[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly


I seem to be struggling to get my DPS higher. Any suggestions? I am currently stuck around 64k DPS.
BlizzardSpy เขียน:
donpawpaw เขียน:
hey buddy, how do you get 5 totems?


3.5 (Betrayal)

The patch 3.5 brought many balance changes to Path of Exile.
Two changes will effect this build. (I guess it was too overpowered after all) - But an important note at the beginning: It is still a very powerful build, in my opinion still the best overall build in the game in terms of map clearspeed and uberelder farming & great delve grind potential.

1) Chin Sol Bow got nerfed to 50% increased damage at close range (down from 100%). With my char & gear I edited the Chin Sol in PoB to the 50% roll and the damage loss / output per totem is decreased by 24%.

2) The Hierophant Ascendency now only grants +1 to maximum Totem (down from 2). This means, we have a total Totem count of 4 (down from 5).
But at the same time we now summon 2 totems per cast (up from 1) and we get 3% increased flat damage per totem (total of 12% increased damage). This compentates mostly the missing totem. And for endgame boss-killing it is nice to have a faster output of the maximum damage-potential (2 casts to have all totems up).

Literally the first part of the guide...

got it... thanks buddy!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย behert#0543 เมื่อ 16 ม.ค. 2019 06:56:18
Changed my build last few days with great success.

I made some nice boots with +totem damage and life + fire res.

I play with Haste AND grace aura activ. Grace is a huge Def boost imo. Using the curse on hit setup in my boots. You only need to curse big bosses like guardians or elder / shaper, since everything else is a one hit.

Look at my profile. I can really recommend that.

Ps: No mana issue so far (even if I play with divine guidance!
Hello, Im making your build with my low currency on standard and im loving it! What upgrade you recommend me for now?
The gloves with 2 abys is $$$ to me right now, have another one to use until take the perfect glove? Im trying one skirmish with point blank too.

What's my priorities?
Thanks :D!!!
ayerun เขียน:

I seem to be struggling to get my DPS higher. Any suggestions? I am currently stuck around 64k DPS.

First load up your profile in path of building. Then add some of the items from the first page into path of building and check which one would give you the biggest improvement.
For me this was the gems: get elemental hit to level 21 and get a better frostferno (+2 fire/cold/light corruption or +2 projectile). The helmet actually gives the biggest overall dps for the build.

Now I finally got this:

Also check next if you have a lot of accuracy to reach at least 90% hit rate. Accuracy gives a big boost per path of building, more than other stats on jewels.
I would search for >4% increased attack speed, >150 accuracy and >35 life

Okay. Thank you. will try that. Im currently at 87% accuracy.

I have been playing ele hit for a while, and have finally double corrupted a helmet. However, my mouse over is still only 23694 - 54797. These seems quite low and was wondering how I could improve these numbers. Thanks.
So I've checked off point blank in POB and it doesn't calculate it into the damage. Is there a way to see the damage difference between a regular Skirmish and a Point Blank one? Because right now POB has a regular one being a huuuuge dps increase. Also, it has putting points into Acuity as a bigger dps increase than Lethality or Primevil Force. I have 84% accuracy atm without any of those nodes.
Hi, i have a probleme and i don't understand why, i have the same equipement, i have follow skill three, but my totem deal 0 DMG, i can"t kill mob Acte 1. My character is 93 and i have no tooltip DPS. Maybe i have miss something.

Thank's for your help.



