[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]

I will be on twitch in a few hours to collect feedback and update the guide again before the league start tomorrow.

Great opportunity to ask questions and give feedback!

ZenkoAsMs เขียน:
Did you run many ULabs with this? I'm up in the air with either your GC Totems or a Cleave build. I really want to try GC Totems for mapping but would like to be able to run some Ulabs as well. Not looking for fastest build but being able to do as many keys as possible.

Won't be as fast or safe as jugg, but it is completely fine for uber lab. I farmed a fair bit of uber lab with it last league.
This looks like a great starter for 3.2 Thanks for updating it especially with the Hierophant option.
Never done a pure spell totem build before so with the changes to Hiero IO thought I may as well give it a go, what I'm thinking right now is that depending on how expensive it gets,the new fated atziri's reflection could be pretty good with the soul mantle curses if you can handle losing a chunk of damage.
Removed Non-Crit version of Hiero (I felt it was a noob trap). This will also allow easier switching into Inquis should you want to go that route.

I'll likely start Hiero until maps and first three labs but on Uber lab, I'll bring some regret orbs and switch to Inquis.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย thi3n#0446 เมื่อ 1 มี.ค. 2018 21:10:14
thi3n เขียน:
Removed Non-Crit version of Hiero (I felt it was a noob trap). This will also allow easier switching into Inquis should you want to go that route.

I'll likely start Hiero until maps and first three labs but on Uber lab, I'll bring some regret orbs and switch to Inquis.

How many deaths on average per map or Shaper?
Some_Day เขียน:
How many deaths on average per map or Shaper?

I did maybe 3 dozen shaper runs in abyss with this build, almost all deathless. Deathless shaper is mostly about DPS, as if you have enough damage there's no time for his mechanics to get troublesome.

Mapping is super safe if you play defensively (hide behind your totems), but of course playing defensively is slow. Speed mapping is relatively safe if the map doesn't have stupid mods on it, and generally deaths are only due to idiocy / too much booze.
Would you recommend this build for SSF?

My main concern is finding a Soul Mantle or Kikazaru ring... as obviously I can't buy them (but gearing is my concern with all builds when it comes to SSF).

How would this perform without Soul Mantle or Kikazaru and with just basic rares you'd expect to find during SSF?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย brunowa#6253 เมื่อ 2 มี.ค. 2018 00:02:19
It doesn't hard-require any items. Soul mantle is a huge damage boost, but the build works without it (better as hierophant than inquisitor without soul mantle).

Kikazaru isn't needed at all, you can just roll curse removal on a mana flask (or not, if you don't have soul mantle anyway).

Kikazaru is pretty common though, you'll probably find a few of them before you find a soul mantle. Soul mantle isn't super rare either though, I didn't keep track but I think I found half a dozen or so soul mantles last league.
brunowa เขียน:
Would you recommend this build for SSF?

My main concern is finding a Soul Mantle or Kikazaru ring... as obviously I can't buy them (but gearing is my concern with all builds when it comes to SSF).

How would this perform without Soul Mantle or Kikazaru and with just basic rares you'd expect to find during SSF?

I feel Soul Mantle is a must if you want to do high tier content with Inqui, probably less important on Hiero while you still get 4 totems with tree and ascendancy to get high dps, but still huge buff.

Kikazarus is a nice addiction if you manage to get Self-Flagellation as well, but otherwise one or two flask with curse removal are totally fine and easy to get.

Edit: Yup, as magicrectangle said :)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย onefrogurt#4200 เมื่อ 2 มี.ค. 2018 00:12:18



