[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

Dopeangel เขียน:
DefBeat เขียน:
please help.why i have only 4 totems?

If you read back through the forums on this post, it will tell you why you only have four. For this build specifically, you will only have four. If you start to modify the build for more totems, it would not be this build anymore.

The 6-7 totems that other builds have is due to the body armor that grants an additional totem and the gem that grants an addition totem (maybe two).

Four is the correct amount and more than enough for the build.

Four for bosses, six for mapping. Swap Multiple Totem Support <-> Elemental Damage with Attacks
Firstly, love this build despite my gear being nowhere near endgame. If you have doubts about it, I suggest you try it and see.

My query: anyone know the chance of vaaling point blank on the Skirmish quiver? Being vaaling them now for ages. I figure I'm at roughly 1/5 the cost of just plain buying one.
Beebsman เขียน:
Firstly, love this build despite my gear being nowhere near endgame. If you have doubts about it, I suggest you try it and see.

My query: anyone know the chance of vaaling point blank on the Skirmish quiver? Being vaaling them now for ages. I figure I'm at roughly 1/5 the cost of just plain buying one.

All rng, I got 2 vaaling first 5, and haven't gotten any again for the last 50 I vaaled.
is this build stronger than ur regular ele hit builds?
+1 to this build. I just beat shaper for the fist time ever at level 93, been playing since Breach league as a casual tryhard. I used a fast blink arrow setup and level 20 purity of ice beacuse I'm bad at the game. I've played builds that cost more and do less than what this build can do. I got lucky on the point blank vaal, I got mine about 8 tries when I bought a batch of a dozen. It definitely helps on the side of boss damage. As far as the yoke/xoph's debate, I don't think it works on bosses so xoph's might be better for the extra skill points, but when you have this much damage its really splitting hairs. Dying sun isn't really needed nor the 2 socket tombfists; they are simply a QOL/improve map clear. I'd like to add a karui ward/charge carried me all the way till I bought my yoke. My build costs about 9ex as is, but really we are talking about a build that can get into red maps for really cheap. Thanks!

i like this !!
but low roll :(
Thanks for this build it's one of the best I've played. I have been extremely lucky this league : first by 6 linked a Chinsol by accident (was looking for 5l for this build) and sold it for 6ex. I also got point blank on my 3rd attempt on corrupting the quiver and yesterday got a surprise drop from a lich with the 2 socketed Tombfist!
Beebsman เขียน:
Firstly, love this build despite my gear being nowhere near endgame. If you have doubts about it, I suggest you try it and see.

My query: anyone know the chance of vaaling point blank on the Skirmish quiver? Being vaaling them now for ages. I figure I'm at roughly 1/5 the cost of just plain buying one.

I have spent about 40 trying to Vaal the bow. RNG sucks but I love the build, so I keep trying. Costing me about 3c per corruption, it is starting to add up. I think in the long run, it is still cheaper.

Unless I am doing something wrong? Click Vaal orb, select quiver...
Vaal Odds Formula - May they ever be in your favor
(1 / (Corruption / Vaal Chance * Mean Average)) * (Cost of item + Cost of Vaal Orb) = X

PSA: this does not include sockets, colors, or linking. Your mileage may vary, some assembly required. Batteries not included. Should not be taken while driving or operating heavy machinery. Women who are nursing, pregnant, or could become pregnant, should consult a doctor before starting treatment.

All prices are for Betrayal League, Dated Jan 8th, 2019

Chin Sol (+1 Projectile)
(1 / (1/20) / 4 * 2) * (1 + 1) = ~80c

Skirmish (Point Blank)
(1 / (1/19) / 4 * 2) * (1.75 + 1) = ~104.5c

Frostferno (+2 Fire Gem or +2 Projectile Gem)
(1 /(2/22) / 4 * 2) * (35 + 1) = ~792c

Frostferno (any of the 5 corruptions)
(1 / (5/22) / 4 * 2) * (35 + 1) = ~316.8c

Yoke of Suffering (+1 Curse)
(1 / (1/25) / 4 * 2) * (374 + 1) = ~18,750c or 110.3ex

Tombfist (% Attack speed or % Max Life)
1 Abyssal Socket
(1 / (2/19) / 4 * 2) * (10 + 1) = ~209c

2 Abyssal Sockets
(1 / (2/19) / 4 * 2) * (1360 + 1) = ~25,859c or 152.1ex

Kaom's Heart (% Damage or % Max Life)
(1 / (2/18) / 4 * 2) * (204 + 1) = ~3,690c or 21.7ex

*Edit: Fix maffs
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Botmaster5#5154 เมื่อ 8 ม.ค. 2019 12:05:36
Botmaster5 เขียน:
Vaal Odds Formula - May they ever be in your favor
(1 / (Corruption / Vaal Chance * Mean Average)) * (Cost of item + Cost of Vaal Orb) = X

PSA: this does not include sockets, colors, or linking. Your mileage may vary, some assembly required. Batteries not included. Should not be taken while driving or operating heavy machinery. Women who are nursing, pregnant, or could become pregnant, should consult a doctor before starting treatment.

All prices are for Betrayal League, Dated Jan 8th, 2019

Chin Sol (+1 Projectile)
(1 / (1/20) / 4 * 2) * (1 + 1) = ~80c

Skirmish (Point Blank)
(1 / (1/19) / 4 * 2) * (1.75 + 1) = ~104.5c

Frostferno (+2 Fire Gem or +2 Projectile Gem)
(1 /(2/22) / 4 * 2) * (35 + 1) = ~792c

Frostferno (any of the 5 corruptions)
(1 / (5/22) / 4 * 2) * (35 + 1) = ~316.8c

Yoke of Suffering (+1 Curse)
(1 / (1/25) / 4 * 2) * (374 + 1) = ~18,750c or 110.3ex

Tombfist (% Attack speed or % Max Life)
1 Abyssal Socket
(1 / (2/19) / 4 * 2) * (10 + 1) = ~209c

2 Abyssal Sockets
(1 / (2/19) / 4 * 2) * (1360 + 1) = ~25,859c or 152.1ex

Kaom's Heart (% Damage or % Max Life)
(1 / (2/18) / 4 * 2) * (204 + 1) = ~3,690c or 21.7ex

*Edit: Fix maffs

That's a beautiful thing and I wish the odds were in my favor. RNG hates me. I have a semi-decent Chin Sol and corrupting it will break my heart if it back-fires



