[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

Hey, Can anyone take a look at my char and help me out why can't I turn on a lvl 1 clarity?
sn3kox เขียน:
Is the increased effect of non-damaging ailments mandatory on boots ?.

No not at all.
nicquehen เขียน:
SSF lv 96

going well here progression is great.
FArming the offering card (3/8) for a shav

Looking good!
Infarkt เขียน:
Sorry to bother u again,
but there is another question:

U prefer AWA Lightning Pen as 6th gem, right?
Is it the best choice?

Because AWA Added Light has the +1 to gems and gives me more dps in PoB.
Also Empower gives me more dps in PoB.
And even better, AWA Ele Focus gives much more dps in PoB.

Does PoB not calculate the PEN correctly?
Or is there smth i miss?

Pob can calculate pen correct, but it doesn’t do it by default. It thinks all mobs have zero resists by default which isn’t true.

Depending on gear, awakened added light can be better, ele focus will always be more dps, but you lose the ability to ignite and lose 35 crit multi so you will have to take that into account.
sn3kox เขียน:
how about this wand ?
Rarity: Rare
Skull Song
Imbued Wand
Physical Damage: 28-53
Critical Strike Chance: 7.00%
Attacks per Second: 1.50
Level: 59
Int: 188
Sockets: B-B-B
Item Level: 77
37% increased Spell Damage (implicit)
70% increased Spell Damage
14% increased Cast Speed
59% increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
+1 to Level of all Spell Skill Gems
+3 Life gained for each Enemy hit by Attacks
Gain 5% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
Adds 8 to 111 Lightning Damage to Spells (crafted)
Note: ~price 7 exa

That’s a pretty nice one
Kalithas เขียน:
Hey, Can anyone take a look at my char and help me out why can't I turn on a lvl 1 clarity?

Missing mana reservation nodes.
is it worth buying it ? will it increase damage by alot ?.
is it worth buying it ? will it increase damage by alot ?.
Hi BeerLeague, I know most of the equipment I have on is not anything new to you but I was wondering if you could provide any advice or tips on min-maxing the character via gear and any other factors (e.g. getting a bottled faith, better wand/helm craft, etc).

Your guide is extremely thorough and for my first time playing as a BL miner I am having a blast. Looking forward to any response you are able to provide!

Referring to the discussion Aw. Added Lightning vs Aw. Lightning Pen. I used both (Aw. Added Lightning 5/20 and Aw. Lightning Pen 4/20) and subjectively at this point (16% Ele Pen from High Explosives combined with Heart of Thunder), Aw. Lightning Pen felt a lot stronger on bosses and in Red Tier maps. In HO my avg BL Dps went down from 32k to 24k but overall it feels a lot stronger. I guess this will change as soon as i get 10% pen enchant and the 5% pen Cluster Jewel.



