[3.6] CoCPact - CoC Dark Pact Assassin - 35 casts/s - 5M Shaper DPS

schweini_88 เขียน:
If I can't buy the atziri's acuity which is my best pcion?

Acuity is not that necessary if you want to run the expensive version, it just boosts your survivability a lot, but you can just use the gloves from budget version. Some minion damage/minion life or player life and some resists on them feel good as well.
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thedeathbeam เขียน:
schweini_88 เขียน:
If I can't buy the atziri's acuity which is my best pcion?

Acuity is not that necessary if you want to run the expensive version, it just boosts your survivability a lot, but you can just use the gloves from budget version. Some minion damage/minion life or player life and some resists on them feel good as well.

So after messing around in PoB a bit, Withering Touch is probably not getting us 15 stacks very often (if at all), so I had to come up with alternative. I am currently working on update what uses Totems + Wither setup instead, and Void Manipulation socketed instead of Withering Touch for body (so, at the end we will get another DPS boost, and that is from 3.3 to 3.8M DPS, even with losing Arcane Surge in process, what can be brought back, but I think I prefer Whirling Blades with fortify).

The changes will unfortunately remove 1 curse (so curse on hit ring would be necessary for 2 curses). So basically, Arcane Surge will be replaced with Fortify to gain some damage reduction back from losing Enfeeble (what can still be added back with curse on hit ring) and we also gain more DPS (what will be actually reliable now as we will not need to constantly spin around enemy to maintain Withered stacks).

So I would say, good change? Here is WIP POB: https://pastebin.com/MPYZc28S

I will update main build after I will be more confident with these changes (e.g actually try them in-game).

EDIT: I originally avoided using totems for Wither because I don't really like them, but in this case its probably necessity

EDIT2: There is also an option to not use Herald Of Ice at all and just use enfeeble + warlord's mark, with inc aoe in body that should be probably enough for pacts, needs some testing.
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แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย thedeathbeam#7125 เมื่อ 12 ม.ค. 2019 08:06:48
I tried somewhat the same, did you drop this char/build ?

I would like to give you an alternative: going poison instead of crit to scale more dmg on DP because minion damage and chaos damage bonus would double dip on poison damage. (So void manip, vile toxins and poison supports)

Also why not get the AS bonus of minions on tree ? Its 35% increased damage without counting AS bonuses.

My tree looked something like this: https://pastebin.com/rVpLCH8v
*oops accidentally posted twice*
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แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย thedeathbeam#7125 เมื่อ 9 มี.ค. 2019 13:41:51
SplitBanana เขียน:
I tried somewhat the same, did you drop this char/build ?

I would like to give you an alternative: going poison instead of crit to scale more dmg on DP because minion damage and chaos damage bonus would double dip on poison damage. (So void manip, vile toxins and poison supports)

Also why not get the AS bonus of minions on tree ? Its 35% increased damage without counting AS bonuses.

My tree looked something like this: https://pastebin.com/rVpLCH8v

Hello. Sorry for late reply. I did not dropped this build, but I got mostly tired of previous league. For this league there are quite a few Dark Pact-related buffs, so I was revisiting this build and I think dropping cyclone and going for CoC Barrage/Rain Of Arrows could work a lot better.

Here is my current WIP PoB:


Nice thing is that with both we have CoC link and also +1 Chain (so, with chain support, amulet, and this +1 chain our Dark Pact chains 7 times, what is pretty insane).

I still did not really figured out optimal attack speed for Barrage/Rain Of Arrows (for packs), nor I know maths behind it, but I think it works. I will possibly be updating this build during this league with that.
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So, I did some calculations with RoA PoB and I can get this build up to 8M DPS with VERY good rolls on items, so in realistic scenario maybe 6M and on budget probably around 3-4M? It's hard to tell, I will see after I will actually do progress in-game with the build.

I also tried occultist version in PoB with some new ES leech and CI and power charge on crit (because we lose all good stuff from Assasin ascendancy) and I got up to around 4M DPS with slightly above average rolls and to around 8.6K ES. The gear for that would be probably more expensive because ES will probably be expensive this league, but I might try that, as it will be a lot less glasscannon-ish than Assasin (it's really hard to stack up proper defence on Assasin, I really can't figure out anything that will not just make me just manually dodge some hard-hitting stuff, but, with RoA that should not be an issue, hopefully).
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After another testing (and actually running this build on standard with some random setup) this build is actually really sick with range. Its safe (well, gloomfang still insta-kills you on packs that have the undying property, so, maybe gloomfang is not ideal for mapping), and mapping problem can be easily solved by socketing summon skeletons to bow instead of conc effect when mapping, DPS is still good enough for clearing, and on bosses we just swap it back to helmet (dropped asenaths chant, on bosses we just use Vaal Skellies or just cast them manually, asenaths was not proccing fast enough, and now that I can drop it I can take bone helmet instead).

Thanks to Bone Helmet I dropped a lot of insane mods, now its on reasonable budget with 7.6M DPS (with like 15k skele life :) ). This is because I dropped +1 chain mod on bow (its very hard to get perfect rolls like that, so lets just go with that). I believe it is possible with enough currency to have 11M+ DPS easily (just +1 chain on bow, and +1 chain corruption on quiver is enough to get over 10M).

Here is updated PoB: https://pastebin.com/mi9H1dJd

I had trouble figuring out good mapping strategy and I almost dropped the build (because self-casting skeles when mapping is just horrible) but after doing what I described above (socketing skeles into CoC setup when mapping) it feels really good so I will continue with this build through Synthesis as Assasin and see what happens.
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Sorry for spam, I just like to share my progress and theorycrafting of this build here. So, another update:

I dropped Haste to save some points on tree that were for reduced mana reservation for Herald Of Agony (just small DPS boost, I just had free unreserved mana after dropping Haste, maybe Herald of Ice would be better).

Also dropped Rain of Arrows and Barrage and switched to Blast Rain what is great both for single target and clearing and upped my AS to 3 to proc exactly 6 times per second (because Blast Rain procs 2 times per cast with delay). I am slightly above that so its not ideal, but its easy to adjust.

Here is updated PoB:

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Hey! Nice build, i will give it a try on synthesis. Probably cyclon dagger first and them upgrade to bow one, if i get enough currency.

Thanks a lot!



