Path of Exile Fan Art Competition
" no thats not what im saying. " Im a graphic designer, I work in adobe digital all day, Ive entered every art contest on here since the very first one and everything I have entered has been digital. Its probably been over 15 years since I made a traditional piece of art. So no, not a digital hater at all, just well versed enough in both traditional and digital to understand the mediums and talk about them from an educated perspective. " if you want to be good at a medium you have to play to its strengths. If you limit digital to the constraints of watercolours it will always look bad, because watercolours just naturally look vastly superior to digital when it comes to putting paint down. Again you seem to think im saying work into it more because u got a save, the save can help u feel better about it, but Im saying work into it more because it will make the art better and it will make you a better artist. I would be saying the same thing if it was traditional art, it just comes with risking more. Most ok artists paint something thats ok, where a great artist paints that same ok piece, and then uses that as an underpainting to make something great on top of. The difference is often simply that the better artist doesnt stop, they keep going. Its not about technical skill at all, simply perseverance and experience with perseverance. Its just getting over the idea of risking whats already there, Im trying to get at the idea of never viewing whats there as something that needs protecting because that mindset is what holds artists back. Its always the groundwork for something better to be put on top of. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" Well then, on the part of people that like doing normal art, like you see in the art gallery, it's true. I was just trying to act like a simple minded guy with that answer there tho. Wasn't all so serious. As for the art part, it's funny since most people that hate digital art, hate it because of how fast you can have results, that is, if you have down your foundations, and that takes time learning traditional art or you know, some people learn it in the digital too, but many pros are saying traditional art to have your foundation is the way to go, since, you learn that you can't undo, and cheap paper plus not grinding your eyes on a screen helps. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Occisus#4313 เมื่อ 29 มิ.ย. 2018 00:58:48
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I get what he's saying in his post for the "critique" but giving the artist no clearly defined direction is just a waste. What I said before perhaps is somewhat crude, but really all your post amounts to is work harder and experiment. Unless we're in a vacuum I don't think people really need to be told that if you work harder you'll get better.
A lot of what he says in his post is also quite conceited, digital workflow obviously isn't only relegated to using photoshop brushes. PS provides you with textured brushes and tons of ways to manipulate your image. So much of his post is just filled with pretentiousness... So much unnecessary filler. |
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![]() This is my 2nd entry "Why would you want this exile?!?" pen and ink on mixed media paper. Everytime Alva shouts this at me, it makes me laugh, and I couldn't get it out of my head today. |
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well, if anyone was expecting less words in my next post sry to disappoint.
" fair play, yeah I know what ur saying, Ive come across the digital art haters too. I do find them incredibly tedious, I would hate to come over as one of those guys so my apologies if I did. Digital art is legit, I just think that while you do save a lot of time over traditional you sometimes have to do more to get the same quality of finish. Its like digital music vs traditional. Plug a gibson guitar into a marshall amp stack and simply strum a chord, it will sound epic. Load up a standard software vst synth on your pc, pick the 'guitar' synth preset and hold down a chord of keys... gonna sound like absolute garbage, some kind of bleeping turd that could never match up to the rich tone of the real thing. That doesnt make digital software synths shit, you just have to do a ton of layering and processing to achieve the same kind of tonal quality. When you do that you can do things with the digital that are just impossible from a traditional instrument. But you have to 'work' those sounds a lot to impart the same kind of character and depth to them. " he said in his post he was unsure about overworking his picture by doing more. Im not telling him to work harder, Im just making the case for a default way of approaching art being always go for the overwork, do not be afraid of it. Hes expressing indecision about 2 courses of action and Im recommending one of them and giving reasons why. Im not trying to be a coach who tells him how to do his thing, hes the artist, he put the possibilities on the table: leave it as it is or work into it more. Harder is irrelevant, its just dont be afraid of doing more. Im not giving a critique of his picture, Im giving one on his decision to pull back and not risk further working the piece, which imo is a far more important aspect. sry for actually having an art discussion in this art thread on a discussion forum, maybe I should just be discussing trade etiquette or whatever these other people are harping on about? What do you think jang, leave it as it is or work into it more? " given your own submission I feel like youre a work into it kind of guy, am I right? This picture, is it currently a masterpiece? no, but its not finished and thats obvious to see even without you stating as much below it. But it could be a masterpiece, it has the hallmarks of something amazing in progress. Why? Partly because its so rough, its so obviously done from a mindset that none of these marks are the 'final' marks, this isnt going from blank canvas to the finished artwork in 1 sweep. This suggests an accomplished artist at work. the little cherub pet, its currently rather crude. Now some people would paint it less curde, but would just leave it there. My presumption is that if you were to carry on youd work the cherub, and then some more, and when u were done it would look amazing. The difference between you and the person who leaves it is mindset and continuing to work into the piece. His first cherub might even look better than urs, but urs will finish better because you simply didnt leave it there, you continued. You painted it fast, lose handed, and from a mindset of it being the underpainting that would be worked over, ya? Cause thats the mindset Im advising necro to have. Right now his piety is better realised than your cherub. But hes stopping there cause hes afraid of risking what will happen if he works into it more. You on the other hand, if you were to finish the work, would continue to work into it and my guess with all respect to everyone is that your cherub would end up looking better. But his piety is more convincing than your cherub right now, so what would happen if he had your mindset and he decided fuck it, Im gonna work it more, overwork it, and then work it again? Its working for you Im sure, I dont need to see a finished piece of your work to know when you finish something it looks awesome. Maybe it would work for him too, only 1 way to find out. Its not skill, its not improving artistic talent, its simply mindset, perspective, and then going again. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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cut off-topic
Ah, you go again with that argument. Why the hell would I not sell them if I want to sell them? I would be losing currency that way; while I sort my inventory after a map and wait for the portals to the new map appear, I can usually sell a couple cheap items, and that the way it's convenient for me; I'm not going to put the convenience of others over my own, and that does not make me an egoist, on the contrary - the egoists are people who expect me to do things that would be convenient for them.
" But I do put myself in other people's shoes; that's why when I want some cheap item, I'm fully prepared to go through 10+ listings; I often /whois the player to see what he's doing to know whether it's worth it to try whispering them a bit later if I still don't have what I want; and most importantly, if I want an item listed for 1c and nobody is replying, whispering to anyone who's listing that item for 2c usually does the trick. Why? Because one of the aspect of pricing stuff is how much convenience are you going to provide the buyer; listing the cheapest you have the power to dictate your rules, because you won't have a shortage of buyers. You will sell it whenever it is convenient for you, it's not like the buyers stream will run dry if you're always the cheapest. If you're one of those people who are willing to waste 5 portals every map jumping to HO to trade - that's a good reason to list your items higher, because you're providing extra service in form of convenience. But don't even attempt to claim that it's 'bad' or 'assholish' to not do things the second way and not the first way. " No I am not. You know who's being rude? The people who post PSA on reddit before a short race is starting (like Mayhem, Turmoil, Flashback etc), telling people to unlist their main league (Harbinger/Abyss/Bestiary etc) items from public tabs, because OH THOSE POOR PEOPLE FROM THOSE MAIN LEAGUES WHO WILL WASTE THEIR TIME WHISPERING YOU. Now THOSE people are exceptionally egoistic and rude. It's actually amazing how they don't even stop to think how ridiculous their guilt-tripping tactics are, considering that they are the egoists in those situations. " It triggers me because you (and a large part of economically illiterate reddit and official forums community) have very little understanding of what price fixing is (unless you've ever tried buying items worth multiple exalts, you most likely have never encountered any price fixing in this game at all) and you basically slander normal players, accusing literally everyone who doesn't do things the way you want in some crimes. " That's not 'entitlement' or 'egoism'. Yes, I put myself over others. Everybody does. And saying that others should put their needs before yours while seriously believing that you are being a good, non-egoistic, non-rude guy, is the pinnacle of hypocrisy. " No, I don't need that. I want to sell 1c items and I will continue to sell items. Sure, I'll meet some egoistic spergs from time to time who will spam my PM, call me a price-fixer and generally fail to have some human decency and realize that if someone doesn't reply, it must be for a reason, but thankfully, there is the ignore function in this game. Sadly, it doesn't save from people occasionally posting such ridiculous 'cool advice'. " That's literally what you're saying here for quite some time now, starting with 'just don't list 1c items' and 'just put dnd'. " Well, easy: all players who trade large amounts of items, run maps a lot and generally play on a high level, know the general possible things other players are doing in the game; when you know that people might have many possible reasons why they don't reply to your message, that's when common courtesy/manners would suggest to not bother them. They might have a million possible reasons to not reply to me, and that's none of my business. Same goes for 1c/expensive items. I know that even if that guy is already at the 3rd Izaro in the uber lab right now, and he did see my message, he won't respond to me after the lab for a 1c item; not because he's a douche-bag, but because he fully understands that by that time I will already find what I need, because 1c items are commodities, not some deficit goods. At the same time, if I found a one-in-a-million rare belt I've been searching for days and I want to buy it for 20ex, I know that I most likely won't have to even whisper him again - he'll come back to me when he returns. In any case, I know that if someone doesn't respond to me, they must have a reason, and this reason is not my business. Yes, I want their item, but for whatever reasons they can't sell it to me. Instead of flipping my shit and running around calling those people assholes or price-fixers, the common courtesy and manners tell me to keep searching for the item I want. Now, guys like you mostly don't chain-run maps with uber-strict+ filters, play it slow, buy challenges and stuff - of course people are free playing however the fuck they want, the issue is, players like you often fail to even imagine that people might play the game a different way; for your tempo and capital, going to town for every 1c item and actually responding to everyone might look fine, just like picking up RGB items for chromatics or collecting the chaos recipe. But the issue is, you try to project this on everyone else; and that shows that actually you lack common courtesy and manners by expecting everyone to slow down to your tempo. " I get those whispers literally every ~10 seconds. The map lasts ~2 minutes. By responding to all ~12 whispers I'd receive during the map, I'll bring the whole duration of the map at least up by a minute, or ~50%. That would mean I'll run 50% less maps than usual during my session, making 50% less value than usual. Tell me how that doesn't affect my needs. " No, that's exactly what it is - your convenience. People who trade a lot do not 'wait' for something - if it's an expensive item and the person doesn't respond, you /whois them, check when they come to HO, and then try again. If it's a commodity, you wait a couple of seconds and go for the next seller. That is being courteous and respectful of other people and their time. " There you go again with this absurd argument. It's not my 'fault'. I want to sell them, I will sell them when it's comfortable for me, and I do sell them all eventually. I'm not complaining about the disturbance, those messages don't disturb me; I'm complaining about the goddamn egoists who genuinely believe that I should waste my time and my capital to please other people. " Good for you, perhaps some of those friends might consider the possibility of not being egoistic assholes in the future, so trading would be more pleasant for everyone. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LaplaceNoMa#3989 เมื่อ 29 มิ.ย. 2018 06:09:50
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This is my artwork for the competition
Only for you PoE fans - Wallpaper size 1920 x 1080 I hope you like it :) - SunSero The Ancestral Warchief ![]() แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SunSero#5301 เมื่อ 29 มิ.ย. 2018 19:15:25
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my work submission
i like zana and her clock hope you like my zana fanart thank you everyone. this is my devianart >> and my youtube channel >> ![]() แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย metaldoll#0371 เมื่อ 29 มิ.ย. 2018 21:57:49
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1st entry
This is what happened when I stepped in Throne of Atziri for the first time. Yeah, i'm the witch back there! ![]() 2nd entry My witch fan art. It may sound strange but I looove collecting flasks in every league lol. I just need to have them all! ![]() 3rd entry Ehm..I don't have much to say about this one. I tried to experiment with various styles and techniques. Hope you like them! ![]() |
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" I love those reactions, priceless! |
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