(Retired Thread) Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems

Wallach,great guide! Missed a couple leagues due to real life stuff messing with my gaming time. Damn kids and their travel soccer! The last build I played was a dual void battery self cast FP. Loved the tankiness of it due to freezing everything, but hated how FP always got stuck at doorways. Decided to try your holy flame totem build this league, but then saw they finally fixed FP while I was away so I switched to this one today around level 30. Still leveling since I got a very late start this league, but should be into maps soon and love it so far.
thomzon เขียน:
Congratz for the chest, 400 fusing is really lucky :-)

I know, but early league I 6 linked a QotF with 21 jewellers and about 50 fusings. Someone has to lower the average :-p But with this chest I thought all my RNG/luck was gone. Still, 400 is good indeed, so I was not complaining. Just took a while because buying fusing is expensive!
Thanks for your guide and write-up. I see you've put a lot of effort into this guide!

Leveling close to 90 has been a breeze and the damage/survivability is really good. Before I enter red tier maps I wanted to ask if there are any gear upgrades that are important to handle the content. I know I can get more life on my gear but maybe something important like 6linking my chest?

My character name is Tiascco
tiasim เขียน:
Thanks for your guide and write-up. I see you've put a lot of effort into this guide!

Leveling close to 90 has been a breeze and the damage/survivability is really good. Before I enter red tier maps I wanted to ask if there are any gear upgrades that are important to handle the content. I know I can get more life on my gear but maybe something important like 6linking my chest?

My character name is Tiascco

Lets see :

1. Your boots are junk xD. At the very least you should get more life on them. And a different enchant such as 120% crit or damage penetrates
2. You may want to upgrade your amulet as well. Some cast speed and /or spell/cold damage. Dont concentrate on RES for this slot use your other gear such as boots for that. The suffixes can be crit chance, crit multi, cast speed. Res mods interfere with that.
3. Get another sharper helm ( dont mess with your current one) with the enchantment and throw Pristine (life, % life), Frigid (-9 cold res) and may be Lucent (% Mana) fossils . Be prepared to spend a atleast 20-25 sets of those on the helm. But its worth it. you can get upto 20% increased mana which is almost 3 mana nodes on tree.
4. Your gloves need to be elder gloves for the slower proj mod (gives global faster casting)

And ofcourse 6l link your chest..you can buy one for literally 2.5 ex or less. You should have had one by now. Dont waste fuses on 6Linking. Its not worth it..just buy one.

At the end you should try and balance your resists. . WIse Oak is a huge offensive/defensive flask and with all the curses u just need to hit 75 all res anything more is wasted. Dont do that before you get your final gear that is Atziris reflection and different rings and the Vuln belt.

Earlier in the league there was a gap between the Atziri prophecy and shield prices (more than 1.2 ex - 70/80 for uber fragments so almost 70-80c profit per run) so used to buy the prophecy and complete it with my other char and and sell the shield. Within a day..actually a few hours had my mirror as well as a Disfavour. SO it was a good 12-13 ex profit in just a few hours. The trick was to find a 30 all res mirror for 2-3c and run the prophecy. The 30 res is retained upon upgrade and that helped sell reflection at much better price and profit. It helped a lot.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย spacenoxx#5671 เมื่อ 9 ก.ค. 2019 04:18:26
Followed this guide with a touch of my own. I'm lazy so casting helpful shit like frost bomb is out of the question. Managed to kill all content deathless anyways (I guess I never tried 5 ways though so can't say about that, but uber elder, uber atziri, shaper and so on). I love that you can play really any map with this build, so I never bothered to reroll any map, just alch+corrupt and go.

Every piece is nothing special.

I used zealotry instead of hatred. Hatred might be better, but this watchers eye was cheaper. Frostblink instead of flame dash becuase super fast cast speed, but probably irrelevant. Frostbite on CDWT in head is overkill AF and should've probably been enfeeble or something instead, too lazy to swap. Faster casting in chest because I totems to cast ASAP and as many times as possible. Helps a little when you're moving them around a lot for example in legion encounter. By pure chance I accidentally got fire and cold res balanced, so I could bless orb my kikazaru to exact even on all 3, not that it matters at all.

Great build for league start or if you're starting out with PoE for the first time.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Lejvingdude#1299 เมื่อ 11 ก.ค. 2019 16:56:00
Lejvingdude เขียน:
Followed this guide with a touch of my own. I'm lazy so casting helpful shit like frost bomb is out of the question. Managed to kill all content deathless anyways (I guess I never tried 5 ways though so can't say about that, but uber elder, uber atziri, shaper and so on). I love that you can play really any map with this build, so I never bothered to reroll any map, just alch+corrupt and go.


Great build for league start or if you're starting out with PoE for the first time.

Love reading posts like this. Glad you enjoyed it, and I agree I think it will make for a great league start for 3.8. I would be surprised if much was going to change for this build next patch.
Ok, so what am I missing. I cant seem to find the pathing node for the -20 curse to go with rings.

Damafious เขียน:
Ok, so what am I missing. I cant seem to find the pathing node for the -20 curse to go with rings.


You might be looking at an old version of the passive tree, since it is a new notable in 3.7. It's called Sanctum of Thought; it's right below Devotion on the left side of the tree.
Thanks, my POB wasn't up to 3.7 ..guess now I know why you also had that strength node down...note to self next time seach in poe as well...
A big thank you before anything else.

I followed your holy flame totem back in synthesis and i had a blast i got him to 99 (my highest character ever), i'm leveling this one after trying a bunch of other builds and rerolling all of them, i would probably have a lvl 100 character if i wouldn't have lost that much time with all the other tries this league.

I wanted to ask you how would you go in the tree to lvl 100, if i don't have the means to get myself an atziri's reflection (i saw your character and the tree has changed with no sanctum of thought and all of that), i absolutely love this build, but i'm completely broke after buying all of the gear, that's why i was wondering who would you complete the tree.

Again thanks so much for the build, my ping is high so i always prefer to play totem builds and yours have been awesome for my playstile.



