[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

hay luna can u watch my gear and say me how i can improve my gear ? i do good damage but i dont oneshot shaper from phase to phase. it looks like my damage is not enaugh
Happy Holidays all! To those who had beaten Uber Elder: Is Kaom's Root recommended for that fight or slow and freeze are not a big problem to this build?

What level +- Do you drop thiefs torment and start using rare rings?
thank you
Lunasicc187 เขียน:
BuIIyHunter เขียน:
@Lunasicc187 Sir I would be really appreciated if you could take a look at my gears and tell me what I can min/max, improve on in order to get squeeze out more dps. This is my first league and I tried to followed the guide as close as possible. Currency is not a problem for me. Also I'm trying to find a +1 arrow chin sol and +1 curse yoke but no one is selling them for the past week :( Thank you very much and loving the build so far

Hi buddy,

your gear looks quite solid so far :-) well done!
If currency doesn´t matter, try to get a +4 frostferno corruption.
(Best possible combination is +2 fire & +2 projectile)

And ofc the +1 curse on yoke of suffering and the +1 arrow chin sol.
Also you can go for a double corrupted Skirmish (+1 arrow & point blank)
Try to get corrupted 2 socket tombfist with increased attack speed (aim for at least 18% total on gloves) and / or increased crit strike chance for attacks (increased base crit).

But this is ofc all pretty expansive and highly endgame.

Get a corrupted Combat Focus jewel with "8-10% increased global crit strike chance", maybe it is more damage for you, than the 4% increased damage roll (It always depends on specific gear, for me it is a better roll)

Damage-wise you can get a "diamond flask" with increased duration and the new craftable "increased crit chance during flask effect" roll from the veiled mod from the unique flask, instead the quartz flask.

And ofc you will get the best buff, if you invest in some leveling. You are missing "lethality" and some life notes.

Hope you have fun min maxing the build.


Thank you very much for the input. In regard to the frostferno helm, can it be +2 cold (or lightning or fire) twice or it has to be +2 fire, +2 project, +2 cold, +2 lightning? Like can it be +2 fire + 2 project + 2 cold +2 cold?
I farming currency to get my amulet (yoke) but o don't wanna use karui war anymore, exist something in the middle can u use until get yoke ? Thank you.

Man it hurts seeing shit like this
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ntpphong#1150 เมื่อ 28 ธ.ค. 2018 01:10:51
feichas96 เขียน:
I farming currency to get my amulet (yoke) but o don't wanna use karui war anymore, exist something in the middle can u use until get yoke ? Thank you.

Was pretty easy to get.
i has anyone tried this build with Scion /w Chieftain for Totem Leech?
ntpphong เขียน:

Man it hurts seeing shit like this

Hi buddy,

this price is a phantasy...
The "real" prices are about 120ex for the perfect corruption with +2 fire & +2 projectile, because the odds are so extreamly rare to hit it.

Every other useful combination with a +4 corruption (cold, fire, lightning, AoE, projectile) should be arround 60-70ex at the current stage of the league.

I guess, ppl who decide to double corrupt a frostferno, know for sure what they are doing and what they are aiming for, so I guess there won´t be any mispriced versions for a useful +4, at least I gave up trying to snipe one...

The linkage is not a problem, you can link corrupted items (you just need a bunch of vaal orbs for it). Neglectable costs compared to the corruption...

You just can try to hit your own +4 in the corruption altar. Push your temple with a sextant mod "area contains alva" for that...


แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Lunasicc187#5022 เมื่อ 28 ธ.ค. 2018 08:26:09
ntpphong เขียน:

Man it hurts seeing shit like this

You can change sockets / colors / links with crafting bench (for corrupted items, you have to add an extra vaal orb per currency, for instance 4 sockets will cost you 10 jewellers + 10 vaal orbs).

Roirraw เขียน:
Happy Holidays all! To those who had beaten Uber Elder: Is Kaom's Root recommended for that fight or slow and freeze are not a big problem to this build?

Not an issue if you use your Blink Arrow wisely ! :)
Might be usefull if you're lacking knowledge of the fight.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Freredacier#2113 เมื่อ 28 ธ.ค. 2018 07:27:10



