[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

3.11 Initial Thoughts/Comments
*This post will be constantly updated as GGG releases more info that I find worth mentioning(i.e. related to our build)*

Patch Notes


1. Unfortunately we got hit kinda hard with the 3.11 Patch Notes, now We are back to 7 Max Totems instead of 11 Max Totems

It's similar to when I played this build in 3.9 which only has 7 Max Totems then, less powerful but it did worked fine then when bosses were buffed greatly that patch and everyone was complaining.

oh well, we'll continue to adapt and improvise :)

2. Depending on when you plan to play this build, this could be a nerf or neutral to you.

Estuary Map appears only at Tier 14 now so it will be harder at league start to obtain Frostferno. Won't affect those who switch to this build later on in the league.

No Changes/Neutral

1. "GGG mentioned in Previous Day's Development Manifesto:

"Critical Strike Multiplier values have been lowered from almost every passive, as well as from some items"

I did a check through all the Notables here,


Seems like none of the ones we use(Lethality, Small Passive near Watchtowers and Shaman's Dominion) were affected which is great! Plus there wasn't any mention of changes to Marylene's Fallacy which is nice!

2. There was a small buff to a totem Notable on the Passive Tree, Primal Manifestation

Old Values
24% increased Totem Damage
20% increased Totem Life
20% increased Totem Duration

New Values
30% increased Totem Damage
30% increased Totem Life
30% increased Totem Duration

Unfortunately we are not taking it so it doesn't affect us. That said if the small Passives leading to Primal Manifestation got buffed too, which we are unable to see for now, it might be worth taking a look at this area since it's pretty near our path in the Passive Tree.


The new Chainbreaker Keystone is a big buff for us. Here's my detailed thoughts from a few days ago:

(13th June 2020) GGG revealed a new Timeless Jewel Keystone today called Chainbreaker

This Keystone is very interesting for our build because:

1. It's a way to get Rage(At 50 Rage we get 50% increased attack damage, 25% increased attack speed and 10% increased movement speed)

2. Since we don't hit our enemy often(Only when we want to curse them), the disadvantage doesn't affect us much so we will be at 50 Rage most of the time.

3. We already have 100% Mana Regeneration Rate through the 5 Small Passive from our Ascendancy, and we can get another 65% Mana Regeneration Rate at the starting area of Templar if we go towards Sanctity Notable instead of Retribution Notable. As such we may not need to specifically look for Mana Regeneration Rate on the items we use.

How I look at this Keystone is like this:

We will be maintaining 50 Rage most of the time when Mapping. However when bossing, we will be utilizing this Rage through the Berserk Gem

The benefits of the Berserk Gem is pretty insane to say the least since all the benefits work multiplicatively!

Update(27th June 2020): The Keystone is obtained when Lethal Pride(Akoya) is placed into a Jewel Socket that has a Keystone in it's radius. It will convert that Keystone into Chainbreaker

So my questions for this Keystone will be:

Does Ritual of Awakening's "Regenerate 0.5% of Mana per second for each Summoned Totem" apply to the keystone?

Base on the wording I would think it probably won't apply to Chainbreaker, which I think is both a plus and minus in this case.

It's a Plus because We will continue to take advantage of the Mana Regeneration for our Totem Cast. It's a Minus because Berserk will last shorter.

Update(27th June 2020): Ritual of Awakening is working similar to what I mentioned above which means it doesn't apply to Chainbreaker


With the Mana Regeneration Rate changed to apply to Rage Regeneration, it's hard to say if we will have enough mana to sustain casting our totems. In the event that mana regen is not fast enough, we might need to fall back to using a Mana Flask.

Alternatively, we can also go for the "Non-Channelling Skills have (-#) to Total Mana Cost" affix to reduce our Totems cost.

Regardless, I think the potential this Keystone can bring definitely makes it very interesting!

Update(27th June 2020): When Chainbreaker is taken, we will have just enough Mana to cast our 7 Totems, just not overcast/spam them. So it shouldn't be an issue. If you would like to make it smoother, "Non-Channelling Skills have (-#) to Total Mana Cost" Elreon's craft or a similar affix found on Incursion on rings will be the best way.

LINK BACK TO MY WRITEUP AT PAGE 173(For those coming from there)

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vei#5870 เมื่อ 26 มิ.ย. 2020 11:33:10
If Infernal Warcry covers nearby enemies in ash, might it be worth running for another DPS increase?
Crystarin เขียน:
If Infernal Warcry covers nearby enemies in ash, might it be worth running for another DPS increase?

Hi, I would say it depends...

The radius for Abyssal Cry(Old name for Infernal Warcry) is 20-25 tile according to the Wiki.

As the various build version in my writeup are all designed to play at range, I would say Infernal Warcry probably doesn't fit in well unless one don't mind closing in once in a while to activate Infernal Warcry.

However, I am planning to write an optional version of the build(After Patch Notes is released) that I think synergizes pretty well with Infernal Warcry. Keep a lookout on my "Update History" for it :)

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vei#5870 เมื่อ 13 มิ.ย. 2020 12:31:03
From the manifesto, the only thing i saw that might pertain to this build...

Weightings of Notables and other modifiers have been adjusted, with the most powerful notables and two jewel sockets being much less common, as crafting an exceptional cluster jewel was far too easy.

Here's hoping the additional sentry notables won't be too rare! Since it's looking like the optimized version of this build is going to be very heavily cluster based.

Not to mention getting 2-3 well rolled 2 socket large clusters too.

Also thanks to Vei for updating this build, I played this build in Delve league, and now again in delirium thanks to your updates, loved it both times.

And to my question,

I'm planning on league starting-ish with this build, as after trying a bunch of different ones with leftover delirium currency. I'm not sure about building up currency to buy a forstferno to get the build going in a fresh league? Are you planning on farming to early maps with holy flame totem?
Hm i should try this build again with the next league. It was a lot of fun. And it seems perfect to kill those plants within close ballista range :>

Also very curious what 3.11 has to offer for this build :D
Zampano เขียน:
From the manifesto, the only thing i saw that might pertain to this build...

Weightings of Notables and other modifiers have been adjusted, with the most powerful notables and two jewel sockets being much less common, as crafting an exceptional cluster jewel was far too easy.

Other than what you mentioned, these 2 also caught my attention

Critical Strike Multiplier values have been lowered from almost every passive, as well as from some items.

We have quite a few Passives with Critical Strike Multiplier:

A. Lethality Notable and the small Passives leading to it
B. Small Passives leading to Watchtower Notable
C. Obviously also Shaman's Dominion Notable which is our best DPS Anoint

Hope these are not hit too hard and they don't remember Mary ;)

Many Cluster Jewel notables were problematic when stacked multiple times. Rather than limiting notables to one, we've instead rebalanced or significantly changed these notables, or added caps to the maximum value you can receive from a certain kind of effect.

Let's hope non of them affects the Notables we use!

Zampano เขียน:
Here's hoping the additional sentry notables won't be too rare! Since it's looking like the optimized version of this build is going to be very heavily cluster based.

For Medium Cluster Jewel, I would think it won't be as bad even though we need 6 of them for 13 Max Totems build. This is because we only require 3 specific affix on them.

Prefix 1 - Sleepless Sentries
Prefix 2 - Snaring Spirits(Just need 1)/Ancestral Echo(Need 5)
Suffix 1 - 1 Added Passive Skill is a Jewel Socket

Since Ancestral Echo and Jewel Socket is a common affix(They only mention 2 Jewel Socket becoming less common not 1 Socket), so the harder part will only be getting Sleepless Sentries and Snaring Spirit.

Using Serrated Fossil to craft the Jewel will give us a much higher chance to get Sleepless Sentries. After crafting 5 Sleepless Sentries + Ancestral Echo + Jewel Socket ones, we probably will have hit 1 with Snaring Spirits :)

That's how I look at it for now, which hopefully will be the actual scenario or something like this. :)

Zampano เขียน:
Not to mention getting 2-3 well rolled 2 socket large clusters too.

Large Cluster will definitely be much harder with the changes. Considering even if we manage to craft the correct affixes, we can't guarantee the position of the Notables will be correct. XD

I will definitely be buying these since I can check the Notables position using POB to ensure it's correct.

At least one good thing about Large Cluster Jewels is that we have 2 groups to choose from with multiple enchantment types in each group, and also multiple options for Notables so that will at least make the ones we are looking for more common.

Zampano เขียน:
Also thanks to Vei for updating this build, I played this build in Delve league, and now again in delirium thanks to your updates, loved it both times.

No problem! Happy to hear that you love it :)

Zampano เขียน:
And to my question,

I'm planning on league starting-ish with this build, as after trying a bunch of different ones with leftover delirium currency. I'm not sure about building up currency to buy a forstferno to get the build going in a fresh league? Are you planning on farming to early maps with holy flame totem?

The default is definitely farming Maps with Holy Flame Totem(Which btw are still pretty good for the White Maps) and doing the UnID Rare Set for 2c Vendor Recipe and of course selling any good drops.

One way to "reduce" the cost of Frostferno is instead of buying Frostferno directly, buy "A Vision of Ice and Fire" prophecy and "Heatshiver" Helm instead to make Frostferno. It is usually cheaper this way.

One thing I will be doing(Not recommending unless u like the idea) is checking the NPC in Towns everytime I level(I am not a rusher) for any RGB linked item to buy and sell back for a Chromatic Orb. Base on my past experience, I will end up with 80-100 Chromatics(Including picking Chromatic Orb and selling RGB linked items from Drops) before I reach maps.

On the 4th day of league, which is usually when I reach maps, the Chromatic to Chaos Rate should be around 10-12 Chromatic to 1 Chaos, so that is like 8-10 Worth of Chaos there. Other than changing them to chaos, its also nice to have a bunch of them to reroll the colours on our gear when needed.


My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Oh no Sleepless Sentries is on the nerf list for cluster jewels :(
So as far as i can read it out from reddit sleepless sentries got a pretty hard nerf. Like really hard.

The new stats are:

"20% increased Totem Duration",
"You have Onslaught if you've Summoned a Totem Recently"

the +1 ballista is gone <.<
Vedajo เขียน:
So as far as i can read it out from reddit sleepless sentries got a pretty hard nerf. Like really hard.

The new stats are:

"20% increased Totem Duration",
"You have Onslaught if you've Summoned a Totem Recently"

the +1 ballista is gone <.<

Back to the drawing board for my league starter sigh

GGG :(
Vei เขียน:
3.11 Initial Thoughts/Comments
*This post will be constantly updated as GGG releases more info that I find worth mentioning(i.e. related to our build)*

Patch Notes


1. Unfortunately we got hit kinda hard with the 3.11 Patch Notes, now We are back to 7 Max Totems instead of 11 Max Totems

It's similar to when I played this build in 3.9 which only has 7 Max Totems then, less powerful but it did worked fine then when bosses were buffed greatly that patch and everyone was complaining.

oh well, we'll continue to adapt and improvise :)

2. Depending on when you plan to play this build, this could be a nerf or neutral to you.

Estuary Map appears only at Tier 14 now so it will be harder at league start to obtain Frostferno. Won't affect those who switch to this build later on in the league.

No Changes/Neutral

1. "GGG mentioned in Previous Day's Development Manifesto:

"Critical Strike Multiplier values have been lowered from almost every passive, as well as from some items"

I did a check through all the Notables here,


Seems like none of the ones we use(Lethality, Small Passive near Watchtowers and Shaman's Dominion) were affected which is great! Plus there wasn't any mention of changes to Marylene's Fallacy which is nice!

2. There was a small buff to a totem Notable on the Passive Tree, Primal Manifestation

Old Values
24% increased Totem Damage
20% increased Totem Life
20% increased Totem Duration

New Values
30% increased Totem Damage
30% increased Totem Life
30% increased Totem Duration

Unfortunately we are not taking it so it doesn't affect us. That said if the small Passives leading to Primal Manifestation got buffed too, which we are unable to see for now, it might be worth taking a look at this area since it's pretty near our path in the Passive Tree.


The new Chainbreaker Keystone is a big buff for us. Here's my detailed thoughts from a few days ago:

(13th June 2020) GGG revealed a new Timless Jewel Keystone today called Chainbreaker

This Keystone is very interesting for our build because:

1. It's a way to get Rage(At 50 Rage we get 50% increased attack damage, 25% increased attack speed and 10% increased movement speed)

2. Since we don't hit our enemy often(Only when we want to curse them), the disadvantage doesn't affect us much so we will be at 50 Rage most of the time.

3. We already have 100% Mana Regeneration Rate through the 5 Small Passive from our Ascendancy, and we can get another 65% Mana Regeneration Rate at the starting area of Templar if we go towards Sanctity Notable instead of Retribution Notable. As such we may not need to specifically look for Mana Regeneration Rate on the items we use.

How I look at this Keystone is like this:

We will be maintaining 50 Rage most of the time when Mapping. However when bossing, we will be utilizing this Rage through the Berserk Gem

The benefits of the Berserk Gem is pretty insane to say the least since all the benefits work multiplicatively!

So my questions for this Keystone will be:

Does Ritual of Awakening's "Regenerate 0.5% of Mana per second for each Summoned Totem" apply to the keystone?

Base on the wording I would think it probably won't apply to Chainbreaker, which I think is both a plus and minus in this case.

It's a Plus because We will continue to take advantage of the Mana Regeneration for our Totem Cast. It's a Minus because Berserk will last shorter.


With the Mana Regeneration Rate changed to apply to Rage Regeneration, it's hard to say if we will have enough mana to sustain casting our totems. In the event that mana regen is not fast enough, we might need to fall back to using a Mana Flask.

Alternatively, we can also go for the "Non-Channelling Skills have (-#) to Total Mana Cost" affix to reduce our Totems cost.

Regardless, I think the potential this Keystone can bring definitely makes it very interesting!

LINK BACK TO MY WRITEUP AT PAGE 173(For those coming from there)


Well i guess we can still make this build work. Its allmost like in the old days so yeah 8)



