[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly
" Hi buddy, somewhere on the weekend I will set my profile to public and I will release a Scion-version of the beloved "OneShotKill"-Guide. I tested pretty much this league to figure out a solid Scion version of this build. sneak peek: -It works very well, but it is more expansive due to some mandatory jewels and other stuff. -upside: more damage OR life leech -downside: bad mana regen (compared to hierophant version) -> lavianga flask mandatory -> lose a "free" flask slot I guess on sunday the guide will be ready for publishing. Cheers |
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Hi guys,
as requested here is my final comment on the depate: YOKE OF SUFFERING vs. XOPH´S BLOOD Overall I stay with my recommendation on the yoke amulet. I will explain why (both ways are solid - It is just my thinking / personal taste): preamble: with yoke or xoph everything on regular maps up to T16 is just onehit. So let´s have a detailed look, where actually the strengths of both items are (content-wise). Keep in mind: with either of the amulets the uber elder fight is easy, one way or the other. YOKE: 1) gain shock mechanic -> this build has a nearly 100% shock chance. 2) the efficency of the shock mechanic varies on different content situations 3) you need a high attack damage to get a benefit on endgame bosses 4) overall (meaning all content) it will do it´s job very well 5) main benefit is in deep delve mines (400+), it feels just stronger than xoph´s blood 6) the resist planning with the yoke is easier, it comes with a total elemental resist of 80% on max roll. XOPH: 1) very solid amulet too 2) grants 10% increased maximum life 3) grants additional fire penetration (solid damage boost) 4) shock mechanic is disabled (no lightning damage possible - bc conversion - shock on crit disabled) 5) just has one resist stat (up to 40% fire resist), capping resists is a bit harder, when your other item slots are mainly damage focused 6) the "covers enemies in ash when they hit you" buff doesn´t count much, since with arco / phase acro / phasing flask / vaal grace effect we don´t wanna get hit at all 7) gain the mandatory skilltree keystone "avatar of fire" -> frees up at least 2 points in the tree to invest otherwise (life, damage, jewel socket,...) It it totally up to you, if you wanna go with the yoke of suffering or the xoph´s blood amulet. It heavily depends on what you are planning to do with this build. If you want to do all endgame content in the game (esp.: including deep delve mines) without switching the amulet, you go with the yoke of suffering. If you just want to farm uber elder with mediocre gear, try the xoph´s. I still like the yoke because it adepts well enough in every content-situation for my demands (this is my personal opinion). Some of you may think different or have another opinion, great. Just play with xoph then. Cheers แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Lunasicc187#5022 เมื่อ 9 ม.ค. 2019 11:22:53
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" Multi totem support gives us access to 6 totems while mapping i just did yellow elder last night with multi totem support. the extra 2 totems really made the fight go more smoothly i would suspect you'd want the harder hitting totem for shaper though. i wouldn't know, haven't fought him yet. I REFUSE TO BUY MAPS!!!!!!! |
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I'm currently in act 10 haven't had much issues on surviving since the damage is so high everything just dies quickly how ever I want to do a major upgrade just cant decide what to do first I can buy either a Non corrupted Yoke or a non corrupted Kaom's. Current life is 2.4k and res is capped till I finish act 10 kind of leaning towards yoke for extra Res and damage, what do you think? I can buy other rares to fill in before I get other unique's.
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" I would definitely get kaom's first. 2.4k life is uncomfortably low for me to map and merciless/uber lab run. |
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" This is correct, I remembered incorrectly at work. Checked just now while I mapped, 6 totems is correct. I have yet to need WED in place of Multi-Totes, I'm sure the time will come. SKIRMISH VAAL UPDATE: Still no point blank, FFS... |
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Awesome build.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Reumert#4013 เมื่อ 9 ม.ค. 2019 17:37:18
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This is an alternative to the Skirmish if you are using Multi Totem support you gain extra damage and resist as well as penetration and you have point blank implicit with out need to vaal 50 skirmishes. Granite this brings you down to 5 totems but even then you are still going to one shot everything so it wont matter considering you place 4 down in a matter of a 2-3s or less.
Now this isnt anything near perfect especially since the increased ele doesnt apply to spell totems Maelstrom Needle Sharktooth Arrow Quiver Shaper Item Item Level: 81 LevelReq: 64 Implicits: 1 Point Blank Adds 1 to 2 Fire Damage to Attacks +44% to Fire Resistance +36% to Cold Resistance Damage Penetrates 4% Elemental Resistances 39% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills 15% increased Global Critical Strike Chance 22% increased Elemental Damage if you've dealt a Critical Strike Recently แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย malific420#4582 เมื่อ 9 ม.ค. 2019 19:34:57
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" Get kaom 1st, ì u can't afford try a rare body armour with t1 life and inc % life or belly of the beast instead still sane exile ? Nope
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" For ex: U have 500k damage in PoB, that is a average damage, not min max damage but let use this number and this is a damage of 1 arrow ! U have 6 totems, 3 arrows per totem U have 2.0 attack speed ( or more) So let math per second how many damage : 500.000 x 6 x 3 x 2 = 18.000.000 damage !! ( it will be reduce by deffend of boss) Dont forget 1 arrow is aoe damage when enemy being hit so if enemy near enough, it will eat damage 3arrow that is the reason we use chin sol bow There no clickbaity, no fake title guide! About yoke amulet, i think because yoke corrupted have + 1 curse on enemy . Does Xoph have? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย NjghtDr34m#1667 เมื่อ 10 ม.ค. 2019 01:56:39
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