 เมื่อ 1 มี.ค. 2018 11:28:05
Hi, i followed ur build in the harbinger league, and i just created my build for GC with Hierophant, could you tell me if there is anything to improve?
I will still modify the items and the flask, my biggest doubts are in the tree and the gems.
I do not want to use Kikazaro
Can someone link hiero pob? I couldn't find it. And also can I go for crit hiero version as a league starter or non-crit is a lot better for this?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SuperElectric#6704 เมื่อ 1 มี.ค. 2018 16:11:06
Alright some huge updates to the guide!

Thanks to magicrectangle who has been really helpful with both ideas and answering questions. (added a shoutout for you in the Thanks part of the guide!)

I am currently undecided if the Non-Crit version of the Hierophant is even worth keeping. I don't think it has much benefit over Crit-Based other than being much easier to gear for and having more life.

Some excerpts from the guide update:

3.2 Updates:
  • Added Support for Hierophant! The guide has gone through a bit of a revamp since the Ascendancies have as well. Quick reference updated with both Crit-Based and Non-Crit versions.
  • Inquisitor remained relatively untouched. The skills, gear, and jewels remain the same while a few new items now appear as alternatives for the build. The Glacial Cascade Totem Inquisitor is still alive and well and will be a great choice for a league starter and remains all content viable in Bestiary League.
  • Added Atziri's Reflection to Shields Section
  • Added notes about Hierophant vs Inquisitor in Questions section
  • Added Notes for Cold Pen in light of Hiero in the Gems Section as well as Vaal Clarity and mention of a 4-link Lightning Warp Setup!
  • Added snapshot of my final gear at the end of 3.1 Abyss League in the Gear Section.

Hierophant vs Inquisitor
3.2 saw a huge revamp to Hierophant and it's quite exciting for totem builds. Personally, I have chosen to stay Inquisitor as it remains the top tier choice for single target and I generally start the league filling out the atlas and doing all content and save currency for a more dedicated faster mapper (shameless plug for my Deadeye Guide!). I then save the Inquis for bossing when needed. A perfectly viable strategy might be to start Hiero for story/maps and switch to inquis using regret orbs once you have higher levels of gear.

Some good things about Inquis:
  • Resistance Melt. No need for Elemental Weakness, Frostbite, and/or Cold Penetration Support. At high levels of gear this Ascendancy is top tier when it comes to bossing.
  • Less totems to keep up. Again another nod towards bossing. While PoB warriors might have better shaper DPS with all 5 totems, all 5 flasks, etc. Less totems accounts for more flexibility in hectic fights where a boss kills totems with AoE and you might have time to only hit with 1 Totem.
  • Instruments of Virtue. If your bottleneck is movement abilities then the huge cast/attack speed of this Ascendancy 2 pointer is hard to beat.

Some good things about Herio:
  • Totem placement speed. I know you're thinking that the big benefit of Hiero will be more totems and overall more damage but it's really not the case. Inquisitor is that hard to beat from a pure damage standpoint. However quality of life from totem placement speed is huge! Getting 5 totems up will take no time at all.
  • Easier to gear. Soul Mantle is even less required in this version because going from 4 to 5 totems is less of a DPS upgrade than going from 2 to 3 totems. Soul Mantle is still fantastic for the free link however and it is still 20% MORE damage if you have all 5 totems going at a time.
  • Shield Charge or Whirling Blades is optional. No Instruments of Virtue means you have the option of not using one of these. Having Fortify is still great but if you wanted to get a supercharged Lightning Warp then you can use that to get around! (Lightning Warp - Less Duration - Faster Casting - Swift Affliction)
  • Wands are on the menu. This is both related to easier to gear and no shield charge/Whirling Blades needed. Single or dual wand setup. Wands roll with great caster stats like cast speed, spell damage, spell crit, and are still eligible for those juicy Shaper mods. Some uniques like Apep's Rage and Void Battery are open as budget options for the build as well.
Did you run many ULabs with this? I'm up in the air with either your GC Totems or a Cleave build. I really want to try GC Totems for mapping but would like to be able to run some Ulabs as well. Not looking for fastest build but being able to do as many keys as possible.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ZenkoAsMs#3666 เมื่อ 1 มี.ค. 2018 17:22:27



