[3.7] Freezing Pulse Totem Hierophant | Cheap, Starter, Guide, Guardians, Shaper

shahmat1972 เขียน:
Anyone try but this and ARC totems? I mean I know ARC is the meta right now but wouldent Arc be better in every way? The chains from the arcs would pick of trash faster ect, or does FP bring something I am missing? I want to play my first totem build and just 6 linked a Soul Mantle so cant pick....

Why should Arc be better in every way? It's a totally different skill.

- has a longer cast time
- lower base crit
- doesn't freeze enemies
- has less coverage, especially in open spaces

Arc has better damage, especially single target. You can just try out both skills, the tree and gear for Arc Totems should be very similar.
shahmat1972 เขียน:
Anyone try but this and ARC totems? I mean I know ARC is the meta right now but wouldent Arc be better in every way? The chains from the arcs would pick of trash faster ect, or does FP bring something I am missing? I want to play my first totem build and just 6 linked a Soul Mantle so cant pick....

Arc totems are just generally a lot less safe for the caster themselves. FP gives us chill and freeze almost permanently, even most map bosses get frozen (obviously less consistent in red maps). We also get perma blind if you take the tul amulet which is a huge defensive buff. And arc totems might have an edge on single target but with the buffs to FP it still nukes things even like uber atziri or shaper very quickly. I was initially concerned about FP in small corridors but with the amount of totems you have you still just blast through narrow maps.
Really love this build, I think this is the best league starter build for everyone. I do MF in the beginning instead of using Brightbeak and Tabula. Finishing 10 Acts with 4 link sockets and reach T10 easily with 5 link sockets. Then I use orb of fusing for 6 link, finally T15 an Uber Lab is not the problem anymore.

This is my current items :

Small update. Beat all the shaper guardians and shaper himself deathless. Did five more uber atziri runs also deathless, rip drops but it was fun. I think uber elder might be possible but it might be too long of a fight for this build which isn't great for sustained periods without flasks. I've done a few red elders and they're a bit close sometimes.

Anyway, build is great, already 94. Farms really nicely and can tackle almost any content.
Build is starting to get pretty residentsleeper at level 88, I feel like there's basically nothing else for me to do other than grind the same thing hundreds/thousands of time and maybe get lucky enough to farm up enough currency to be able to upgrade to the bullshit priced x2 Shimmeron's & 6L Soul Mantle.

Currently using this gear, mixing between MF and clearing, running T10-T15 maps & Elder down. Is there really no significant upgrade I can make here that'll allow me to take this to the next level without necessarely sucking some RNGesus dick to be able to afford it?

I have a full Soul Mantle loadout sitting in my stash (sans shimmeron's) until I can manage to get the damn thing 6L'd.

Edit: Just said fuck it and swapped to my 5L Soul Mantle setup, bought a Doryani's and some 1Ex spellshield, currently at about 77k tooltip DPS per totem, not sure how much that is in actual DPS but according to your 20k->100k and assuming it curves down as the tooltip goes up, I think I should be expecting at least 200-220k DPS per totem.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Zykor#0921 เมื่อ 12 มิ.ย. 2018 06:40:56
I have been playing this build to 55 following it almost exactly (I love this buildO and I came across a gem Cold Steel https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Cold_Steel
that transforms physical damage in radius to cold damage. Would using that gem in the South west section of the passive tree near the southwest Totem node which give me about 130% extra damage to physical damage which when converted via the gem to cold damage theoretically would give me 130% more damage with my totems. I would spend about 8 skill points to get there (i could spend some more points on the totem nodes near by) and pick up 6% cast speed 40 strength, 10 dex, 20% armor increase. Is the points worth it for all that cold damage or a waste time. That seems like a crap load of cold damage added to my attacks but I dont know how all the numbers effect everything. Is there a better place to use it?
That gems is good for attacks and not spells. Do not do it.
This build is great.I am playing SFF level 88 right now clearing all maps with ease,even without the clear mind jewel and poor gear.

I've been playing since 2016 ,always doing my own builds in SFF, the first time i follow a build now i can clear breaches and abysses :D It's amazing, i just love seeing the monsters get frozen and shattered.

I love the Arc skill, so i was thinking, maybe in the next league, if i could switch the Freezing pulse for the Arc skill. Do you think it is possible to do that without making a lot of changes in gems, gear and passive tree?

Thanks for this amazing build and keep up the good work :)
Hey everyone.

Can someone help me with my Incursion hiero ? Playing this build, im only lv66 but think i've a serious lack of dps and don't understand why.. Got about 4k dps full totem full buff full curse with the curse jewel. On a random t1 map i take too much time to kill normal monsters..

Ty for help.
Podyaourthh เขียน:
Hey everyone.

Can someone help me with my Incursion hiero ? Playing this build, im only lv66 but think i've a serious lack of dps and don't understand why.. Got about 4k dps full totem full buff full curse with the curse jewel. On a random t1 map i take too much time to kill normal monsters..

Ty for help.

Please change your privacy settings, so we can see your character.

Also make sure you follow the guide and read the "what am I doing wrong section?". The tooltip doesn't display our DPS correctly, though 4k still seems low.

Mindelo เขียน:
I love the Arc skill, so i was thinking, maybe in the next league, if i could switch the Freezing pulse for the Arc skill. Do you think it is possible to do that without making a lot of changes in gems, gear and passive tree?

Yeah, you can just try out Arc right now, just buy a 20/20 Arc and use corresponding support gems (maybe in a tabula). Even if you would optimize the build for Arc, there are not many changes to be made.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย VisorX#2061 เมื่อ 23 มิ.ย. 2018 14:28:23



