[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

wh1spo เขียน:
Xrande เขียน:
Is there anyway you can do double curse with aura? Or does it have to be manually from using Frenzy or other skills?

ofc you can with blasphemy, but you won't be able to run grace or haste at the same time, unless you throw in a high level enlighten gem or some reduce mana reserved nodes on the tree

Can u explain the enlighten gem? It says on Level 3 92% Mana Multiplier. Does that mean I get 92% more mana or can you explain what exactly this gem does in simple words?
For example haste has 50% mana reserved, with 92% multiplier (*0.92) it will reserve only 46% of mana

Useful tool for mana reserve calculations

yet i only get 300k dps why is this so low compared to the guide? i know i have to work on the gems but still it should be much higher...
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Otomok#6566 เมื่อ 26 มี.ค. 2019 23:32:12
@Otomok your gear is fine; the reason why your damage is lacking is because your gems are super low lvl... go buy some 20/20 gems for a few chaos per :)

can someone tell me howto progress further? Check my public profile. Im currently at 750k per Totem = 3 Million DPS. OP hat 9.6 with 5 totems (so 1.92 MDPS with 1 totem). Thats over 2,5x more DMG.

I have Point Blank, +2 Lightning gems on frostferno already. I got Kaom and Yoke Of Suffering. I checked all my gems and noticed that its not really more damage if you get them to 20% quality.. Only Elemental Hit is good at L21.

Can someone clarify? Just wanna say that Im currently fine its still a very good build for me.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย j0hnnyclaymore#4329 เมื่อ 27 มี.ค. 2019 01:26:57
This guide creator is kinda like mathematician, he can create big numbers, but those numbers are theoretical, not practical ones. Biggest issue is Point Blank - it sucks, it's good on PoB but almost useless 99% in real life PoE situations. Ele Hit simply don't need that, it can be replaced for much more clear speed on maps by chain +1. It just don't mater if boss dies in 0,345 sec or die in 0.378 sec. But on map you will feel big difference having chain+1 or not.

Another big mistake in this build is Chin Sol bow. Chin Sol is garbage, it's slow, his biggest perk : dmg at close distance is very situational and 80% time useless. If you use Qill Rain you will have much more dps and tons of QoL.

Another thing, big one is Templar ( Hierophant ascandacy ) . Hierophant is most glass cannon fragile garbage in PoE. It lacks leech. Scion leech form Chieftian is slightly safer, but real Chieftain - Marauder is like good like. Leech is most amazing and live saving thing. Your acrobatics RNG will fail often, your fragile Hierophant must be played very carefully.

Small mistakes are like recommending Gang Momentum boots. Yes, high dps, but this slot should be taken for capping resistances. It's quite easy get 130 total res boots here. Also 25% movement speed instead of 30% ( + ) is bad for map clearing speed and safety ( harder dodge stuff ) If you use gang momentum you have to choose valuable suffix ( resistance ) slots in rings and gloves. Overall balance is stretched in bad direction.

This build can be played in many different ways, you can easy check how top players build it for most dps and life here, what items and passives they use:



Its quite easy import this chars to PoB and check precise numbers.

All you need for this build is :

ALL OTHER THING ARE OPTIONAL You can adjust it you your safty, clearing speed, life and much more QoL!

I strongly recommend use Marauder - Chieftain and use :

grab best projectile speed, it's very important

+1 chain is god like corruption

Marauder - Chieftain version perks are :

- leech for you !
- leech for your totems ! ( they heal themselves )
- 100% fire immunity for totems - easy ele reflect maps !
- bood magic : no mana problems, easy no regen maps !
- resolute technique - no accuracy neeeded 100% hit chance
- much more easy reachable fire penetration - more dps !

Or you can change nothing. Congrats you have best build for encounters like Atziri while you will sucks on 99% rest. Oh and ofc biggest number in PoB configured to show 1m distance dps. LoL.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Elua#0230 เมื่อ 27 มี.ค. 2019 02:59:04
Korpivaellus เขียน:
After i burned out of synthesis i rebuild old char and this build is great!
Dont have got point blank implicit yet,but get this one pretty nice anyway

No luck for me on the corruption. I end up paying 1 ex for a Point Blank Skirmish.
as already pointed out by someone else, this build has some flaws in it, and i'd like to help fellow newbies with my personal solutions to the shortcomings i've encountered:

1. amulet = yoke, seriously ? i've compared the dps using POB for yoke vs xoph's and the yoke amulet provides borderline more dps, while xoph's defensive bonuses are massive; there's a reason xoph's is much more expensive compared to yoke, because it is much better ! you should use xoph's

bonus: using xoph's, you don't need to take avatar of fire on the tree, giving you 2 more juice passive skill points to use wherever you please

2. weapon = chin sol is a bad bow, it was a good one before the nerf (with 100% more dmg at close range) but now it's just trash; in my personal opinion, the best-in-slot is lioneye's glare simply because your hits will never miss !! 100% hit rate gives insane dps boost while allowing you to respec the accuracy from the tree and take it off your gear; let's look at the big picture, even with thousands of accuracy you will never get 100% hit rate, but with this bow you do, and you can now also respec 4 more juicy passive skill points that you'd waste with accuracy, and replace the shit accuracy from jewels with much better, legit stats

3. boots = gang's momentum boots are trash; the only stat there that is useful and not generic is the 40% incr. dmg vs ignited enemies ! you can do better than that with some rare boots, or something like bubonic trail with 2 abyss jewels (btw bubonic trail are legit, best-in-slot for lots of builds, but for this one i found something even better); my boots choice is windshriek for the following reasons:
-you recommend an expensive amulet like yoke with a corruption for 1 extra curse, that shit is so rare, 99.9999% of players will never own one; instead, these boots allows 1 extra curse with little investment
-boots provide movespeed, all elemental resistances and elemental damage (20%) so we only lose 20% incr. dmg compared to gang's momentum but gain much more with the other bonuses
-i hate casting curses, i run 2 curses with blasphemy and these boots increase the aoe of the curse auras thus matching our high range, the auras range is almost off-screen with these boots
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย medwannabe#4543 เมื่อ 27 มี.ค. 2019 11:56:37
Noice_Applez เขียน:
@Otomok your gear is fine; the reason why your damage is lacking is because your gems are super low lvl... go buy some 20/20 gems for a few chaos per :)

so i did that and did a comparison


my build is on the left the creators is on the right

My damage may have gone up but its still waaaaaaaay below

https://pastebin.com/Z5nctKDs link to my current build any tips to further increase the dps?(working on last ascendancy trial)

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Otomok#6566 เมื่อ 27 มี.ค. 2019 21:47:13



