[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

Eskalibure, verify that you are using the proper gems in the skill tree.
You'll need two combat focus jewels,
Combat focus - Crimson jewel
Combat focus - Viridian jewel
Due to avatar of fire you won't deal any damage unless it's fire, sounds like you are using the wrong set of combat focus jewels
Does anyone know if using the alter of corruption enables us to gain both 'Point Blank' and 'Bow Attacks fire an additional Arrow' on the same Skirmish quiver?
Tried this build as hiero and had lot of fun. I'm selling my gears if anyone is looking for a full set.
Software glitch. Post no longer relevant.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย PurpleRabbit#7283 เมื่อ 19 ม.ค. 2019 12:45:49
First of all, thank you for the build idea. Its really fun since i like totem builds in general.

My Question would be if there is a endgame Bow comparable with Chin Sol, for example something with the Delve Mod "increased Elemental damage" paired with WED and Attackspeed? In Theory you just have to hit atleast 50% Dps Dmg increase to get it equal to Chin Sol or am i overlooking something?

For Example just by swapping it for Lioneyes Glare im almost hitting the 50% Dps increase from my overall mouseover Dps so they "should" be equal unless i overlook smth crucial.

Would like to find smth as Bow replacement since that Knockback is sometimes pretty annoying and im bored anyways.

Beside that anyone thought about using his 5link bow for
Enlighten(4), Blasphemy, 2 Curses + Grace/Haste.

And use 4 Skillpoints for Sovereignty. Allows you to run 2 Curses + Aura, and your left with enough Mana to summons your Totems.

Maybe i overlooked something but im pretty sure that 4 Points are well Spend for another perma Curse in terms of Dps/Value.

Boots are linked with Immortal Call, Cwdt, Increased Duration and the leftover Aura you didnt choose to run in your Bow (Haste/Grace).

We usually have around 20% curse effectiveness against the toughest bosses like Shaper and Elder, etc. so I doubt it is worth the investment. You also need a +1 curse item to run both curses concurrently.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Roirraw#5935 เมื่อ 18 ม.ค. 2019 18:36:43
2) Immortal Call on level 10 (quality grants increased duration / consumed endurance charrges)
But quality grants increased cast speed or am I missing something? Why do you need level 10 tho? Also CwdT grants increased damage per quality. I don't get it.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Inscaped#2999 เมื่อ 18 ม.ค. 2019 22:02:11
PurpleRabbit เขียน:
Sounds like a cool build. Only one problem...well lots of them.

No quivers, bows, Thief's Torment, Rain Splinter, Combat Focus jewels are available on either marketplace. I'm afraid that this build is WAY too popular... Sigh.... I have a Quill Rain, but for leveling, 2 claws with Frost Blades work best.

Guess I'll keep hoping that I can eventually find the other items.
What are you talking about? Got everything I need like very early.
If I can't afford the point blank corruption on quiver yet should I go grab the point blank nodes instead ? is it worth it ?
This build is legit awesome, thanks for all the information and updates all the time.



