[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
Hey man
I would like to league start with your build in 3.16 - therefore the question, do you plan on updating the guide/build and at which point? Thanks in advance. Cheers |
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" Taste of hate was a good reminder, we could add one of the #% of physical damage taken as [element/chaos] from one conquerors to the Grasping Mail chestpiece. This should assist a lot, with taken as chaos obviously being most effective combined with Divine Flesh. A similar mod could be added to the helmet. These would both be endgame crafts, I'd assume. Aside from that trying to get some source of Endurance charges should be good too, extra 12% physical damage reduction should be helpful. Enduring Composure was a good source, but atm there's not much room left for it. However I have checked the effectiviness of these mods using your PoB, these mods on the helmet and chest armour + endurance charges + Taste of Hate, bring effective physical health pool from 32k to 82k. Which is a significant increase. Nice improvement on the elemental effective health pools btw. I have been looking into Wind Dancer still, despite the damage taken increase. Wind Dancer's more evasion chance seems to offset the increase in damage taken. Though the notable is bugged in POB, still uses old Wind Dancer effect so you would have to add it in configuration as a custom effect. What do you think? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Cyander#0932 เมื่อ 19 ต.ค. 2021 12:09:18
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" I agree that the Phys as mods are a possibility. You lose your life roll on helmet, and would be an absolute pain to craft on chest but doable. I personally see the tradeoff of any of the currents flasks being swapped for Taste being worth it. There is too much lost for a slight gain in phys. As for endurance charges I thought the same thing, nice life regen, more res, phys reduction, great, but it's not something we can get realistically without dropping an anoint. Great ideas all around though! I didn't want to make drastic changes to the gear to keep it apples to apples as much as possible to deathbeam's POB, and hadn't even looked for those mods yet. |
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My knowledge of PoB is limited. Know a bit of the basics of build planning and such.
But I'm not sure - where does that 'Full DPS' stat come from? It has a poison DPS of 187k which I'm assuming is 1 single poison. It has a total DPS inc. poison of 2.0M which I think is based on a single poison x the max number of stacks (based on attack speed). So 187k*10.7=2M So where does that full DPS of 44 million come from? Is it a realistic number? how is it calculated? |
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Just want to make sure i'm not missing anything, it looks like the 32k effective physical hit pool doesn't take the 25% mitigation from ward into account, is that right?
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" Basically how scourge arrow works it that it fires multiple "pods" that each fire multiple "thorn arrows". This assume full "shotgun" on a single target (meaning every single projectile from every single pod and thorn arrow hits it). Is it realistic? I'm not sure haha, I would guess not, but the shotgunning is pretty efficient given the range on these arrows. What is NOT realistic is that the PoB sets plague bearer to "infecting" and focussed to true. both of these have around 50% uptime, so you definitely don't have both up at all times. without those its around 20M dps, which is still quite impressive. |
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" You are correct, the POB is setup in an absolute best case scenario. I kept using this scenario so people comparing my tree to deathbeam's could see the difference without any changes to configuration. Realistically with movement and everything else being "real world" this build probably looks more like 10-20m DPS which is still crazy good for everything in the game. As to where ward is being calced in to our EHP I honestly can't say. It doesn't show up under config so I would assume that there is that additional layer that is being added in off the paper. |
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Hows this build looking as a league starter so far? Do you think its worthwhile starting with it or should I try something else?
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Also all the PoBs have "focussed" selected which only has 33% uptime, and Withered should more realistically be around 12 not 15, Frenzy charges checked...etc.
Overall the damage is good but I think the level of gear even on the "starter" build is kinda high and also some of the options are definitely inflating things. The damage is really good even without inflated numbers. I think the realistic value of around 6-15m depending on gear (with 6m being moderate budget, definitely not starter) is pretty good. IGN: Dmillz แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Dmillz#6641 เมื่อ 19 ต.ค. 2021 13:06:46
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" I actually checked the math at one point. The Full DPS is assuming every arrow from your main attack+totem and their pods hits. This is obviously unlikely in most scenarios, but gives you an idea of the top DPS. This also assumes everything triggered like focus, infecting, 15 withered stacks, all curses active, blood rage active etc etc. Basically this is top dmg possible for a few seconds, which is fine as that is enough to kill most bosses below endgame. A bigger reminder is the POB DPS is a lie for poison as it assumes that you are spamming attacks until your first poison runs out, which is never true in practice. You can see this in the calc page in the "number of poisons" which is used as a multiplier. I would advise people focus more on how much each instance of poison does with a fully charged scourge arrow. |
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