[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

Sorcerd เขียน:
Guys have you even tried to corrupt kaon's heart ? is it worth ? or should I buy one with - 40% increased damage and like 35%fire damage for ~15 ex ?

I bought one considering it costs about 2 ex each time to gamble. Cheaper just to buy it.
Thank you for this amazing build. Uber Atziri/Uber Elder down Lvl 93.

Sorcerd เขียน:
Guys have you even tried to corrupt kaon's heart ? is it worth ? or should I buy one with - 40% increased damage and like 35%fire damage for ~15 ex ?

Hint: you can get the correct corruption with the corrupted kaom´s heart div card set too. You minitage the risk of the chest turning itno a rare item (brick). I usually curropt 2 or 3 per league, never got lucky with something useful, so I bought them.

This is the highest DPS character I've ever made by double the damage. I'm still working on finishing my atlas as I'm slow at working my way through things. But having lots of fun with this. Thanks for the build.
It's disappointing to read the negative comments. It never ceases to amaze me that even with the very best builds you find people complaining about the build, accusing the build creator of misleading them, complaining about the budget, etc. Lunasicc, I hope you let the negative comments roll off your back. This build is awesome, and your efforts to create the guide and answer questions are should be appreciated by all. The clearspeed is insane, making it so easy to level this build. The damage is insane. This build has given me the easiest shaper kills ever for me, and I've taken down Uber Elder a few times, and I don't even have the endgame gear, and I have not invested that much currency. So, thanks again Lunasicc.

Please tell me what the problem is? in fact, I have oneshots and do not quite understand what I am doing and do not see what is indicated in the build (sry for my eng), I'm new and even 5-6ex a lot for me, maybe I was expecting too much? or i'm just an idiot.tnx
kurofafi เขียน:

Big Question : Yoke with shock mechanic and Xoph's Blood with 3 more node on passive tree, which is better ? My dodge and move skill quite bad and die sometimes when bossing high tier map so i planning on dropping some dam node (example projectile dam) and add more life node. Any advice ?

Yoke is completely worthless for this build. Xoph's Blood is miles better and even the Effigon with chance to blind jewels would be a better choice. I still think the Effigon might be the secret MVP of this build.
This might sound really harsh but at this time it looks like Lunasicc is actively avoiding talking about Yoke and the whole shock debate because he is probably aware that he ill-advised people into wasting a lot of currency on it.
It still is a really good build and I enjoyed playing it but it taught me to never trust clickbaity titles ever again and to always double check the PoB config. Just asked yourself if the config and items makes sense and are realistically obtainable or if it's just some theory to impress people with absurd dps numbers. Best example is the active poison in the endgame config. It is only checked because it tricks PoB into adding 5% ailment damage from Yoke. In reality there is neither poison nor do totems benefit from the increased damage per ailment mod on yoke
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Sttorr#4323 เมื่อ 6 ม.ค. 2019 13:04:56
Got the same opinion as Sttorr.
Still using yoke because I can't efford a xophs blood PLUS new rings for keeping up with my resistances.

The guide is good and op did a great job. But it is outdated (which leads to many questions) and yoke is just a currency sink.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย careface41#6106 เมื่อ 6 ม.ค. 2019 11:17:31
Was on a hiatus a bit, so took me a while, but just downed shaper, and it was rather easy (died once because of unlucky void balls while shaper did his zapping around attack). Tbh, the Guardians gave me FAR more trouble than Shaper (especially minotaur and hydra for some reason).

But of course the servers decided to crash after I killed him and the quest rolled back (yay). Well, at least I know I can easily kill him again. Will try after the servers stabilize a bit, I'm dropping all the time atm.

Build is great all things considered. Still a bit rippy even with careful playing, but considering I only sunk about 3-4 ex into it all around and startet with literally nothing. Most of my gear is self-crafted or found, I only bought a kaom's heart, tombfists and 3 frostfernos (got a +2 AoE gems on third double corruption, bricked the other two)... and I didn't use kaom's heart until way into red maps.

Shaper down with 67k tooltip dps while running haste + purity of ice, 5.3k life. Though to be frank I play with Lioneye's Glare instead of Chin Sol, that does inflate the tooltip a bit. Chin sol is probably better if You have the endgame stuff (+4 frostferno, PB quiver, triple ele damage rings etc) for melting bosses before they act, but before that, it's more convenient (and less rippy, too) to just keep a LOT of distance -> lioneye's is perfect. I don't think I'll throw much more currency at this char, either - all I would want is more survivability, which I think I'd try to achieve by getting some levels, improving the damage slightly and then speccing out of damage nodes and into life. Still have half the scion wheel to fill out. +4 Frostferno would be nice, but 120 exalts is a bit much for me xD

Using the character to low-delve now to farm fossils. Gonna try crafting my own rings and vise, will keep trying for +4 frostferno corruption whenever I get a temple with the locus. Started a couple of other characters, none felt as good as this (not even my dedicated QOTF low-delve runner), so I'm back to this one. Really good build, one of the best I've ever played to date, even without the whole "9 bazillion shaper dps" gear.



