3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Spirit offering grants Resistances and offense. Bone oFfering grants Block defense and Life Regen. Up to you really. Actually, Flesh Offering might be the best of all Offerings while levelling. Later, once you only rely on Zombies, not being able to resummon them in battle....then, pick one of the first two for their (and your) survivability.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ArisFuser#6403 เมื่อ 11 มี.ค. 2020 05:43:05
Aldora_the_Summoner เขียน:
That's a great statement and particularly resonates with me personally. I'm not a top tier player and never will be. I plod along and play the game, but the whole speed meta just grates for me.

To my mind this is the biggest issue with PoE. The min/max gurus who play the speed game can accrue great amounts of currency and invest massively into a build to make it near god tier. This is only a relatively small group of players though.

Yes, yes, and yes, and I wish the crowds of people celebrating the "death" of Necromancers realized that. PoE is incredibly inaccessible to people with full time jobs and chores and other hobbies, and there being easier builds that work with cheaper gear mitigates that, allowing more people to play the game without preventing people who want to do non-meta builds to do so.

But tell that to people and they'll get angry, spouting elitist nonsense about how "filthy casuals" are not allowed to have fun like they do. Why would you want the game to attract more people and grow, right?

Surprisingly, though, from what I've seen, GGG tends to cater to that public in their balancing. Everyone is having fun with necromancers, so instead of buffing other builds to make them more fun, they nerf necros to try and bring them to the level of miserable everyone else has. That's... not a great way to keep a player base.

Anyway, I'm not leaving... yet. I promised myself I'd try this build this league, and only this build. I'm waiting anxiously for the updated post.
i am a bit confuse on your tree skill in the 60-80 lvl you have totaly difrent use of th epoints from the ree level in 80-123 .For example skill tha you have klik in the 60-80 link you dont have them in 80-1123453 link what that mean that we refund points and change the setup???
ArisFuser เขียน:
Timbo Zero เขียน:
ArisFuser เขียน:
Levelling is SO easy. Just SRS+Skellies both in 2B+1R should do the trick while levelling up zombies gem a bit. Zombies are a pain until they get some minion life nodes and levels. I´d say until level 24-30.

Good news, but for those of us with less IQ points than challenges completed, would you care to expand on this a little ?

Levels 4-12 Get 2B+1R Staff and 2B+1R Chest/Boots/Helmet or (preferably)Wand 1R+2B and Shield, so that you can have:

A-Minion damage, Melee splash, Summon Raging spirit

B-Minion damage, Melee splash, Summon Skeletons

If you cannot get a 2B+1R and can get a 3B item somewhere...

Minion damage, Infernal Legion, Summon Raging spirit


Minion damage, Infernal Legion, Summon Skeletons

Meanwhile, level up Raise Zombie gem elsewhere.

Thank you, bookmarked :)
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
thiseus เขียน:
i am a bit confuse on your tree skill in the 60-80 lvl you have totaly difrent use of th epoints from the ree level in 80-123 .For example skill tha you have klik in the 60-80 link you dont have them in 80-1123453 link what that mean that we refund points and change the setup???

Yes, because as you approach end game you want to annoint Death Attunement on your amulet, so you no longer need to path to it. It's written in that section of the guide.
I am unable to calculate all losses but the geofrys set up in standard, provided you have shapers and baron already seems to be 'ok' if you swap out blasphemy and vulnerability for purity of elements and vaal haste. You still lose a zombie but it compensates for resist all loss and dps drop from this change alone before other nerfs is about 15% (which is alot but i was getting over 2.5mil dps from zombies alone before so fair enough i guess)
Tried running Aul's but the extra strength from astramentis is still better than having hatred or any other aura i could slot in.

Feel free to offer alternatives for us standard players that don't want to lose our build as i have put close to 400 hours and about a mirror into it.

*pastebin of build idea, does not show nerfs (lvl 100 only because it's where i was looking to go)

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Rorschach393#3546 เมื่อ 11 มี.ค. 2020 07:03:38
Regarding Leveling: Maybe take the close left part upwards in the beginning, with the minion life / minion dmg / ES nodes upwards, then turn left?
EARLY levelling plan:

Ya, I know, I suggest to take the longer path to the right upwards to mitigate Skeleton nerf a bit.
ArisFuser เขียน:
EARLY levelling plan:

for people who understand game better than me is it better to grab enduring bond than golem commander? especially after nerfs, not sure what would provide overall better dps as POB doesn't seem to add golem damage (unless im using it wrong which i probably am)



