[3.6] CoCPact - CoC Dark Pact Assassin - 35 casts/s - 5M Shaper DPS
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29th March * Added "cookie cutter" version 18th March * Added melee variant with Lancing Steel * Added Pantheon and Bandits sections * Optimized flask setup 17th March * Replaced Herald of Agony with Arctic Armour * Added alternative gear to PoB * Added Delve Depth 69 video 16th March * Replaced Gloomfang amulet for Warped Timepiece * Added back Warlord's Mark and removed Assasin's Mark * Replaced War Banner with Dread Banner 15th March * Removed ES/life hybrid version * Changed life version to contain a lot of leech and Cherrubin's chest 14th March * Changed item base that allows us to do 42 Dark Pact procs/second instead of only 36 * Slightly changed PoB tree to go to 3.5 AS and increase crit chance a bit for more consistent mapping * Changed PoB tree back to 3.7 AS and increase crit and hit chance even more * Added optional Herald of Ash replacement for Herald of Agony (works pretty well) 13th March * Started reworking the guide for bow version 12th Jan * Updated the build with more expensive variation * Increased DPS in default variation by 300k * Dropped 14% Stygian Wise for regular belt, because the Stygian is apparently legacy * Swapped Ice Golem with Chaos Golem for budget version 11th Jan * Added "preview" GIF (even though it is not showing anything interesting, but still, its fancy!) * Removed Mind Over Matter and all relevant mana + mana reservation nodes * Optimized AS a bit for 7 proc Cyclone with 14% reduction belt * Optimized crit chance (now it's ~90% without Diamond flask, 99,7 with the flask) * Thanks to free spots on tree DPS per Dark Pact proc is now increased by ~18k (so that is 18k * 4 * 7 = 504k total DPS increase) (some AS to reach optimal AS for 7 proc Cyclone with 14% reduction belt) * Took Alchemist node on tree for more QoL * Optimized flask setup 10th Jan * Updated guide with alternative more expensive gear (Atziri's Acuity) * Created the guide Hello and welcome to my guide!. So, after seeing and trying new CoC builds (mainly Cheequ's Ice Nova, I highly recommend checking that guide out because it is really well written and has some in-depth explanations on how some CoC interactions work) I decided to give it a spin and try some chaos-damage based version. So, this is it. Initially this build was using Cyclone to proc Dark Pact, but after some testing I decided that ranged version would be way better, safer and easier to play. Previews
Blood Aqueduct lvl 65 Assasin 4l Dark Pact: Important! This was recorded on my current low level Synthesis character in Blood Aqueduct, my crit chance was very low as well so I was not always 1 shotting packs. Also PoE is running pretty poorly on my PC so recording is not very high quality as well, sorry :/ https://streamable.com/kzfe4 Lvl 75 Delve Depth 28: https://streamable.com/4cpsm Lvl 78 Ancient City: https://streamable.com/g50kg Lvl 79 Beach: https://streamable.com/1iwxu Lvl 84 Delve Depth 69: https://streamable.com/hj5ln Lvl 86 Sunken City Boss https://streamable.com/7envo Why?
Because Cast on Crit is awesome! And Chaos spells are awesome! And when you combine Cast on Crit and Dark Pact you get CoCPact, and isn't that just awesome name? But for real, this build is simply FUN. And it scales really really well. With enough currency invested you can put your DPS through the roof (every extra Dark Pact chain is +1.2M DPS, so basically just 1 good corruption on e.g quiver is free 1M DPS for the build, and then more chains you get the better). You can invest very little currency and still have respectable DPS (at least 1-2M+ with low budget for sure), or you can invest a lot more currency (most of it will be just perfect bow tbh) and go over 11M DPS. Another reason why I wanted to build something like this is because it's very easy on GPU and my PC is potato (and also I am playing on Linux what is not helping at all). This is my first own semi-decent build guide for PoE so be gentle, any tips for improvements are very appreciated. How this actually works
So, let's start with fun stuff first: theory. We are using 7 linked Dark Pact to Blast Rain Cast on Crit (e.g every crit from Blast Rain will "try" to trigger supported Dark Pact, the try part is important, we will get to this later). Why Blast Rain? Every cast of Blast Rain sends 2 waves of attacks, effectivelly doubling our proc rate. "Hey, but every explosion hits multiple times, so that is even more procs, right?". NO. Cast on Crit support has internal cooldown of 150ms, so that means that maximum CoC procs we can do per second is 1000 / 150, what is ~6.6. We reduce this cooldown with 14% increased cooldown recovery to 129ms (because cooldown recovery works with CoC) and then we are able to get 7.7 procs/second. For this we need at least 3.5 effective crit rate per second. This means that you need to multiply your attack rate by 100 / effective crit chance. If this number is above 3.5 you are golden. And now, why Dark Pact? Because Dark Pact can SHOTGUN! What does that mean? That means that instead of getting additive boost by casting some spell often, we get exponential one. Because Dark Pact can chain between skeletons and it's super easy to get up to 5-6 chains, each extra CoC proc/second means another 6 Dark Pact casts, what is insane boost. And Dark Pact base damage is quite insane as well and scales really high from Skeleton HP, what is super easy to scale as well. And with nodes like Spiritual Aid and Spiritual Army and some big minion HP boosts being coupled also with big minion damage and as boosts, we can make full use of everything. Best possible bow?
This beast (maybe AS base will be better, like Thicket Bow): ![]() Order of importance is: 1. Supported by lvl 20 CoC 2. Increased AS + 20% chance to deal double damage 3. Skills chain +1 times 4. +% Global Critical Strike Multiplier 5. +1 lvl to socketed gems Defense
◈ 6100 HP + 240 ES ◈ Acrobatics and Phase Acrobatics (40% attack dodge chance and 30% spell dodge chance) ◈ 6500 Eva (40% chance to evade) ◈ Arctic Armour (13% less physical damage, 12% less fire damage, chill, 30% action speed reduction) ◈ Dread Banner (less accuracy for enemies) ◈ Overcapped elemental resists ◈ Over 2k leech rate ◈ Chaos Damage - we do not need to care about reflect ◈ Blood Rage + Immortal Call + Soul of Arakaali massive regen ◈ Permanently on consecrated ground Offense
◈ 35 DARK PACT/SECOND SPAM! ◈ Self-cast skeletons for bosses for giant DPS boost and auto-cast Skeletons in CoC setup for fast mapping Weaknesses
◈ Still Assasin, so can be vulnerable to one-shots, even though we build really a lot of resists and damage mitigation ◈ Hexproof and no leech maps force us to play a lot safer (but still doable) Skill Tree/Path Of Building ◈ My current in progress Synthesis character ◈ End Game Blast Rain version (lvl 95) PoB ◈ Experimental End Game Lancing Steel version (lvl 94) ◈ Experimental End Game Glass Cannon version (lvl 95) - 10.1M DPS! Gem Links
Ignore all levels below, they are from my current account. Empower should be ideally lvl 4, Vaal Summon Skeletons lvl 21, CWDT setup as is (except inc duration should be 20), Arcane Surge lvl 5. Main Skill (7 link from bow) for mapping for single target Make sure Summon Skeletons is socketed before Dark Pact to avoid casting Dark Pact without summoned skeletons. Single Target (Skeletons) CWDT Make sure that Blood Rage is socketed before Immortal Call so we can proc Soul of Arakaali Movement + Boosts We use Phase Run to trigger Arcane Surge and Vaal Righteous Fire for massive DPS boost on bosses. Auras + Golem Pantheon
Kill all 3 bandits for extra 2 passive points. Leveling and progression
◈ Use anything till lvl 4 ◈ At lvl 4 switch to Contagion ◈ At lvl 12 switch to Toxic Rain + Lesser Poison + Void Manipulation socketed in some bow with decent AS ◈ At lvl 16 start using also Herald Of Agony and Herald of Ash ◈ At lvl 18 socket Faster Attacks to Toxic Rain setup (and some random stuff that works with HoA, Minion Damage/Minion Speed is very nice) Start on first 5 chaos nodes (2 straight and then upper circle above AS nodes) in Shadow tree (you will respect them later to those AS nodes). Then simply follow the tree. Take all closest Shadow stuff and then try to rush for Spiritual Aid picking up minion stuff as described in PoB on the way (Spiritual Aid is simply too OP for this build). Pick Noxious Strike ascendancy in Assasin ASAP (this will nicely boost your crit for future and also increase your poison chance by a lot for your Herald). Keep using Toxic Rain and HoA until like lvl 45-50, and if at this point you have enough crit try to buy 5 or 6 linked bow (6 linked is really reccomended otherwise you will have to drop Increased Crit Strikes what hurts a lot early without enough crit) and socket inside everything except Void Manipulation and Concentrated Effect. Just keep Summon Skeleton socketed inside during leveling you don't even need to take it out (maybe at harder bosses, or if you really want to kill bosses faster). For gearing your priorities are: 1. Life 2. Resists 3. Minion boosts (Minion life, minion levels, minion damage) 4. Attack Speed/Crit (based on what are you missing) 5. Evasion My builds: https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย thedeathbeam#7125 เมื่อ 4 เม.ย. 2019 14:47:11 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 12 ก.ค. 2019 13:59:59
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Updated the guide to include some basic gear overview. Still not 100% sure about Loreweave but the damage mitigation is awesome and it's not crazy expensive (again, can be subbed for any tanky or chaos damage/minion damage/life rare).
My builds: https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย thedeathbeam#7125 เมื่อ 9 ม.ค. 2019 19:24:00
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Added FPS-related info (as that is initially why I started theorycrafting this build, because the X novas and frostbolt-second alternatives made my poor PC cry, even though I really like those builds) and added Atziri's Acuity to Gear section.
My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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Decided to sell off my HoA build and buy (updated my leveling char PoB as well, swapped Onslaught with Elemental Proliferation support for HoI, still not sure about this, Culling Strike might be better). Facetanked Kitava, what was fun, now I can finally take it for test ride to some maps.
My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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Working on some adjustments to tree (probably going to drop MoM because only with ~400 unreserved mana its not really worth it)
My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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Updated End Game + My current PoB with changes I mentioned before.
Changes: * Removed Mind Over Matter and all relevant mana + mana reservation nodes * Optimized AS a bit for 7 proc Cyclone with 14% reduction belt * Optimized crit chance (now it's ~90% without Diamond flask, 99,7 with the flask) * Thanks to free spots on tree DPS per Dark Pact proc is now increased by ~18k (so that is 18k * 4 * 7 = 504k total DPS increase) (some AS to reach optimal AS for 7 proc Cyclone with 14% reduction belt) * Took Alchemist node on tree for more QoL * Optimized flask setup EDIT: I just re-calculated the damage and with latest changes (and small changes I did in-between) this brings us to total 3M Shaper DPS!. What is pretty cool for self-made build of skill that hardly anyone uses anymore :d My builds: https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย thedeathbeam#7125 เมื่อ 11 ม.ค. 2019 00:04:16
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So I was messing around with the build again, and there is a way on how to bring back MoM with curse on hit Warlord's Mark, but not sure if it is worth it. As for progress with the build, I tried MoM version in uber lab without Herald Of Ice enabled for boss fights and did it first try on this char without any problems, so MoM could definitely be good addition.
EDIT: Character name is Iceybeam, you can see current gear and MoM tree there, I am not 100% if what I sacrificed for it is worth it yet so I do not want to update the build guide with it. EDIT2: So, even with all the changes around MoM and Warlords on hit we are still at 2.7M DPS, what is decent. Even though crit chance is only 79% without flask, but that can be fixed with slightly different gloves (as now we have spot for resist on new ring). But this variant is less budget friendly, so I will probably keep current version without MoM + small writeup on how to upgrade. My builds: https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย thedeathbeam#7125 เมื่อ 11 ม.ค. 2019 22:14:02
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Updated the guide with more expensive, less DPS (but waaaay more tanky) version.
In POB (I put this also to PoB notes): Default skill tree contains setup without MoM what has less damage and is more budget friendly (even though it requires a lot more off-coloring than MoM tree). Mind Over Matter skill tree contains setup with MoM. This also requires us switching some stuff around: - Switch Helmet setup with Helmet (MoM) - Switch Shield setup with Shield (MoM) - Switch to ring with Warlord's Mark on hit - Switch Warlord's Mark for Herald Of Ice in Boots: Auras setup - Switch Atziri's Promise flask with Lavianga's Spirit flask This requires some re-coloring, but it should be pretty simple with Crafting Bench (do not requires any 4 off-colors). My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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If I can't buy the atziri's acuity which is my best pcion?
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Another update:
- Swapped Ice Golem with Chaos Golem for budget version (we do not need more crit on it, but survivability is great and very necessary) - Removed 14% Stygian Wise and replaced it with regular belt (Stygian is apparently legacy, thanks to Evokxi for pointing this out) PoB in main post is already updated to reflect the changes My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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