[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

SirCalmness เขียน:
Might have been asked before, but can we incorporate Mirage Archer somehow or is it not worth sacrificing another gem?

Mirage Archer doesn't work when linked to our Elemental Hit Setup as it requires us to hit the enemy, not our totems. Even if it works, the DPS loss from replacing Combustion/Elemental Damage with Attacks with Mirage Archer is just too huge to be even worth considering.

As for linking Mirage Archer to the Frenzy Curse on Hit Setup on our bow, well, Mirage Archer doesn't Curse on Hit and our attack damage is very low so it doesn't do much for us there.

SirCalmness เขียน:
Hi, leveling the build and really enjoying it, so thanks for that!

Great to hear, Have fun with it! :)

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Vei เขียน:
SirCalmness เขียน:
Might have been asked before, but can we incorporate Mirage Archer somehow or is it not worth sacrificing another gem?

Mirage Archer doesn't work when linked to our Elemental Hit Setup as it requires us to hit the enemy, not our totems. Even if it works, the DPS loss from replacing Combustion/Elemental Damage with Attacks with Mirage Archer is just too huge to be even worth considering.

As for linking Mirage Archer to the Frenzy Curse on Hit Setup on our bow, well, Mirage Archer doesn't Curse on Hit and our attack damage is very low so it doesn't do much for us there.

SirCalmness เขียน:
Hi, leveling the build and really enjoying it, so thanks for that!

Great to hear, Have fun with it! :)


Thanks for the reply, makes sense (I'm just not that experienced with the game yet).

Think I'm gonna use this as my league starter for Harvest :)
SirCalmness เขียน:
Think I'm gonna use this as my league starter for Harvest :)

Awesome! This will be my league starter for Harvest too ;)
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

I played this build back in Legion, managed to roll a double corrupted frostferno and I was destroying everything. I kind of want to try this again now, with the new ballistas and everything. Also I think I'm gonna try the AR version.

The only thing that is holding me back is that it's friggin difficult to understand this. I mean, to get the AR version, you meed to go through the original, then through Vei's EV version and then apply the AR changes. Gonna try though :) Vei did you consider migrating this to a proper, separate guide that doesn't require people to underatand the original firat?
I enjoy creating thematic builds, that are still perfectly functional!

- [3.25] (CONCEPT) Master of Blades - Death by a Thousand Impales: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3533232
- [3.25] The Undying Vampire - Colin Robinson Build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3438891
Wolferlmm เขียน:
Looking for some dps-increase also.

Hi, these are the things you can consider


It seems like you are playing standard.

Legacy Chin Sol
I would say go for legacy Chin Sol with "100% More Damage with Arrow Hits at Close Range" (Did a search and found quite a number for sale) and then go for Point Blank Keystone. That's really the Biggest Mega DPS increase you can get as long you don't mind playing at closer range and the slower attack speed.

If you do go for Chin Sol using my Passive Tree(Which I think better(more life % and easier access to Cluster Jewel) compared to the OP's) do note you will need some Dexterity(212) source to be able to equip Chin Sol.

Yoke of Suffering
The other thing I would like to point out is that if you are changing away Yoke of Suffering, you will need to incorporate Summon Skitterbot into your Gem Setup. Without Yoke, there is no shock so that's a substantial DPS decrease from no shock and also from the "10% more Damage per Elemental Ailment on the Enemy" on Elemental Hit Gem.

This would mean changing your "Blasphemy Curse" Gem Setup on your boots into the "Frenzy Curse on Hit" Setup due to Summon Skitterbot requiring Mana Reservation. You can refer to "05 Possible Gem Setup" on my writeup for all the Gem setup details.

Other considerations

1. This build gets lots of DPS from Flat Accuracy, so we try to get enough Flat Accuracy to reach near 100% Chance to Hit(Ignore "Chance to hit Evasive Monster %" as that doesn't affect our DPS by much) Usually one to two Tier 1 Flat Accuracy affix on our rares will be enough.

Possible Sources for Flat Accuracy
- Gloves (Up to 600)
- Quiver (Up to 480, 600 through Defeaning Essence of Doubt Crafting)
- Ring/Amulet (Up to 480)
- Abyssal Jewels(Up to 240)

2. Pierce from some source, they can come from

- Hunter Influenced Boot with "Projectile Pierce 1-2 Additional Target" affix
- "Penetrating Arrow Quiver" Base Type
- Temporarily Anointing Piercing Shots on your amulet until you get some Pierce after which you can refer to "06 Recommended Anointment" on my writeup for which anointment to use on amulet.

Other less ideal ways
- Crafting Projectile Pierce 1 Additional Target craft on Gloves with open prefix(Less ideal since you are using Legacy Tombfist with legacy Abyss Jewels)
- Poacher's Aim Unique Jewel(Weak Jewel, only as last resort)

3. Flask Changes

I would recommend changing Atziri's Promise and Dying Sun(Isn't as useful to us now that we can put more Totems(More projectiles/coverage) to other DPS Flasks.

Here are the Flasks from best to worst in terms of DPS:

1. Diamond Flask of Acceleration(12% Attack Speed)
2. Diamond Flask
3. Silver Flask of Acceleration(12% Attack Speed)
4. Sulphur Flask of Acceleration(12% Attack Speed)
5. Silver Flask
6. Sulphur Flask

4. Belts

You can craft the higher tier "(24–32)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills" on your belt. Recipe is located in the Academy Map if you don't have it yet.

5. Catalyst

Turbulent Catalyst will be great on both your current rings.
Prismatic Catalyst will be great on your Belt if you are switching out Yoke of Suffering for Marylene's as you will be losing the resist from Yoke.

These would be my suggestions.

Myzreal เขียน:
Vei did you consider migrating this to a proper, separate guide that doesn't require people to underatand the original firat?

Initially when I wrote the "guide", it was meant to be just a supplement/update to this build base on the latest changes as I am not sure if I have time to update it further. My intention was just to put the info out there to share with everyone, let people continue discussing the build etc. Though as time goes on, I added more and more and it has become a guide of sorts.

I understand that going through 3 post worth of info is pretty rough. I probably will make some addition/changes(When Time permits in future) so there is a section Players without any info from the original post can jump directly into. That should make things easier for them.

Myzreal เขียน:
The only thing that is holding me back is that it's friggin difficult to understand this. I mean, to get the AR version, you meed to go through the original, then through Vei's EV version and then apply the AR changes. Gonna try though :)

Actually since you have played the build before, you will already be familiar with the original Post so you just need to follow Section 4 to 12 on Page 173 and that will be enough for the EV version. As for AR versions, they can be incorporated slowly later.

Should be easier with the lesser info by focusing on just the EV version first :)
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vei#5870 เมื่อ 5 มิ.ย. 2020 07:34:22
I've been casually playing PoE on and off for a few years now, and I have to say this is by far the strongest build I've played. Rips endgame content with relative ease. Fast clear speed w/o gem swaps. Suggested items (the basic ones) carry you pretty far into the endgame. Damn awesome in my opinion.

Initially used Chesco's Melting COC Assassin as my first char this league. It was fine for clearing and bosses, but was too squishy for endgame content due to my lackluster items. I stopped after reaching 24 challenges in the first three weeks. Got back to playing mid-league to blow off some steam from work, decided to do my first ever Templar (not cuz of herald stacking, mind you) and first ever totem build. I'm not kidding.

Had 10ex after I stopped playing my first char. First thing I did was buy the essential stuff, and I got all of the required items on my first look at poe.trade. Bought the bow for 1-2ex. +2 fire corrupt Helm for 5ex (pretty sweet deal on my end). Skirmish quiver carried me until level 90. Initial investment was around 7-8ex.

Thought I'd like to share my playthrough:

- Used Xoph's Blood to save on 2 passives. Actually a temporary solution until I leveled up some more, but ended up using it until now. No significant changes to Vei's tree otherwise.
- Wise Oak + equal resists for elemental damage penetration and reduction. Honestly could do without, but stuck with it anyway. Opens up more options since you don't have to force yourself to min-max resists like I did.
- Culling Strike on gloves. Love me some Culling Strike, especially for bosses. Works with totems AND Frenzy too. Sweet.
- +1 arrow on quiver. Actually prepping to add another (still looking for options) so I can possibly drop Rain of Splinters. Bought one with a 20% Maim on Hit mod and open slots for crafting for around 1ex (lucky), hit 32% Elemental damage on first multicraft attempt, then an ok life roll, so a 3ex investment. Pretty happy.
- War banner for more accuracy. Flesh and Stone for Sand Stance blind, Skitterbots for chill and shock, as well as lvl 1 Precision. Thought I had too much mana even after the buffs so I crafted Aspect of the Cat on my boots for additional defense. Had a lvl 4 Enlighten on my previous char, so slotted that in. Sitting at 94 mana, and still not running out after spamming totems continuously.
- Quartz Flask for Phasing instead of Phase Run. Just my style. Pop flasks, run into packs, drop ballista and move on. A pair of totems usually kills the pack due to the pierce (+3 with boots and quiver) and AoE.
- Did my first Cortex ever yesterday and dropped a Bottled Faith on first attempt (lucky). Great results for bossing. Before that, used a typical Silver flask with movement speed to help with clearing.
- Little to no Chaos res. Stupid, I know; but the life regen and Pantheon options helps me pull through. Might consider maxing to be safe (but seriously, I feel pretty safe now when it comes to defense).
- Flame Dash for movement and to match the fire theme (aesthetics). It's my favorite movement skill, so why not? 155 int sucks though, but meeting the requirement is good for 2nd curse (Ele Weakness).
- Vaal Grace for more dodge. Great for bossing and dangerous mobs.
- 20/20 CwDT and Immortal Call is pretty good at 6K+ HP. I don't get hit much anyway.

Gloves was around 1ex with the T1 Accurary mod, Culling strike and Projectile damage. Crafted attack speed and slammed an exalt for the life roll. Lucky.

Most expensive trade I did was on the Lvl 5 Awakened Curse on Hit I bought for around 14ex, just cuz I wanted the +2 curse as soon as possible. Target Syndicate Farms are key.

Accessories and some jewels are pretty meh at the moment. If and when I decide to replace Wise Oak, I could move things around easily.

I'm playing the 9 totem version;

I didn't even fully min-max the build, but I'm honestly having too much fun just ripping through content to stop and upgrade my stuff. Easiest A8 Sirius and Uber Elder I've done, and I don't even do much of those. Killing Conquerers in under 30 secs. When bosses do kill me, I can just watch my ballistas cull them to death before respawning. Cheap move, I know.

Ele reflect is still tricky for me, but very manageable. True, your totems receive the damage, but it's tricky to sustain against hard rares and bosses since your totems die in a few seconds and you have to keep spamming them instead of dodging mechanics. Did a 100% Delirium corrupted 8 mod Burial Chambers (full div, very high IQ + div scarabs to farm Doctors) some time ago. Thought I could handle the reflect with ease. Not a fun experience.

Other than that, everything's doable.

Damn, how I wish they'd extend this league; Delirium has been quite rewarding for me, and I've been pretty lucky with drops and rolls this league.

Anyways, would love to hear what to focus on next. Though I'm rather apprehensive if I'll hit the 40/40 mark by next week considering my short playtime, I'm pretty happy about where I'm at right now. Also, it wouldn't hurt to hear some opinions from you awesome players.

Really, thanks for the kickass build and update. Would definitely recommend this as a starter even without the expensive stuff; you accumulate those as you go. I'm also supportive of an official update to the build guide itself, or a separate one based on Vei's take.

Blake_Zephyr เขียน:
I've been casually playing PoE on and off for a few years now, and I have to say this is by far the strongest build I've played. Rips endgame content with relative ease. Fast clear speed w/o gem swaps. Suggested items (the basic ones) carry you pretty far into the endgame. Damn awesome in my opinion.

Hi there! Thanks for sharing your experiences and info in such a detailed post. Had a great time reading it. I am glad to hear that the build is serving you well. :)

Blake_Zephyr เขียน:
Ele reflect is still tricky for me, but very manageable. True, your totems receive the damage, but it's tricky to sustain against hard rares and bosses since your totems die in a few seconds and you have to keep spamming them instead of dodging mechanics. Did a 100% Delirium corrupted 8 mod Burial Chambers (full div, very high IQ + div scarabs to farm Doctors) some time ago. Thought I could handle the reflect with ease. Not a fun experience.

Ele reflect can be avoided easily with this sextant Roll


They can be rolled with Simple Sextant(The cheapest one) and is a common roll. I always set aside these rolls when I get them so I can use them when I want to run an Ele Reflect map :)

On a side note, I also set aside this Sextant Roll(Also can be rolled with Simple Sextant)


which I combine with Saturated Flask like these

when I run No Regen Maps(Of course I also bring a Mana Flask along when running them). Obviously 4k Instant Heal Flask is also fantastic in maps where the mods are harder. :)

Blake_Zephyr เขียน:
Anyways, would love to hear what to focus on next. Though I'm rather apprehensive if I'll hit the 40/40 mark by next week considering my short playtime, I'm pretty happy about where I'm at right now. Also, it wouldn't hurt to hear some opinions from you awesome players.

Some of the things that I think you can consider

1. As you are playing the Evasion version of this build. One of the strongest affix for Evasion is from

+(5–6)% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacks

which can be obtained from Murderous and Searching Eye Abyssal Jewels

This affix effectively doubles our Evasion %. No other affix comes close to providing that much in terms of defense. Considering that we have so many totems shooting at such a fast speed, the enemy is most of the time blinded.

The other affix that also works very well is

+(6–8)% chance to Taunt Enemies on Hit with Attacks

A great help to distract the enemy to focus on our totems instead :)

This affix is only available on Murderous Eye Abyssal Jewels though.

2. I put all the points below in this group as they affect/relate to each other in a certain way when one is changed. It's a pretty big group!

2A.Projectile Weakness actually is the second best Curse(After Flammability) in terms of DPS so it's better to use it instead of Elemental Weakness(3rd Best Curse).

2B. Without Elemental Weakness, the next highest Int requirement(155) will come from Level 20 Flame Dash. Considering the reason we want a higher level Flame Dash is for the Cooldown recovery Speed, if we don't mind a bit slower recovery speed(Since Flame Dash can store up to 3 use also), we can reduce our Int requirement to just 126, for Level 5 Awaken Curse on Hit and Level 14 Flame Dash(121 Int)

2C. You mentioned that Xoph's Blood was a temporary solution. Not factoring in the defensive aspect of it(For what I am going to say) which is definitely pretty nice. The thing is, Xoph's Blood does pretty great DPS if the enemy hit us, but if the enemy doesn't hit us, its one of the lowest ranked amulet(DPS wise according to my amulet Rank list on "22 Equipment Rankings by DPS") If I am playing Evasion/Dodge based char, that probably doesn't synergize well with getting hit ;)

Which means we can consider getting a Marylene's Fallacy to replace Xoph's Blood which is the "2nd best" amulet in terms of DPS(Also provides us with Culling Strike). Remember to anoint it.

2D. Without Xoph's Blood, that means we will need to put points into Avatar of Fire in the Passive Tree. I would take away all except 1 Passive Point leading to King of the Hill Notable. This will give us 4 points, I will allocate 2 points into Avatar of Fire and the other 2 points into Lethality Notable. With this Passive Point rearrangement, you actually end up with more DPS although only 2 points end up being allocated into DPS Passive (i.e. Lethality is a very very strong DPS Notable)

2E. Back to the Int requirements, with the rearranging of the Passive Tree, we now get 93 Int from the Passive Tree, this means we only need 33 more Int to reach 126 Int for Level 5 Awaken Curse on Hit. Since we have already changed our Amulet to Marylene's Fallacy, we will be able to get 30 Int from the Implicit, the remaining 3 Int we can get from using Intrinsic Catalyst on the Amulet which raises the attributes on the amulet by up to 20%(36 Int max)

2F. With the Amulet change, this means Fire Resist has been modified, which means gear adjustment is needed to get the best out of Wise Oak again. Though I would say if you don't really need the defensive Aspect of Wise Oak, I suggest switching it for a Diamond Flask with the Acceleration Suffix(12% Attack Speed) if you don't need any other Suffix.

A Diamond Flask offers us more DPS compared to Wise Oak, in fact it's similar to a top Rolled Bottled Faith but better because Bottled Faith requires the enemy to be on the consecrated ground whereas Diamond Flask doesn't have any requirements.

Also, considering that we are now using Marylene's Fallacy, a Diamond Flask synergizes perfectly with it.

(For Flask DPS Ranking you can refer to them on "22 Equipment Rankings by DPS" on part 2 my guide)

2G. Now that the Int requirements are fufilled by Marylene's Fallacy, you don't need anymore Int on your equipment so switch away your belt for a better one :)

3. I would highly recommend using a few Divine Orb on your Bottled Faith if you plan to continue using it to get a high roll on it. It's currently very low rolled. Aim for 1.8%+ Crit and 9-10% Damage Taken.

Hope the above has been helpful.


My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

ไอเทมบางชิ้นในโพสนี้ ไม่สามารถหาได้
Thanks Vei! Your suggestions make perfect sense. I just recently started juicing up maps using sextants. Totally forgot to sustain ele reflect sextant mods instead since they seem quite elusive for me. The instant heal ones seem to pop out first, which is why I use it as my go-to solution as you mentioned. Other sextants are usually a bunch of randoms I tend to run just cuz.

Definitely gonna try out your suggestions as my last league upgrade/makeover once I sort out rl stuff. Some of the gear are already in my stash; just have to look for decent accessories and better gear replacements to go with them after adjusting my PoB.

Thanks again and stay awesome!
Blake_Zephyr เขียน:
Thanks Vei! Your suggestions make perfect sense. I just recently started juicing up maps using sextants. Totally forgot to sustain ele reflect sextant mods instead since they seem quite elusive for me. The instant heal ones seem to pop out first, which is why I use it as my go-to solution as you mentioned. Other sextants are usually a bunch of randoms I tend to run just cuz.

Definitely gonna try out your suggestions as my last league upgrade/makeover once I sort out rl stuff. Some of the gear are already in my stash; just have to look for decent accessories and better gear replacements to go with them after adjusting my PoB.

Thanks again and stay awesome!

You are welcome! Have fun with the build and stay safe(Both in game and real life ;))
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide




