[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

Dontbejello เขียน:
In one of the videos, I believe most of your mana is gone but I only see haste at the top what else is using your mana pool up?

Haste/ Grace and Enfeeble/Flammability/Projectile Weakness with Blasphemy Support
still sane exile ? Nope
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kurofafi#4917 เมื่อ 7 ม.ค. 2019 04:05:32
Please tell me what needs to be changed, for the first time I killed the chimera and it took me 6 minutes, so it should be? and for some reason I only have 4 totems, excuse me for my English
I tried this build but it seems its not for me, if anyone wants to try it without going through the trouble of buying all components please pm me in game, i want to sell my build - character is GeneralWhackbar
Loving this build so far. I feel like this is something I can constantly play. With my current gear, I have simple clear speeds of T11+ maps. Almost at 200 delv (with no issues).

It is coming down to either DPS or survivability. I have issue with the guardians and elder/shaper. I could use some pointers on what I should do next. I am sitting on about 1.5ex. I know that I still need corrupted gear. I have gone through about 20 attempts on the quiver, but that is a pain it seems.

Overall, I love this build. Coming from a new player, first season playing PoE.

Switched my amulet from yoke to xoph.

Added the +2 skill points into a new jewelry slot and buffed my rings for more resistances. Got 89k damage in my hideout without flasks and 6.5k life with that mini mind over matter ascendancy.

Did uber elder today deathless without any trouble. I COULD deal lot more damage with speccing into damage notes on lower right side of the tree, but there is just no need.

Great build!
Dopeangel เขียน:
Loving this build so far. I feel like this is something I can constantly play. With my current gear, I have simple clear speeds of T11+ maps. Almost at 200 delv (with no issues).

It is coming down to either DPS or survivability. I have issue with the guardians and elder/shaper. I could use some pointers on what I should do next. I am sitting on about 1.5ex. I know that I still need corrupted gear. I have gone through about 20 attempts on the quiver, but that is a pain it seems.

Overall, I love this build. Coming from a new player, first season playing PoE.

-belt. You're getting zero WED from it and very little life. Since you don't have a lot of funds, you might consider crafting your own.
-Gems. Your gems are level 20 but zero quality. You're missing a lot of dps. It doesn't sound like you have a lot of currency, so I'd use the gemcutter vendor recipe to get 20% quality gems and the level them back up.
-Gloves. Until you can afford the two-abyssal-socket glvoes, you should at least use a murderous eye jewel in the gloves. That's 10% more damage right there. Also, the searching eye jewel you have is horrible anyways.
-Boots. You need to run lab until you get a useful enchant on the boots or see if you can get a good deal on a pair that has the enchant.
-Jewels. Your abyssal jewels leave a lot to be desired. Again, these are items you can craft yourself if you don't have the currency to buy them.
-quiver. You have to get point blank. It sucks you have tried 20 times, but keep at it. It's really important.
-Rotgut. I would ditch this. You want to keep your frenzy charges for the dps boost they give.

These are all things you can do yourself rather cheaply. Obviously, after these, you need a better frostferno, but that's not as easy as fixing the items above. Good luck and good job getting your very first character over level 90.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Brantley03#2568 เมื่อ 7 ม.ค. 2019 12:54:29
Would love some tips for my character, only have around 30k dps tooltip ingame, having trouble boosting it up more and starting to take too long killing rare mobs at t11/12. Ignore gems not needed for the build, just leveling them to sell. Obviously there is a lot to change though i am not really sure where to start, my rings and neck are keeping me at 100 resist level though so will try to upgrade them last.

sry if this has been asked or addressed already, i did go back 20 pages and didnt see anything but...

why no spiritual aid?

PoB shows spending 5 points on that wheel gives 24.5% dps, which is on par with Primeval Force (22.8%), and leagues better than Lethality (12%)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Botmaster5#5154 เมื่อ 7 ม.ค. 2019 14:39:02
please help.why i have only 4 totems?
DefBeat เขียน:
please help.why i have only 4 totems?

If you read back through the forums on this post, it will tell you why you only have four. For this build specifically, you will only have four. If you start to modify the build for more totems, it would not be this build anymore.

The 6-7 totems that other builds have is due to the body armor that grants an additional totem and the gem that grants an addition totem (maybe two).

Four is the correct amount and more than enough for the build.



