[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

Hey, i'm having a blast playing this build. I cleared every content in the game, except for uber elder, oneshotting nearly everything, and doing a decent job at surviving, despite my only 4,8k life.
My current gear:


I'm trying this double curse setup Flammability + Ele Weakness, and it's looking pretty solid imho, especially for bosses.

What should i change/upgrade next? Not counting the obvious corruptions on bow/kaom which are a bit tricky/pricy to get right now
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย wh1spo#5261 เมื่อ 24 มี.ค. 2019 11:42:08
Is there anyway you can do double curse with aura? Or does it have to be manually from using Frenzy or other skills?
Hi is herald of ash viable on this build , if so could it be used instead of the second curse ?

Amazing build, first time i can clean everything, elder, shaper, etc solo by myself so thanks for that!

i put here my build to get my next upgrade

many thanks!
Very good build so far, expensive to min-max though. I still need better rings.

Xrande เขียน:
Is there anyway you can do double curse with aura? Or does it have to be manually from using Frenzy or other skills?

ofc you can with blasphemy, but you won't be able to run grace or haste at the same time, unless you throw in a high level enlighten gem or some reduce mana reserved nodes on the tree
Hi, the build is absolutely fantastic! But I think there will be some problems on uber elder.
After i burned out of synthesis i rebuild old char and this build is great!
Dont have got point blank implicit yet,but get this one pretty nice anyway

LORD19845 เขียน:
Hi, the build is absolutely fantastic! But I think there will be some problems on uber elder.

I had the chance to meet uber elder first time ever (playing since abyss) and it was very tough for me. If someone knows the mechanic and killed him with other builds it might be easy(er). I had to invest 4 sets of guardian fragments to finally kill him with the second last portal. He dropped a watchers that not even brings me to zero for the fragments. But have it done is payed enough :-)

The phases are quite easy, I got them after the first 4 portals. But what really fkd me up are those heavy hits out of nowhere (maybe graphic settings too low?) that just one shot me on 5.2k life with grace, enfeeble (blasphemy) and phasing (manual).

The probably biggest issue I had by far is the really slow movement. Phasing is gone when casting any skill and if you are slowed down, missed shaper location and his blast comes out, BOOM. Happend a lot of times when I thought "cool fight, you made it" that I just died cause of this.

Maybe a noob, but was really hard for me.
if you nerf 10 gems out of 30, you automatically buff the other 20!
I have a question for the build creator or any other theory-crafters out there... do you think this build can be efficiently modified to run some other spell with totems? maybe soul mantle + ... or would it lack damage?



