Ahhhh... Game? This is happening when I put many mines to start a boss

โพสต์โดยLeandroHuz#0254เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2019 12:16:29
Can Pierce and Chain work in tandem? I thought you couldn't pierce if you chain, especially with Snakepit equipped...
โพสต์โดยDarkenX#3726เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2019 12:19:33
FedeS เขียน:
Memoria_Gaming เขียน:
That's what I meant, I swapped out Pierce with chain and went with Piercing shots instead, so it's a good idea :)
Ahh ok. I see you didn't update the PoB? Which nodes would you sacrifice in tree for those 3 extra for taking piercing shots? I didn't see you edited the gem links in the guide. Would you say swapping out pierce with chain is the *optimal* setup or just a different approach?
Also, you said you forgot about assassin mark on hit but you didn't update the guide with that either?
PoB updated. I'd sacrifice 1-2 life nodes or Destructive apparatus wheel.
zedzed_uk เขียน:
Memoria_Gaming เขียน:
That's what I meant, I swapped out Pierce with chain and went with Piercing shots instead, so it's a good idea :)
Hmmm. I'm just levelling at the moment (62) .. but the loss of the "Supported skills deal x% more damage" from the Pierce skill gem doesn't seem to be made up for by taking the Chain gem and Piercing Shots from the tree. Plus, you also lose 3 points from the tree.
The damage on the mine skill in PoE with chain (vs. Pierce) is definitely lower, and it feels like I have to throw more mines to take out mob packs.
I think you also lose 1 pierce (3 to 2) by using Piercing Shots from tree, but maybe when you get to end game and the damage is up at 500k+ or something perhaps chain works better? Plus ... my gear is garbage atm, but yeah, for me it's not worth it to use chain while levelling. Just FWIW.
While leveling I went pure dmg (Crit dmg and Crit strikes support), I only added piercing and later Chain when I had enough DPS.
DarkenX เขียน:
I hate to be the dumb one and ask this, buuuut...
Does this build absolutely demolish computers or is this a safe(r) option for those interested in trying mines out? Pyroclast looks like it would melt my PC in a heartbeat, but Icicle seems like a fun way to get into it...
Edit: Also, is the PoB link to a completed tree? Mine pops up with only 60 points.
Blighted maps it was a bit laggy but overall quite ok.
There should be 20/40/60pts and full tree if you click the scroll list where it says 60 points.
diem4801 เขียน:
Same doubt. You actually lose 2 pierce, not 1 (pierce support gem gives +4)
Quite frankly I don't know why they're running chain and Pierce, you use one or the other, not both.
Like I said I'm only running the Pierce talent, and with the extra support gem I'm clearing stuff extremely fast, and my gear isn't even optimal.
I'll be removing Pierce once I get gloomfang and the chain ring, but only then. With the amount of projectiles that go off there won't be a need for Pierce.
Edit: Ok just got Gloomfang + Snakepit and placed chain into my 6L and removed Pierce in my tree. I can say without a doubt that chain with this setup is far superior to Pierce. I am melting multiple screens with one detonate, including enemies around corners, and the enemies can't even take a step outside of their blight portals.
I don't see why you can't go chain and pierce, if you have for example 2 pierced targets, then on the third one you will chain. The Gloomfang/Snakepit combo sounds interesting.
Erichan เขียน:
Hi, been playing this build as a league starter and I must say it's hella fun. You guide has been very helpful in getting items as you've provided ideal stats.
Here's my gear so far:
It's far from perfect as my anointment needs to be changed but I don't know which, any tips? Also need to find better rings and boots. Just good Shaped gear is expensive and not at lot avaliable at the moment at reasonable prices. I managed to find and 6l the Eternity which helped a ton in costs.
Also I'm considering dropping the Diamond Flask for something a bit more defensive, I don't wish to use Wise Oak as I'd need a Warding replacement and if I'm honest I can't be asked with balancing resists. Thinking either a Jade or Granite.
Many thanks,
Appreciate that you like the build.
For annointments I would go either of these, depending on your oils/currency since the gold oil is pretty expensive:
Flash Freeze
Heart of the Warrior
Golem's Blood
Thick Skin
Either Jade or Granite is fine, if physical dmg is what kills you then go Granite.
devilkid2602 เขียน:
Why we have to use mod gain elemental as chaos damage! Is it important?
Can i build with pure cold ?
Ele as chaos provides a really good dmg boost, but ofc you can go pure cold if you're on a budget.
โพสต์โดยMemoria_Gaming#6536เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2019 12:22:17
I don't see why you can't go chain and pierce, if you have for example 2 pierced targets, then on the third one you will chain. The Gloomfang/Snakepit combo sounds interesting
You can do both, but why? They effectively have the same purpose, the downside with chain support is that it innately deals less damage.
So looking at your new POB build, your using 3 passive points to get pierce, and your using chain which negates two of the points. If you switched out chain for pretty much any other support gem your DPS goes up at least 30% (elemental focus says 70%!).
I think you either go all in on chain or pierce not both. If you go chain, then youd have 3 extra points to play around with.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย diem4801#7747 เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2019 14:59:29
โพสต์โดยdiem4801#7747เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2019 14:05:17
diem4801 เขียน:
I don't see why you can't go chain and pierce, if you have for example 2 pierced targets, then on the third one you will chain. The Gloomfang/Snakepit combo sounds interesting
You can do both, but why? They effectively have the same purpose, the downside with chain support is that it innately deals less damage.
So looking at your new POB build, your using 3 passive points to get pierce, and your using chain which negates two of the points. If you switched out chain for pretty much any other support gem your DPS goes up at least 30% (elemental focus says 70%!).
I think you either go all in on chain or pierce not both. If you go chain, then youd have 3 extra points to play around with.
So, how would one attain Chain, aside from items, if they were to invest in that without the Support gem?
โพสต์โดยDarkenX#3726เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2019 14:23:08
So, how would one attain Chain, aside from items, if they were to invest in that without the Support gem?
Sorry if I wasn't clear, I meant that if you want to use Chain then yes, you would use the support skill. Other than that and items, the only other way I know you can chain is with the Deadeye Ascension, which we can't do since we're Shadows :D.
My point was that you'd be losing out on a big chunk of DPS by using pierce and chain together.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย diem4801#7747 เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2019 15:21:26
โพสต์โดยdiem4801#7747เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2019 15:15:27
How is it a loss by using both? Just curious if you have a better idea for those 3 points being used in gaining the Pierce talent, or if it's more of a generalization that something more COULD be gained with them instead of it.
I've heard the Deadeye version is great for Chaining, but I'm curious if the Shadow/Sab can work just as effectively with just those items +/- the support gem.
โพสต์โดยDarkenX#3726เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2019 15:32:38
Memoria_Gaming เขียน:
PoB Updated.
Added Assassin's mark ring
Changed from Pierce to Chain
Added Piercing shots on tree
Added bonechill as an option together with Skitterbots (Will reserve more mana)
I ran with Pierce in the start but as my DPS increased I could go Pierce talent and pick Chain gem instead and still have plenty of DPS (still lower) and better clear.
Hey Memoria, one question.
Why do you have 2 CWDT + IC setups, one at lower level (which makes sense) but one at higher level.
โพสต์โดยimRadial#5438เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2019 16:31:50
DarkenX เขียน:
How is it a loss by using both? Just curious if you have a better idea for those 3 points being used in gaining the Pierce talent, or if it's more of a generalization that something more COULD be gained with them instead of it.
I've heard the Deadeye version is great for Chaining, but I'm curious if the Shadow/Sab can work just as effectively with just those items +/- the support gem.
Well with the Pierce talent, the two points before it are +10% dmg, chain skill reduces dmg from 30%-11% depending on it's level, so right there it's a loss, you're basically wasting two passive points for the Pierce talent.
As for where to spend the three extra points, right off the top of my head would be to get the jewel right below it.
Like I said before, I haven't followed this guide 100%, I didn't go over into the templar tree (stopped at witch) and instead went into the Ranger one which has allowed me to get evasion/health nodes, Efficient Explosives, and I'll be able to grab True strike.
Regardless of my changes though, I have found that 4 chains is blowing pierce out of the water. Deadeye would of course do more damage, but I think the defensive aspect of saboteur makes up for the lost damage.
โพสต์โดยdiem4801#7747เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2019 16:43:50
How do u run Cursed maps? Like Temp Chains. The Warding on the Mana flask is instant.
โพสต์โดยimRadial#5438เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2019 17:06:04