(Retired Thread) Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems

jicamvp เขียน:
A big thank you before anything else.

I followed your holy flame totem back in synthesis and i had a blast i got him to 99 (my highest character ever), i'm leveling this one after trying a bunch of other builds and rerolling all of them, i would probably have a lvl 100 character if i wouldn't have lost that much time with all the other tries this league.

I wanted to ask you how would you go in the tree to lvl 100, if i don't have the means to get myself an atziri's reflection (i saw your character and the tree has changed with no sanctum of thought and all of that), i absolutely love this build, but i'm completely broke after buying all of the gear, that's why i was wondering who would you complete the tree.

Again thanks so much for the build, my ping is high so i always prefer to play totem builds and yours have been awesome for my playstile.

No problem!

I think if I were going to take the Kikazaru version of the build to 100 I'd probably just add Throatseeker to get to 99 and get the 15% Totem Placement Speed minor underneath Ancestral Bond to 100.
Killer build this may be my very first Level 100!
Just wanted to say thank you very much for the build!

Its been great to play, and your guide and video is really good, it got me to try the build. Killed Uber Elder quite easilly, really glad i followed this!

Thank you for this awesome build!

Very fun to play. 10/10

If we're using HH thus unable to take full Advantage of Atziri's Reflection would you recc. still using a rare shield with +1 Totem & two Kikizaru?
Ceveth เขียน:
If we're using HH thus unable to take full Advantage of Atziri's Reflection would you recc. still using a rare shield with +1 Totem & two Kikizaru?

Hm... to be honest I've never really thought about using a Headhunter with this build. My gut feeling is I'd not pair it with Atziri's Reflection but I'd have to really sit down in Path of Building and play with stuff.

Honestly I'd probably be more inclined to make a second character built specifically for Headhunter than to try and force it into this build.
Yeah, that's what I had done initially but I can't ~not~ play totems, my friends call it a sickness.
this build would still be good with a 5L Soul Mantle? Just remove added cold damage since it's the last gem recommended in the gem section?
HH version would be great :)
By far the best build I've played to date in terms of straight forward, amazing scaling from league start to endgame and DPS w/ survivability.



