[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play


What's the recommended levelling skills?

Imported the latest Pastebin but it only goes back to lvl 70, and I don't see anything else on the guide.

just go caustic -> TR selfcast + ballista and grab something like that https://pastebin.com/xRaxbfrP till you get poison stuff to respecc into SA or tornado shot for leveling
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vanderham#7973 เมื่อ 21 ต.ค. 2021 16:45:02
Patch notes got updated, and Survival Instincts' effect changed:
Survival Instincts: Now has "50% increased Flask Effect Duration" and "20% reduced Flask Charges Gained". It no longer grants +20 to Dexterity, or +6% to all Elemental Resistances. Existing items can be updated using a Divine Orb.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย SecretDragoon#3575 เมื่อ 21 ต.ค. 2021 19:37:32
SecretDragoon เขียน:
Patch notes got updated, and Survival Instincts' effect changed:
Survival Instincts: Now has "50% increased Flask Effect Duration" and "20% reduced Flask Charges Gained". It no longer grants +20 to Dexterity, or +6% to all Elemental Resistances. Existing items can be updated using a Divine Orb.

This is a buff? Just swap all flasks to "use when effect ends" hit flasks when you enter the map and you should have them all the way through. It may not be a direct buff in best case scenario but on things like Sirus you'll have more uptime.

Only other maybe one I see is Survival skills
-Survival Skills: Now has “Flasks gain 2 Charges when you hit a Non-Unique Enemy, no more than once per second” and “80% less Flask Charges gained from Kills”.

But I think instincts will still be the way to go
Quick math, even without Replenishing Remedies (or the cluster taken at all) we still have a net positive 45% flask charges gained. While GGG doesn't show the whole number it does track partial charges gained and so being below a flat +1 breakpoint to charges gained is fine. I think instincts is still the way to go, or if we find we are way over sustaining now we have room for a Watcher's eye.

What I will likely personally do is drop Replenishing Remedies, move the mastery point for 10% flask effect to the field medicine wheel, and take the jewel socket north of Blood Drinker. This nets +20 int, and provides us with a 4th jewel socket so we can have timeless, splinters, survival, and watcher's eye with Grace Spell suppression for tank, or a Malevolence mod for damage.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Baconade77#3678 เมื่อ 22 ต.ค. 2021 00:08:43
Thanks dude
So for new survival insticts and base flask duration changes, honestly, as baconade said it is a buff. Its quite hillarious ngl, like look at taste of hate for example, casual 20 second flask:

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Are the ward stuff necessary? Can i just go evasion based gear with Chaos dot multi? How much damage will I be losing if I go for the wardless version?
Z3los เขียน:
Are the ward stuff necessary? Can i just go evasion based gear with Chaos dot multi? How much damage will I be losing if I go for the wardless version?

At least 30%-40% of damage, depends. Because nothing is stopping you from grabbing the dot multis on wardgear as well as they are all suffixes right.
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Dmillz เขียน:
Which life flask mod are you talking about that doesn't stop at full life?

the new one that says "Recover an additional 40% of Life Recovery over 10 seconds if used while not on Full Life"
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Redwyne92#6467 เมื่อ 22 ต.ค. 2021 03:44:55



