[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Aillass เขียน:
Ikonicz เขียน:
Hey guys, so mim really needing some help with my build. Ive been doing good up to this point but feel like ive hit a wall and have no idea where to go. Im currently running about T10 maps, and trying to figure out what my best upgrade option is. I feel like all my gear is actually pretty decent and I should be melting these bosses but I'm really struggling and would appreciate some guidance on where to take my build from here. Any help or tip is appreciated!

A Drillneck costs a chaos and will give you about 15% more damage. Next upgrade should probably be a Circle of Nostalgia. Sin's Rebith is a strong and relatively cheap damage flask, that you can use for difficult bossfights.

I also noticed, that you didn't finish the Indomitable Spirit quest in act 4. So you are missing a skill point.

Hey thanks for taking a look and the tip. I'll check it out and hopefully it will help me a bit here.
I am liking the build but my gear isnt great and I am struggling a bit in red maps. How can I make this bow usable? Is there a "chaos regal" in harvest?
Thanks a lot for the build, its a great guide!
I have couple of questions, hope someone can help me out:

1. Crafted a bow but do not have free affix for chaos dot multiplier. Is it worth removing critical or blind affixes? Or worth removing at all?

2. I'm struggling a lot with keeping wither totems up. They die quickly, and it takes ages (2 casts) to get 3 of them. Any tips here?
sksbo เขียน:
Thanks a lot for the build, its a great guide!
I have couple of questions, hope someone can help me out:

1. Crafted a bow but do not have free affix for chaos dot multiplier. Is it worth removing critical or blind affixes? Or worth removing at all?

2. I'm struggling a lot with keeping wither totems up. They die quickly, and it takes ages (2 casts) to get 3 of them. Any tips here?

You don't really have to spam them all the time. For me, they're only usable on bosses, and it's not like you always have to put three of them down.

As for the bow - you can get 6% blind on a jewel, but you can't get 40% multiplier on them.
sksbo เขียน:
I'm struggling a lot with keeping wither totems up. They die quickly, and it takes ages (2 casts) to get 3 of them. Any tips here?
Flip spell totem and multi totem gems for 20% quality it increased the speed of putting totems down.
Remember to have withering step on your mouse 1 button. If you "touch" the boss while having it it will give 6 wither stacks to the boss.
What Circle of Nostalgia do we want, Buff effect and Chaos resistance?
dkowalch เขียน:
What Circle of Nostalgia do we want, Buff effect and Chaos resistance?

Buff effect and chaos damage
My builds:
My site:
Instead of Impresence, it's actually fairly easy to craft a better dps amulet if you want.

You need an Elder or Hunter amulet (Elder is easier to get the minimal setup, but hunter can get a bit stronger if you also hit +1 gem level. i'll continue this post assuming you want the easy mode)

For ilv you want 80 or 81. 81 makes a bit harder to craft, but if you happen to have 2 chaos targeted exalts it's a bit more damage. Anyways.

Use a Deafening essence of envy to give it 31-34 extra chaos damage. Now, maybe you already hit the T1 +chaos damage over time multiplier. In that case, congrats, you're a god gamer. For us plebs out there, you're gonna have to work for it.

And by work I mean just lucking up to 2 targeted chaos exalt from harvest. Once you do just slam that bad boy with the targeted chaos exalt. You will either hit chaos resist or +chaos damage over time, which together with the essence mod is stronger than impresence damage wise and doesn't cost 1EX min. If you don't hit T1 you gonna have to remove that bad boy and try again if you want (probably better to start again from scratch so you don't risk removing the essence mod), but even at the lowest roll it's still gonna be a DPS boost over almost anything, At ilv81 you may also get gain 3-5% non-chaos damage as extra chaos damage which does a little extra push, but it's a minimal bonus for possibly making it much harder to hit T1 chaos dot.

Then you finish off with the Adds (11–15) to (23–27) Chaos Damage to Attacks bench craft. And idk, +life exalt from harvest.

At the very least it's worth doing step one with the essences and leaving it on your stash until you get the targeted exalt.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย AdvancedWind#6876 เมื่อ 28 มิ.ย. 2020 22:19:16
So, im running with the main build and getting into T15/T16's and clearing maps is a breeze, but bosses are just terrible. Should i really be going divine fles and is that supposed to help somehow? I just dont see where else to go with this without dumping a bunch of ex to make this viable any further. This is only my second started build I've played i did cyclone in late delirium so im still trying to learn but really stuggling with this.



