[3.7] Freezing Pulse Totem Hierophant | Cheap, Starter, Guide, Guardians, Shaper
This build has been going great for me. I took the MF route and started farming burial chambers.
With this gear I pushed up to t14 maps (some bosses were tricky without a soul mantle to keep totems tanky) Only problem I've had is in corridors and small, tight spaces, but that isn't a build problem, just how the skill is. Also quick note, I swapped away from the karui amulet and I am currently running no extra projectile speed aside from quality on freezing pulse and it still feels great. Also new mtx woo.... ( why did they make it arctic ..) |
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Im having a lot of issues where im running like tier 6 or higher maps and my totems are getting one shotted by rares or unique mobs. Im not using a soul mantle and im lvl 87. What is something i can do to help remedy this?
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Just thought I'd chime in with my thoughts on this build. As you can see I managed uber atziri with it which was deathless until her add phase where i panicked on the mirror add after my totems managed to nuke themselves through another add to the mirror add which i didnt clock (this is the issue with always pierce!). Never cleared uber atziri with totems before but it was actually really easy. I would honestly say this rivals the arc totem meta just a lot of people don't realise it. My gear is good but I could really do even uber atziri with a 5L mantle. You nuke her phases in seconds with a 6L. I specced into a tiny bit more regen than op just as personal preference. Not using shimmerons as i like shield charging on bosses (and they're ridiculously overpriced at the moment). But I use a doryani's instead of a brightbeak even while mapping, i dont mind the less attack speed. All in all, this build far exceeded my expectations. I'm thinking uber elder might possible but we will see. Below is my gear, feel free to check my profile for the character. The gear could be better, specially the shield and boots. Don't feel the need for kaom's roots atm and its nice to have some spare slots to level even more FP :D. Some of the flasks arent exactly the mods I want but i'm lazy and farming atm :). แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย MisterCai#4628 เมื่อ 9 มิ.ย. 2018 14:43:02
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Was playing Arc Totems until I double corrupted my chest....i'm on the projectile train now :) Loving the Freezing Pulse totems!
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Past 89 should we work towards Heart of Ice/Breath of Rime or Fingers Frost + More health/Mana instead?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Zykor#0921 เมื่อ 10 มิ.ย. 2018 02:11:43
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May I ask why Brightbreak as main weapon for build?
♣ IGN: DoctaMagicFinder
♣ My YouTube channel: youtube.com/doctagaming ♠ Proud brazilian player. |
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The huge attack speed on Brightbeak makes you shield charges a lot faster, and this generally speeds up backtracking and clearing maps, even though you're doing less damage
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Zimpnic#0565 เมื่อ 10 มิ.ย. 2018 03:53:47
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i am loveing this build so far! heres my gear so far
iv been wondering why no one seems to be talking about that shield? its been soooo helpfull at not dieing. i cant use Brightbeak cuse of the dps lose but hey i am still clearing fast so its all good! other then maby the ammy anyone see something the would be a good thing to upgrade next? |
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" Got it, thanks! ♣ IGN: DoctaMagicFinder
♣ My YouTube channel: youtube.com/doctagaming ♠ Proud brazilian player. |
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Anyone try but this and ARC totems? I mean I know ARC is the meta right now but wouldent Arc be better in every way? The chains from the arcs would pick of trash faster ect, or does FP bring something I am missing? I want to play my first totem build and just 6 linked a Soul Mantle so cant pick....
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